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[Aug 11,2005 12:02am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Aug 11,2005 12:04am - davefromthegrave ""]
cut deeper, you fat androgynous fuck
[Aug 11,2005 12:05am - KeithMutiny ""]
thats a fake knife, how gay, this picture would be better if he were already dead.
[Aug 11,2005 12:06am - anonymous  ""]
its joe christianni's new girlfriend
[Aug 11,2005 12:07am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
you guys don't like Nightwish??
[Aug 11,2005 12:14am - thedeparted ""]
haha how can people honestly look at themselves like that
[Aug 11,2005 12:49am - powerkok ""]
Someone tell that retard its 'down the road' not 'across the street'

pfff cant even correctly suicide.
[Aug 11,2005 12:49am - powerkok ""]
thedeparted said:haha how can people honestly look at themselves like that

[Aug 11,2005 5:00pm - PRICK  ""]
That guy looks gayer than a white guy with dreads.
[Aug 11,2005 5:34pm - anonymous  ""]
and he sucks at putting on lipstick....why did he bother with it? it just comes off when ya suck dick anyways.
[Aug 11,2005 5:35pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
umm is that a plastic knife?
[Aug 11,2005 5:41pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
hahaha whoa, kill your local mall goth
[Aug 11,2005 5:45pm - succubus ""]
nic, yer in trouble..you flagged this as news....don't do that unless it's really news because aaron keeps track of all that and posts news in the newsletter...
[Aug 11,2005 6:20pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Forget the dumb kid, I can't stop staring at how horrible the singer from Nightwish looks on that shirt. I think they copy/pasted her face onto another body, or at least spent 30 useless hours of bad photoshopping on it.
[Aug 11,2005 7:45pm - Rapcore is gay.  ""]
I just saw the gayest guy on earth.
I just saw the gayest guy on earth.
[Aug 11,2005 9:45pm - kidinthepicture  ""]
oh my goth guys. today was like tottally the end....my llife is withered...my soul is dry, my parents totally dont get me. they dont want me shopping at hot topic anymore.
[Aug 11,2005 9:47pm - anonymous  ""]
kidinthepicture said:oh my goth guys. today was like tottally the end....my llife is withered...my soul is dry, my parents totally dont get me. they dont want me shopping at hot topic anymore.

i really hope your joking
[Aug 11,2005 9:48pm - kidinthepicture  ""]
no..i am totally serious.
[Aug 11,2005 9:48pm - kidinthepicture  ""]
touch hole
[Aug 11,2005 9:50pm - anonymous  ""]
if your the kid in that picture i dont blame your parents i would send you to military school pronto if i was your dad i would probably attempt to slap the gay off you
[Aug 11,2005 9:51pm - kidinthepicture  ""]
if i was you i would not take things so literally
[Aug 11,2005 9:51pm - kidinthepicture  ""]
obviously i am not the kid in the photo.
[Aug 11,2005 9:52pm - anonymous  ""]
thats what i thought but you gotta admit that kids not making things any easier on himself
[Aug 11,2005 9:52pm - kidinthepicture  ""]
i am just jerking off to it and imagining that i am shooting it all over you anonymous
[Aug 11,2005 9:53pm - kidinthepicture  ""]
no, he is pretty gay
[Aug 11,2005 9:53pm - anonymous  ""]
ha ha ha maybe you should go to military school to?
[Aug 11,2005 9:54pm - kidinthepicture  ""]
i tried but they kicked me out for naked pillow fights
[Aug 11,2005 9:56pm - anonymous  ""]
i hear theres alot of that going on these days
[Aug 11,2005 10:00pm - malettey ""]
nightwish sucks
[Aug 11,2005 10:03pm - anonymous  ""]
everything sucks
[Aug 11,2005 11:51pm - pre-school race war  ""]
he has the sharp part of the knife turned away from his wrist If your going to kill yourself do it correctly
[Aug 11,2005 11:58pm - Kalopsia ""]
it's amazing how he acts suicidal yet he's wearing a shirt of a band that writes beautiful music with songs about fairytales

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