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psyopus in CT the rap-up thread

Cherry Street Station (Wallingford, CT) - [a_terrible_night_for_a_curse][bugs_and_rats][dour_cursiva][home_pharmacy][human_bone_bicycle_sciences_industries][psyopus][raising_kubrick][the_departed]
[Sep 24,2005 12:17am - the_reverend ""]
so I got down for the show early-ish, but it didn't start for a while. I had to sit around and talk to people for a while. The funniest thing I saw in this time was arpman hitting on atnfac's drummer's cousin
"you like this music" arpman
"well, my cousin's in the band, but I like a lot of this... You know like korn and disturbed"
I almost crapped myself that was so funny.

Dour Cursiva: there sound check was the longest ever. Like in the history of the world, there has never been a sound check. I was told a poison the well song was played, but their sound check went from 6:30 to 8:20. Anyhow, I think they sounded a lot more like norma jean with their newer songs.
[Sep 24,2005 12:19am - DEATH2ALL ""]
2 hour sound check!!?? I hope they sounded good.
[Sep 24,2005 12:23am - the_reverend ""]
human bone bicycle sciences industries: they played a short set, blasting through the tracks with only a touch of witty commentary in between the songs. for some reason they got moved to this point so I heard a bunch of people mad about missing them

a terrible night for a curse: well, their bass player is gone and the singer, craig, now plays bass and sings, ala morbid angel. There was something off with this room and the drums didn't really sound as real as they usually do. they had a lot of people cheering them on. I think the new band configuration will work better for them though craig still seems a bit overwhelmed when trying to do two things at once (like patting his head and rubbing his stomach)
[Sep 24,2005 4:07am - the_reverend ""]
2hrs cause the sound guy wasn't there and they coulsnt start with out him. after he showed up... he kept disappearing to make out with some biker chick.
[Sep 24,2005 4:47am - brian_dc ""]
we sounded better before the sound guy came with all of his silly suggestions...norma jean...weird, our next new song is way too death metal to be normajeanish
[Sep 24,2005 4:48am - brian_dc ""]
just for the record, we never, ever ever take that long of a sound check...we're known for our soundchecks being too short

like rev said, no sound guy...no board to run through...kinda makes it tough on the vocalists
[Sep 24,2005 4:52am - thedeparted ""]
yeah he would leave right after the bands were done,
hen magically appear during each band's set and
walk around the stage hah

thanks to HBBSI for having us, cherry st station,
the rev for hoofing it down, psyopus and all
the other bands for playing great sets,
and the train for making me a lucky man
[Sep 24,2005 4:53am - brian_dc ""]
yes...thank to everyone invovled...I'm debating sleeping or not...I have to be at work at 7
[Sep 24,2005 4:55am - thedeparted ""]
heh i dunno man, sleep would help but waking up might suck worse.
dude i thought we were gonna die so many times driving back.
souza kept falling asleep and telling these weird stories that
never happend, i guess he was delirious....

[Sep 24,2005 4:55am - thedeparted ""]
[Sep 24,2005 5:22am - the_reverend ""]
I just walked in the door.
working on pictures.
[Sep 24,2005 5:42am - the_reverend ""]
pictures will be uploading in a minute.
[Sep 24,2005 8:08am - the_reverend ""]
everyone must still be asleep, lame.
[Sep 24,2005 8:16am - succubus ""]
but i know why yer up....plus, you will be sleeping in a bit..for a bit
[Sep 24,2005 8:29am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
how did the show do?
[Sep 24,2005 11:29am - Dennis HBBSI  ""]
Yeah the show was amazing, the most fun I've had in awhile. It's too bad I was passed out in my car durring home pharmacy and Psyopus, I'm kicking myself this morning.
[Sep 24,2005 12:18pm - Craig nli  ""]
the_reverend said:
a terrible night for a curse: well, their bass player is gone and the singer, craig, now plays bass and sings, ala morbid angel. There was something off with this room and the drums didn't really sound as real as they usually do. they had a lot of people cheering them on. I think the new band configuration will work better for them though craig still seems a bit overwhelmed when trying to do two things at once (like patting his head and rubbing his stomach)

yeah i still get abit overwhelmed trying to breathe and think at the same time, but im working on it. hopefully with the shock therapy theyll be able to remedy that.
[Sep 24,2005 12:56pm - todayistheday  ""]
i think everyone there was from MA
[Sep 24,2005 1:08pm - the_reverend ""]
raising kubrick: they actually had two people that they didn't know show up just for them and they screamed along with most of the set. This was their 4th to last show. Moe tricked us by playing part of TRC dreaming in dog years. They ended with an even more massive sing along than any other show. They are going to continually collect people (like on the katamari) until they reach a critical mass of people singing along and they self destruct (estimated date is nov 26). The implosion may start a chain reaction that destroys the universe. Oh and kris broke another bass so he was added on to the sing along katamari. Word on the street is that his penis joined the katamari later in the song.
[Sep 24,2005 4:16pm - Craig nli  ""]
raising kubrick kicked my ass last night. literally. in the parking lot. after the show.
[Sep 24,2005 4:25pm - the_reverend ""]
you probably deserved it.
[Sep 24,2005 4:29pm - thedeparted ""]
hah did you piss in their pool?
[Sep 24,2005 4:31pm - the_reverend ""]
departed, the: I'm still trying to figure out why everyone called them "nu metal". I probably said this before, but the only thing I see in that is the old-school pantera (phil) vocals. They have some awesome coreography going on there. The are constantly swinging basses and guitars over each other's head and missing by inches.

bugs and rats: their set seemed a lot shorter than the set a obreins, but this one sounded better. It was more raw and sound more like disengaged.

