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Gigantour any one??

[Aug 16,2005 10:32pm - Aegathis ""]
Ive been plannin on going to it since i heard about it, but then we got booked the same night as when its coming to boston. Was anyone here planninin on going to the tour? i only ask cause i didnt see it in the events page. I just might consider going to the manchester one.
[Aug 16,2005 10:35pm - 7th son  ""]
repnt its not to late to save your soul ...jesus still loves you
[Aug 16,2005 10:42pm - the_reverend ""]
if I werent going to hellfest
[Aug 16,2005 10:44pm - succubus ""]
i was supposed to shoot it on sunday...but now i'm going to hellfest.i'm also missing motley crue saturday day
oh well, at least i shot them already
[Aug 16,2005 10:56pm - brian_dc ""]
succubus said:i was supposed to shoot it on sunday...but now i'm going to hellfest.i'm also missing motley crue saturday day
oh well, at least i shot them already

show off ;-)
[Aug 16,2005 11:33pm - Aegathis ""]
Hey rev and carina , ya still have the bank of boston or what ever its called on the 26th which is a friday. Bank of America rather, but im not sure. Or ya can come see us play at the New wave.Yaw
[Aug 17,2005 7:32am - succubus ""]
we actually leave for hellfest friday AM

so all weekend shows are out

and HAH Brian!
[Aug 17,2005 9:48am - Sinislazy  ""]
I think I'm hitting the 26th show
[Aug 17,2005 9:51am - babyshaker ""]
i mwas gonna go to gigantour but i heard since its at the bank of americ pavillion(is that whats its called now?) there will be no second stage wich means no symphony x which means fuck that
[Aug 17,2005 11:00am - dan_bloodblister ""]
symphony x sucks
[Aug 17,2005 11:32am - ShadowSD  ""]
babyshaker said:i mwas gonna go to gigantour but i heard since its at the bank of americ pavillion(is that whats its called now?) there will be no second stage wich means no symphony x which means fuck that

That's why I'm going to the New Hampshire one instead of the Boston one, why pay the same price for no second stage?

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