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Favorite key solos?

[Sep 29,2005 5:45pm - retzam ""]
Mine are Sverd's solo on The Radical Cut by Arcturus and Janne's solo on Chokehold by Bodom. I don't mean just electronic keyboards either. Piano, harpsichord, any form of keyboard synthesizer, all acceptable.
[Sep 29,2005 5:50pm - BornSoVile ""]
Burzum - Han Som Reiste
[Sep 29,2005 6:34pm - mOe ""]
any keyboard solo from Sonata Arctica blows away anything COB could ever do
[Sep 29,2005 6:47pm - Hooker nli  ""]
keyboards = gay pornography
[Sep 29,2005 6:53pm - Kessaris ""]
so I heard there was a favorite keyboard solo post

okay, allow me

Sonata Artica - either the Cage (Winterheart's Guild) or Blank File (Ecliptica)

either way, if you're opinion is different then you're wrong...bitch

I act tough on keyboard solo threads
[Sep 29,2005 6:54pm - Kessaris ""]
Moe, how many Children of Bodom songs have you even heard!?
[Sep 29,2005 7:09pm - mOe ""]
you wouldnt stop playing that one cd for a while a couple years ago and that was all i needed to hear!
[Sep 29,2005 9:34pm - retzam ""]
mOe said:any keyboard solo from Sonata Arctica blows away anything COB could ever do

I havn't heard much Sonata Arctica. But the keyboard solo from Chokehold is amazing, and if every Sonata Arctica solo blows away that keyboard solo, than I really really need to start listening to Sonata Arctica :spineyes:

You should download Chokehold, and recommend a Sonata Arctica song.
[Sep 29,2005 9:34pm - retzam ""]
Hooker nli said:keyboards = gay pornography

Well, I guess that makes me gay.
[Sep 29,2005 9:35pm - retzam ""]
Will you marry me hooker?
[Sep 29,2005 9:38pm - Kessaris ""]
Guess what, I'm calling the CD player this weekend for our "parties" or whatever, you cunt
[Sep 29,2005 9:50pm - Hooker nli  ""]
I correct myself.

Key solos... are gay pornography.

[Sep 29,2005 10:37pm - blue ""]

except in sonata arctica.
[Sep 29,2005 11:31pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
yeah, keyboards arent gay in sonata arctica, because everything else is
[Sep 29,2005 11:48pm - blue ""]
[Sep 30,2005 1:13am - ArrowHead ""]
Under a Glass Moon.
[Sep 30,2005 8:17am - SuperFly ""]
the only good keyboard solo's are from DEEP PURPLE, period.
[Sep 30,2005 10:16am - DreamingInExile ""]
you can't forget that great synth line form Europe's The Final Countdown...

[Sep 30,2005 11:02am - babyshaker ""]
Kessaris said:so I heard there was a favorite keyboard solo post

okay, allow me

Sonata Artica - either the Cage (Winterheart's Guild) or Blank File (Ecliptica)

either way, if you're opinion is different then you're wrong...bitch

I act tough on keyboard solo threads

the cage is such a good song the keyboardist from symphony x is pretty good to
[Sep 30,2005 3:19pm - Yeti  ""]
Type O Negative - four minutes into the song Bloody Kisses
[Sep 30,2005 3:24pm - nate nli  ""]
A lot of the work Josh Silver (Type-O) does is awesome.

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