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[Sep 29,2005 2:23am - arpmandude ""]
Psyopus is holding open auditions for the position of drummer. We are looking for someone who:

- 100% will relocate to Rochester, NY
- 100% will be dedicated to the band and touring
- 100% has two arms
- is fast, innovative, and intense on the drums
- works hard and is dedicated - expect to practice anywhere from 4 to 12 hours a day.

If you are interested in auditioning, you can send a VHS or DVD of your playing to

Christopher Arp
3251 Dayspring Ridge
Walworth, NY 14568

Include your name, phone number, address, and e-mail address with the video. You being able to play a Psyopus song or two is a plus, but not a requirement, on the video.

IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, you can e-mail us at psyopusdrummer@hotmail.com

In the meantime, Psyopus will be playing the roles of weekend warriors with original drummer, Greg Herman, . . . until we actually go into the studio.
[Sep 29,2005 10:32am - slowlypeelingtheflesh nli  ""]
some body please drum for these dudes
[Oct 2,2005 8:31pm - cuttingroomfloor  ""]
it would be a shame if they couldn't find a drummer asap

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