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Video: ok, this is the most fucked up video ever.. I don't even know what is going on

[Aug 10,2005 3:14pm - the_reverend ""]

anorexia is a horrid thing.
[Aug 10,2005 3:20pm - michael jackson  ""]
that was the scariest fucking thing i've ever seen! when she comes closer and closer to the camera...oh man, nightmares!
[Aug 10,2005 3:21pm - thedeparted ""]
wow, that was the crazziest thing,
ive seen, in a long time...im not sure how to feel after that heh
[Aug 10,2005 3:22pm - ~Carina~  ""]
will it make me want to stop eating?
[Aug 10,2005 3:26pm - ryan from HBBSI never logs in  ""]
is she a kid or an adult? thats fucked up
[Aug 10,2005 3:28pm - thedeparted ""]
i think an adult....its pretty messed up
[Aug 10,2005 3:29pm - DomesticTerror ""]
ugh...why haven't i learned by now?
[Aug 10,2005 3:32pm - ryan from HBBSI never logs in  ""]
some should just straight up shoot her. what a waste of flesh
[Aug 10,2005 3:40pm - ~Carina~  ""]
i can't wait to see this now...
[Aug 10,2005 4:11pm - succubus ""]
ok i just saw it and you guys are mean!

she's NOT anorexic...

she has polio!

and she always wanted to be famous...she's done other videos too

[Aug 10,2005 4:13pm - succubus ""]
she/he is also transgendered...there are wackier videos too but don't ask me to look for any
[Aug 10,2005 4:14pm - ryan from HBBSI never logs in  ""]
yeah now im an asshole. lifes a bitch eh?
[Aug 10,2005 4:15pm - succubus ""]
being an asshole is one of the prerequisites to post on this board
[Aug 10,2005 4:16pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 10,2005 6:44pm - john wayne's ghost  ""]
those are fine, boots, little lady *tips hat, grins*
[Aug 10,2005 7:22pm - Defnasty ""]
she went on tour with Marylin Manson
[Aug 10,2005 10:26pm - yodaslab  ""]
she should be in the next house of 1000 corpses movie hahah, damn man she needs a big mac, and fast !!!
[Aug 10,2005 10:39pm - Dissector ""]
Can somebody explain what it is? I'm not at my house and I don't want to open it if it's too bad.
[Aug 10,2005 11:02pm - thedeparted ""]
its not bad at all, its just some lady
apprently with polio, who tap dances
although she looks anerxic
[Aug 10,2005 11:46pm - timma ""]
[Aug 11,2005 12:34am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
this is also fucked: http://www.big-boys.com/articles/coyote1.html
[Aug 11,2005 1:37pm - Dissector ""]
That was so incredibly creepy. Wow.

But it was pretty funny because the audio on my computer was off and I was listening to Autopsy.
[Aug 11,2005 1:41pm - Dissector ""]
Where can I see the transgenered part?
[Aug 11,2005 1:42pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i was eating when i clicked on that link...im no longer eating

the end was fuckin nuts...she looked like a damn zombie
[Aug 11,2005 1:43pm - thedeparted ""]
hah, i friggen knew it
[Aug 11,2005 1:44pm - Dissector ""]
Yeah that last thing with her walking was just so creepy she looked like the living dead.
[Aug 11,2005 1:47pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
[Aug 11,2005 1:51pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
she also models for jp witkin
[Aug 14,2005 1:23pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
hahaha i was listening to bill haley while i watched it, and i almost peed myself.
[Aug 14,2005 1:30pm - ol no. 7  ""]
jesus christ that shit is fucked. i think that ruined my day
[Aug 14,2005 1:36pm - wade ""]
dan_bloodblister said:she also models for jp witkin

THERE'S an interesting dude.

[Aug 14,2005 1:38pm - wade ""]
Defnasty said:she went on tour with Marylin Manson

didn't that tall dude that just died have some involvement with Marilyn Manson, too? Matt McGrory or something?

[Aug 14,2005 1:39pm - wade ""]
this video didn't really bother me to tell you the truth. it's just exploitative, even if self-exploitative...
[Aug 14,2005 2:33pm - the_reverend ""]
his art works are really cool
[Aug 15,2005 2:48am - Dissector ""]
I still want proof that it's transgender.
[Aug 15,2005 3:13am - blue ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:this is also fucked: http://www.big-boys.com/articles/coyote1.html

that thing made me laugh so freaking hard.
[Aug 15,2005 8:54am - the_reverend ""]
what kind of proof to you need?
or want..
[Aug 15,2005 8:59am - ~Carina~  ""]
actually i don't think there is any...i don't think she went that far if i recall

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