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Mouth of the Architect

[Aug 11,2005 12:26pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
I'm probably booking this show in October. I haven't done a show since my 18th birthday and it flopped hardcore, so i'm alittle worried. can I get a roll call of who would come.
[Aug 11,2005 12:28pm - hunterhunter ""]
[Aug 11,2005 12:28pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Their record is superb, I would be glad to attend.
[Aug 11,2005 12:43pm - the_reverend ""]
me too, but I don't count.
[Aug 11,2005 12:43pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
it's gonna be in the Boston area. it's looking like All Asia right now.
[Aug 11,2005 12:44pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
rev knows he gets in free. lol.
[Aug 11,2005 12:55pm - doortop ""]
I'll be there, that band is all kinds of amazing.
[Aug 11,2005 9:35pm - tyag  ""]
sweet dev
[Aug 11,2005 10:39pm - blue ""]
mota is amazing. ill be honest though, if its at all asia it probably wont do that well.
[Aug 11,2005 10:47pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
attendmyrequiem said:I'm probably booking this show in October. I haven't done a show since my 18th birthday and it flopped hardcore, so i'm alittle worried. can I get a roll call of who would come.

dammit first Greggs and now you steal this one from me too, son of a bitch. :moe:
[Aug 12,2005 1:25am - attendmyrequiem ""]
well it's either me or at great scott's. obviously great scotts is choise a
[Aug 12,2005 2:25am - RichHorror ""]
Who else would be on the bill?
[Aug 12,2005 2:35am - attendmyrequiem ""]
it depends... if great scotts ends up doing i have no control. if i do it...i'd like to get a few bands taht could draw in some kids.
[Aug 12,2005 2:59am - RichHorror ""]
Great Scott's won't just give you a night and let you book whoever you see fit? Lame. Why not do it at O'Briens if that's the case?
[Aug 12,2005 3:02am - attendmyrequiem ""]
RichHorror said:Great Scott's won't just give you a night and let you book whoever you see fit? Lame. Why not do it at O'Briens if that's the case?

I'm not 21. and for the most part all the kids I know who are going to be coming aren't 21 either.
[Aug 12,2005 3:08am - RichHorror ""]
Oh, hence the O'Briens doing 18+ sho-- Ahh.
[Aug 12,2005 3:10am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i still want on, i fucking love this band and emailed them about setting shows in pvd and boston...but was beaten out by TNC in pvd and now looks like you got the boston show. so please throw us on, i dont care if we open the show !
[Aug 12,2005 10:56am - tyag  ""]
good luck dev... drop me a line if you get things rolling... maybe I'll head up to the show with you if its 18+. hopefully everything works out.

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