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gold and silver tequila

[Jul 20,2005 4:44pm - succubus ""]
ok so i went to thew liquor store on my way home..they had the cheap tequile for $10,99 on sale with margarita mix...then i saw the good kind on sale for $20,99 and opted for that one....question however...for the pricier kind they had silver (see through) i chose that one..and they also had the gold one, both same price...

what's the diff..anyone?

i asked the girl when i bought it and she had no clue then i called aaron and asked him....he didn't know

[Jul 20,2005 4:48pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
no idea, i dont drink tequila or margaritas
[Jul 20,2005 4:55pm - paganmegan ""]
They taste basically the same, just manufactured with or without the coloring
The only real difference that occurs with tequila is from the cheap stuff to the expensive
[Jul 20,2005 5:10pm - degenerate bastard  ""]
sounds like your in a quervo tequila situation ? thier is three diferent kinds of tequila. silver , aneo , reposado ,repesodo being real dark i like aneo for margaritas but reposado for drinking straight and silver is just a little strong tasteing in my eyes but every bodys got different taste buds . the diferent tequilas are distilled in barrel\'s sum for months sum for years .the real good shit are distilled in fine oak barrel\'s for like 10 years in room temp . thier are probably 300 to 400 diferent tequilas out thier and quarvo is probably the worst out of all . they did real good with addvertizments though .
[Jul 20,2005 5:12pm - degenerate bastard  ""]
i spelt anejo wrong so sorry.
[Jul 20,2005 5:15pm - succubus ""]
it says 1800 silver tequila reserva 100% de agave 40% alc.

i'm trying to find a pic but can't...

[Jul 20,2005 5:16pm - succubus ""]
degenerate bastard said:i spelt anejo wrong so sorry.

ok so when i go back tomorrow..look for that word .. this bottle is small and won't last too long!

[Jul 20,2005 5:18pm - succubus ""]
[img]except i got the white one
[Jul 20,2005 5:23pm - degenerate bastard  ""]
definately the best quarvo under 100$ oh yeah girls on tequila = girls getting dun !!!!!
[Jul 20,2005 5:38pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
they use the clear tequila to mix drinks a lot so it doesn't change the color of, say, a margarita. that's about it.

i LOVE tequila. I'm going to go buy some soon.
[Jul 20,2005 6:09pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
I love tequila. I hate Quervo.

The best tequila for any amount of money is Cabo Wabo. Depending on where you get it the Blanco (silver) will cost from $37.99 to $45.99. The respado will be around $49.99 to $59.99 and the Anejo at about $55.99 to $69.99.

The color as someone already stated has to do with the aging process. http://www.cabowabo.com/cwt/production.php...ID=79c07a659ab1d0ded0b901ffddcefb7c The respado and anejo have a bolder taste than the blanco. The biggest difference as somone also stated is the cheap shit from the good shit. Quervo is still the cheap shit.

Other good tequilas beside Cabo Wabo include Milagro, Don Philipe's El Tesoro, Chinaco, Corallejo. If you have to get cheap tequila Sauzo Hornito is way better than Quervo
[Jul 21,2005 9:07am - succubus ""]
the quervo was cheap..good thing i didn't get it then...i was going to go to a show tonight but now i think i'm gonna stop at the store and buy some more and then go home and drink
go me
[Jul 21,2005 9:11am - Josh_hates_you ""]
succubus said:i was going to go to a show tonight but now i think i'm gonna stop at the store and buy some more and then go home and drink
go me


[Jul 21,2005 9:31am - succubus ""]
i blame you josh!
[Jul 21,2005 9:33am - Josh_hates_you ""]
Try the Cabo.
[Jul 21,2005 9:37am - succubus ""]
i will
is that marketed by Sammy Hagar btw?
i thought i remembered him promoting it like it was his product..though maybe it's just something served in his restaurants..i dunno...
[Jul 21,2005 9:38am - the_reverend ""]
I think I need a shot of this.
[Jul 21,2005 9:39am - dwellingsickness ""]
Yes it is Sammy's Tequila,He owns the company
[Jul 21,2005 9:40am - succubus ""]
ok that's what i thought...i'll def get some of it! and then aaron can get a shot (or more) of it...
[Jul 21,2005 10:08am - DavidFromTheGravid ""]
[Jul 21,2005 10:33am - succubus ""]
[Jul 23,2005 5:30pm - succubus ""]
i bought a lot of tequila and spent a boatload

i guess rev and i will get loaded!
[Jul 23,2005 8:15pm - grundlegremlin ""]
I like the taste of silver....haha
[Jul 24,2005 8:54am - succubus ""]
DavidFromTheGravid said:.
who is this?

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