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Anybody have a cure for swamp ass?

[Aug 12,2005 7:46am - tittypuncher  ""]
[Aug 12,2005 7:48am - SuperFly ""]
take a shower
[Aug 12,2005 10:57am - malettey ""]
yeah that's probably the best one.....if a shower isn't available, just cram your underwear into the crack of your ass and let it absorb the swampy-ness...that's the only other solution i can think of.
[Aug 12,2005 11:03am - tittypuncher  ""]
well i was too hungover for a shower this morning and that doesn't help either. it doesn't help that i was sweating my ass off jamming last night either. well... looks like my coworkers are going to have to suffer. so will my seat.
[Aug 12,2005 11:38am - largefreakatzero ""]
If you don't mind some stinging, try Gold Bond powder.
[Aug 12,2005 11:44am - dan_bloodblister ""]
get fingerblasted by a senior citizen
[Aug 12,2005 12:06pm - nate ""]
SuperFly said:take a shower

I'll second that one... soap helps too!
[Aug 12,2005 12:47pm - cochese  ""]
dude i'm gonna make your day right here, the key to curing swampoass is......................................................................GOLD BOND, put that shit everywhere, asscrack,asshole,nutsac,gooch, here, there, fucken everywhere!! I will not charge u for these services!
[Aug 12,2005 12:48pm - tittypuncher  ""]
tripple action? i don't trust you
[Aug 12,2005 1:39pm - cracksmoke  ""]
may the swamp monsters be with you
[Aug 12,2005 1:46pm - yodaslab  ""]
shave your taint and put some baby powder down there put a urinal cake in between your ass crack
[Aug 12,2005 1:50pm - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 12,2005 1:51pm - ~Carina~  ""]
what is swampass?

sounds nasty

unfortunately for me, all my body parts including my ass are tasty...or so the rev tells me
[Aug 12,2005 1:53pm - cracksmoke  ""]
yodaslab said:shave your taint and put some baby powder down there put a urinal cake in between your ass crack

urinal cake sandwich
[Aug 12,2005 1:54pm - cracksmoke  ""]
~Carina~ said:what is swampass?

sounds nasty

unfortunately for me, all my body parts including my ass are tasty...or so the rev tells me

i think you're lying. everyone knows what swampass is. it's the smelly green smoke that rises out of your ass. rev.. tell her will ya?
[Aug 12,2005 2:22pm - ~Carina~  ""]
rev can't keeps his hands off me
i wasn't lying
[Aug 12,2005 2:50pm - the_reverend ""]
some girls are just blessed with an anal cunt.

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