home pharmacy: wow.. That was weird... Two guys with some sort of robotic police state zone for their drummer. When I wasn't in, they sounded a lot like godflesh! YeahYeahYeah. After a few minutes, the vocals changed and sounded terrible, like nu-metal. Then changed again and sounded like clay people. Over all it was weird to see and sounded reallygood, but there were vocal parts that made me cringe.
[Sep 24,2005 4:40pm - brian_dc ""]
yeah, home pharmacy's first song was fantastic
[Sep 24,2005 4:46pm - thedeparted ""]
first time seeing bugs and rats, and it was a nice change up for the lineup, really nice guys too
[Sep 24,2005 5:18pm - cav nli  ""]
this show kicked ass! thanks to the fine folks in HBBSI for throwing this party. all of the bands for kicking so much ass. this way definitely the best sets ive seen from ATNFAC and RK. psyopus just owned the show in my eyes. they made me want to go back to guitar lessons.
[Sep 24,2005 5:23pm - cav nli  ""]
and thanks to the rev for the pics. im quite impressed.
[Sep 25,2005 5:40am - arpmandude ""]
the_reverend said:so I got down for the show early-ish, but it didn't start for a while. I had to sit around and talk to people for a while. The funniest thing I saw in this time was arpman hitting on atnfac's drummer's cousin
"you like this music" arpman
"well, my cousin's in the band, but I like a lot of this... You know like korn and disturbed"
I almost crapped myself that was so funny.

Dour Cursiva: there sound check was the longest ever. Like in the history of the world, there has never been a sound check. I was told a poison the well song was played, but their sound check went from 6:30 to 8:20. Anyhow, I think they sounded a lot more like norma jean with their newer songs.

Dude, . . . that chick was adorable!

I'd totally kiss her to a duet with Fred Durst and Stained's lead vocalist.
[Sep 25,2005 10:13am - Craig nli  ""]
yeah my drummer told us she was coming, and considering how ugly he is, I was blown away at how tiny and cute she was. you should of tapped that ass arp
[Sep 25,2005 8:16pm - the_reverend ""]
psyopus: it's been way way way too long since I've seen them. I have an awesome time each time I see these guys. They showed up in the original form with greg back on drums. They had only practiced with greg, but everything was spot on. They have been playing the same songs for a while now so these tunes which still blow people's minds are getting to be too old, boring, and played out for them. It's funny cause you can watch them making up new stuff that they play over the old stuff. like the old tracks weren't hard enough to fathom. I stuck around after to hear some new tracks from arpman. The new stuff is a step past technical. Musically, these guys are on a different plane of existence from the real world.
[Sep 26,2005 9:24am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
This show was awesome. The bands all rocked and I really like the venue. Watching the trains go by is fun. And I love places where you have the opportunity to take your beer outside.
[Sep 26,2005 10:51am - mOe ""]
i have a little suprise for Rev and HBBSI...


[Sep 26,2005 11:15am - thedeparted ""]
haha that is great
[Sep 26,2005 11:28am - brian_dc ""]
my mp3 doesn't have the "be somebody" at the end...I feel ripped off
[Sep 26,2005 12:51pm - cav  ""]
ya rossi, you guys were all over the fuckin highway on the ride home. i havent seen that much swerving since freshman year of college.
[Sep 26,2005 12:56pm - thedeparted ""]
hah yeah man, souza was asleep for most of the ride, and he was driving.....
[Sep 26,2005 1:14pm - cav  ""]
[Sep 26,2005 2:37pm - MonikaHBBSI ""]
This show was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!



All the bands were great! I enjoyed every single set!

I'm sorry about the delay due to the soundman. I'm working on ways to speed things up for next time. Apart from Glen's quirkiness, what did you guys think of the sound?

HBBSI had to rush our set because the show was taking too long to get rolling. We still had 6 bands that had to play after us and I was worried that the bar would close and we'd have no time for Psyopus. Luckily there was time for everything and Psyopus played their whole set and were done with no time to spare. So at the end I was glad that we had decided to not take too long.

It seems everyone had a great time and there is really nothing more that I could ask for! Thanks Again Everybody!!!

[Sep 26,2005 10:08pm - maggot-atnfac  ""]
arpmandude said:the_reverend said:so I got down for the show early-ish, but it didn't start for a while. I had to sit around and talk to people for a while. The funniest thing I saw in this time was arpman hitting on atnfac's drummer's cousin
"you like this music" arpman
"well, my cousin's in the band, but I like a lot of this... You know like korn and disturbed"
I almost crapped myself that was so funny.

Dour Cursiva: there sound check was the longest ever. Like in the history of the world, there has never been a sound check. I was told a poison the well song was played, but their sound check went from 6:30 to 8:20. Anyhow, I think they sounded a lot more like norma jean with their newer songs.

Dude, . . . that chick was adorable!

I'd totally kiss her to a duet with Fred Durst and Stained's lead vocalist.

Bad news. Her boyfriend is a football player for Notre Dame.
[Sep 27,2005 12:16am - brian_dc ""]
they're not very good anymore, right?

I don't know, I don't follow football.
[Sep 27,2005 3:24pm - cav  ""]
ya they suck wicked bad.
[Sep 27,2005 3:38pm - the_reverend ""]
maybe he'll fumble and arpman will pick up the ball.
[Sep 27,2005 10:04pm - cav  ""]
hot damn
[Sep 27,2005 10:44pm - Craig nli  ""]
notre dame isnt intimidating. boyfriends arent intimidating. football players arent intimidating. a bullet sounds the same in every language. go for it arpman!

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