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im a torrent n00b

[Jul 27,2005 1:18pm - exhumed4death ""]
alright, i just started using this bittorrent thing. i just finished downloading ghost reveries and now it says share ratio 20% will seed for 3 hours or so. so my next file is waiting and my question is do i have to wait those few hours before my next file can start downloading?
[Jul 27,2005 1:42pm - exhumed4death ""]
bump/additional request for assistance
[Jul 27,2005 3:01pm - davefromthegrave ""]
you can have as many torrents running at one time as your computer can handle, but you only have so much bandwidth, so the fewer you have running at any one time, the faster it will complete.

I don't remember how the original bittorent client works, i.e whether or not it allows multiple simultaneous torrents, since I haven't used it in over a year, I currently use bit tornado. If you know of anything better than that, let me know about it.
[Jul 27,2005 3:07pm - RustedAngel ""]
bittorrent is gay.
[Jul 27,2005 3:20pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
What do you use? I think bittorrent is the best thing out there right now.

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