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Another Myspace victim?

[Aug 11,2005 5:02pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
this is so sad

[Aug 11,2005 5:09pm - dreadkill ""]
it's weird to see all the power metal and bands like necrophagist and cryptopsy mixed in with all the other gay bands he listens to.
[Aug 11,2005 5:10pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
dreadkill said:it's weird to see all the power metal and bands like necrophagist and cryptopsy mixed in with all the other gay bands he listens to.

Yeah I know, I wonder if he even listens to them
[Aug 11,2005 5:10pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
he doesnt listen to that shit, he just wants to look all extreme. and with the dragonforce thing, hes being ironic.

i with 100% of my being wish death upon anyone who likes things ironicly
[Aug 11,2005 6:27pm - Kalopsia ""]
at least he's honest with himself
[Aug 11,2005 6:29pm - davefromthegrave ""]
that's the hair of a retard

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