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shallows and flats are neat

[Aug 6,2003 1:59am - desperado ""]
shallows and flats are playing monday august 11th.
in cambridge mass. middle east.
8 30 pm.
i dont know with who.
i dont know how to be sober.
i dont know what the rules are for pyro.

joshua, and the flats.
[Aug 7,2003 1:26pm - desperado ""]
[Aug 7,2003 2:02pm - the_reverend ""]
I heard they were drunx.
[Aug 7,2003 2:36pm - desperado ""]
the_reverend said:I heard they were drunx.

sometimes the juice bites back
[Aug 7,2003 3:01pm - the_reverend ""]
ha! I hear that.
I mean once in band camp, I was IM'ing xInxGauntletsx...

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