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WZBC "Void Expression" Playlist for 09/11/05

[Sep 12,2005 11:44am - VoidExpression ""]
Thanks to everyone who listened this week!

-Pantheist / Greed / Amartia
-Yob / The Mental Tyrant / The Unreal Never Lived
-Lurker of Chalice / Spectre as Valkerie Is / Lurker of Chalice
-Rebreather / Chew / Half-speed Ahead
-Harvey Milk / Brown Water / The Kelley Sessions
-Overmars / Obsolete / Affliction, Endocrine...Vertigo
-Syzslak / Betrayed / When Demons Ride Angels
-Fatal / Decomposure Beneath / Retrospective from Hell
-The Monolith Deathcult / Army of the Despised / The White Crematorium
-Ribspreader / Dead to the World / Congregating the Sick
-Deeds of Flesh / The Resurrected / Crown of Souls
-Pillory / The Morning Grind / No Lifeguard at the Gene Pool
-Terminally Your Aborted Ghost / Slowly Peeling the Flesh... / Slowly Peeling the Flesh...
-Machetazo / Monasterio de Bouzano / Sinfonias Del Terror Ciego
-Agoraphobic Nosebleed / Tracks 3-6 / Bestial Machinery
-Sick Terror / Track 7 / Eu Me Vendo Por Bem Menos Do Que Voce Imagina
-Ravage / Nuclear Storm / Get Fucking Slaughtered
-Cryptic Wintermoon / Thrashomatic Overdrive / Of Shadows, And Dark Things You Fear
-Summon / Of These Sins / Fallen
-Disiplin / The Arsonist Academy / Anti-Life
-Impaled Nazarene / Motorpenis / Death Comes in 26 Carefully Selected Pieces
-Atakhama / Consequence / Existence Indifferent
-Utuk Xul / Snake of the Abyss / The Goat of Black Possession
-Horna / Vala Pedolle / Envaatnags Eflos Solf Esgantaavne
-Rutthna / Bleed Your Wounds / Doomsdaylight
-Drudkh / Eternal Sun / The Swan Road

Music bed: Lichens - The Psychic Nature of Being

"New" music for next week:
Lay Down Rotten
Thee Plague of Gentlemen

WZBC 90.3 FM
"Void Expression"
Sunday Nights
[Sep 12,2005 12:04pm - litacore ""]
thank belial for this show.

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