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So what band wants to play July 9th in Natick?

[Jul 1,2005 4:15pm - blue ""]
[Jul 1,2005 4:27pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i heard Extreme was lookin for gigs.

Damage Plan would, but theres a hole in thier line up, well, a few i guess.

[Jul 1,2005 4:30pm - alisterfiend ""]
bad joke keith!
[Jul 1,2005 4:51pm - brian_dc ""]
Dour Cursiva? seriously, can we play Blue?...I'll bring some sort of baked good if I have to.
[Jul 1,2005 5:27pm - blue ""]
baked good? like weed?
[Jul 1,2005 5:29pm - brian_dc ""]
well, that's not really my thing, but I can have someone hook it up? I have a history of bringing cookies and cakes to shows...you were at the Prov. American Legion show...cake all over the ground and such.
[Jul 1,2005 5:29pm - brian_dc ""]
but yeah...I'll totally bring weed if I have to
[Jul 1,2005 5:30pm - blue ""]
LOL. im not serious. but show up, tell that kenny kid you guys are playing. hell believe you.
[Jul 1,2005 5:31pm - brian_dc ""]
fine, no weed...is that really all we have to do?...you mean we could've played the notDespised Icon show on wednesday...oops
[Jul 1,2005 5:34pm - blue ""]
email lanningkenneth@yahoo.com and tell him youd like to play.
[Jul 1,2005 5:39pm - brian_dc nli  ""]
thank you blue
[Jul 1,2005 5:49pm - ATNFAC_Vokillz ""]
CAN WE PLAY TOO? CAN WE PLAY TOO? damn lack of being able to read preventing me from being quicker off the mark.
[Jul 1,2005 6:11pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
hey hey hey who said they didn't have to bring weed, i want free smoke !
[Jul 1,2005 6:32pm - brian_dc ""]
who knows, maybe there will be free smoke...I don't know what the weed smoking members of my bands are up to.
[Jul 1,2005 6:35pm - blue ""]
brian_dc said:who knows, maybe there will be free smoke...I don't know what the weed smoking members of my bands are up to.

tell them if they want to play they gots to burn me down, yo.
[Jul 1,2005 6:36pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
blue said:brian_dc said:who knows, maybe there will be free smoke...I don't know what the weed smoking members of my bands are up to.

tell them if they want to play they gots to burn me down, yo.

haha fire it up, fire it up :spineyes:
[Jul 1,2005 8:04pm - powerkok ""]
pass that shit this way.....
by this way, I mean Concord NH.
[Jul 1,2005 8:31pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
still looking for a band?
[Jul 1,2005 10:19pm - danny p nli  ""]
prepare to not get paid....
[Jul 1,2005 11:06pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
danny p nli said:prepare to not get paid....

I 2nd that

[Jul 1,2005 11:19pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
hey i'm just happy to be playing the town i grew up in and hanging out with some friends, it sucks not getting paid but whatever. my mother worked at this bar from the time i was 15 - 19 so i know most of the drunks in there and can probably get drunk for free. go me wooo hoo !
[Jul 1,2005 11:23pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:hey i'm just happy to be playing the town i grew up in and hanging out with some friends, it sucks not getting paid but whatever. my mother worked at this bar from the time i was 15 - 19 so i know most of the drunks in there and can probably get drunk for free. go me wooo hoo !

I 2nd that too. Played there a few months ago, good time, cheap beer, Just didn't get paid. still fun though
[Jul 2,2005 12:16am - danny p nli  ""]
thatd be cool if i lived there, it sucks because im commuting from northern nh to play. haha, obviously i dont care that much because im still doing it. but a lil scrape for gas would be nice
[Jul 2,2005 12:18am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
danny p nli said:thatd be cool if i lived there, it sucks because im commuting from northern nh to play. haha, obviously i dont care that much because im still doing it. but a lil scrape for gas would be nice

well i think everyone should find Kenny during the last band to make sure he doesn't run out with the cash. i think giving every band 20/30 bucks isn't that hard. just my opinion but what do i know
[Jul 2,2005 2:50am - cav  ""]
sweet nuggety nugs
[Jul 2,2005 5:56am - DEATH2ALL ""]
I hear he wouldn't pay his headliner $20.00 a couple nights ago. You guys should demand $$$ upfront. That way if he don't pay, he don't get paid.
[Jul 2,2005 6:07pm - Aegathis ""]
Aegathis nli said:still looking for a band?

[Jul 2,2005 6:24pm - ATNFAC_Vokillz ""]
hey are band still needed for this or is DC confirmed? because if they cant do it, ATNFAC will do it
[Jul 2,2005 8:49pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
Im trying to figure this out as well
[Jul 2,2005 8:52pm - blue ""]
dude, i already told you guys, email lanningkenneth@yahoo.com.
[Jul 2,2005 10:15pm - PatMeebles ""]
I emailed the guy, thinking it was you. Well, now he's going to wonder where the hell I got his email address from.
[Jul 2,2005 10:20pm - blue ""]
oh great.
[Jul 2,2005 11:20pm - brian_dc ""]
he hasn't gotten back to us...probably because he hasn't heard of us...or he's drunk...whatever...we'd really like to play...frustrating being a newer band, some places won't book us because of it, won't let us book because of it, and then stuff like this...whine whine whine...I'm working 8billiion hours this week and I'm taking it off on everyone ever
[Jul 3,2005 2:32am - RichHorror ""]
Where have you tried booking? Shred has/had never heard of either me or my shitty band, and he's let me book two shows already.

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