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Stone & Steel fest - the day one of the Haverhill fests

Club 125 - main stage (Bradford, Ma) - [a_cold_reality][blackout_frenzy][coffin_birth][forevers_fallen_grace][for_what_its_worth][hypersolid][kill_tomorrow][randomshots][seed][shroud_of_bereavement][smite_the_righteous][the_accursed][the_art_of_all][the_green_evening_requiem][137][backwoods][closed_casket][hated][inflicted][lessons_learned][randomshots][slight_of_mind][stryk_nine][target_remains][volatile][whiskey_chapel]
[Nov 19,2005 12:35pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm here.
dyingmuse, if you read this, go to http://www.jayfest.com and print out a couple copies of the schedule
[Nov 19,2005 12:38pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i might swing by to see a couple of bands before i go back to boston and then go to NH for the hugfest
[Nov 19,2005 12:40pm - brian_dc ""]
I'm doing my keagles to prepare for the hugfest.
[Nov 19,2005 12:41pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
group hug, before the taste of silvers set haha
[Nov 19,2005 12:56pm - brian_dc ""]
that would be really big hug...I'm gonna need more keagles.
[Nov 19,2005 12:58pm - succubus ""]
aaron, as requested i emailed the schedule to yer phone
[Nov 19,2005 1:13pm - anonymous  ""]
I'll be there around 7pm tonight.Im hoping theres at least 2 or 3 good bands.Im bringing my earplugs just in case
[Nov 19,2005 1:29pm - Nate nli  ""]
Man, there's more than a few bands I'd be watching. Sux I'm 990 miles away or else I would be there. Meh!
[Nov 19,2005 1:32pm - scoracrasia ""]
Nate nli said:Man, there's more than a few bands I'd be watching. Sux I'm 990 miles away or else I would be there. Meh!

Nate, drop me your e-mail as I have lost it. Had a question for you outside of cooking pots. send it to me man at scoracrasia@scoracrasia.net
[Nov 19,2005 1:38pm - Nate nli  ""]
It's natedemontigny@gmail.com I don't have my pc yet but will monday though. So I prolly won't be able to get back to you till then. Aight?
[Nov 19,2005 2:32pm - the_reverend ""]
carina, now it is you phone that sucks. you obviously aren't getting my tm and when I called you, straight to vm.
[Nov 19,2005 2:32pm - scoracrasia ""]
Nate nli said:It's natedemontigny@gmail.com I don't have my pc yet but will monday though. So I prolly won't be able to get back to you till then. Aight?

Sounds good mang. The vols suck anus!

[Nov 19,2005 3:08pm - the_reverend ""]
volatile: (second stage) some how I missed the fact that this band has a Dissector member in it. Mr. Eddie is on guitar here. they are an early 80's metal band, King diamond/metallica influenced. and tossed a vemon cover in the middle there. The singer was very excited singer, screaming at the people who were here listening. There weren't many people here. Sad cause a lot of the later bands would have really liked them. Metal from the days when true metal was king. The last song they played "scum of the earth" sounded like motorhead with king diamond highs.
[Nov 19,2005 3:08pm - the_reverend ""]
The Art Of All: (main stage)
super proggy music. Just a singer and a keyboardist, but they had a nice edge that wasn't nu-metal and wasn't just straight doom. All the vocals were clean and you know how harsh I am on clean vocals. Essentially, they played for me and a coule other people that filtered in. I would describe them as porcupine tree stripped down to 2 guys and them then mix in the indie group low (an off shute of my bloody vanlentine) with the structure of the songs. Also, a little like dreaded silence (as a matter of fact ds sound book a show with these guys). Awesome what two dudes can do. I swear at some points, the echoy harmonics of the guitars even sounded like a keyboard. The drummer had the steady, held back pace that the drummer of ocean or american analog set has where you need to hold back when you want to sprint ahead. And some points he could let go and there was even one breakdown.
[Nov 19,2005 3:09pm - the_reverend ""]
target remains: (second stage) well... They kept spotting after just about every single song cause of the drummers double pedal slidding forward. A lot of the vocals were reminicent of older metalica, but then the others were just straight death metal screams. The music was thick in the guitar distortion like dismember-era death metal (mostly in the tone of the guitarist with the shaved head). There weren't too many killer riffs parts. The ones they did do reminded me of slayer, haunting the chapel or earlier morbid angel. The singer looses 10 pts for wearing a korn cap.
[Nov 19,2005 3:18pm - dreadkill ""]
the_reverend said:The Art Of All: (main stage)
super proggy music. Just a singer and a keyboardist, but they had a nice edge that wasn't nu-metal and wasn't just straight doom. All the vocals were clean and you know how harsh I am on clean vocals. Essentially, they played for me and a coule other people that filtered in. I would describe them as porcupine tree stripped down to 2 guys and them then mix in the indie group low (an off shute of my bloody vanlentine) with the structure of the songs. Also, a little like dreaded silence (as a matter of fact ds sound book a show with these guys). Awesome what two dudes can do. I swear at some points, the echoy harmonics of the guitars even sounded like a keyboard. The drummer had the steady, held back pace that the drummer of ocean or american analog set has where you need to hold back when you want to sprint ahead. And some points he could let go and there was even one breakdown.

i'll check them out
[Nov 19,2005 3:20pm - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:carina, now it is you phone that sucks. you obviously aren't getting my tm and when I called you, straight to vm.

they both suck

but thanks for the great news!<3
[Nov 19,2005 3:25pm - the_reverend ""]
dreadkill, you may find them a little too "indie" sounding, but there clean parts totally reminded me of you clean parts.
[Nov 19,2005 3:31pm - dreadkill ""]
i just checked out the art of all on myspace and they kind of sounded like an emo/indie rock band with some hardcore parts. might be a different band with the same name or maybe they've changed their style up since these recordings. the band i just listened to didn't sound at all like it would fit in on the stone and steel fest or with us, but they are good at what they do. i'm guessing it's a different band maybe.
[Nov 19,2005 3:32pm - dreadkill ""]
i just read your post, reverend. probably is the same band.
[Nov 19,2005 3:35pm - dreadkill ""]
definitely a little too indie for me, but then again, i'm a big fan of the black heart procession, so maybe they'll grow on me.
[Nov 19,2005 3:36pm - dreadkill ""]
my clean vocal parts often sound like katatonia ripoffs or a higher pitched dan swano. i remember you comparing them to porcupine tree last time you saw us. that was cool.
[Nov 19,2005 3:53pm - the_reverend ""]
excuses excuses. the club can muddy up the sound too. was the band that you checked out just a drummer and a guitar/singer?

For What Its Worth: (main stage) it's a girl fronted pop punk band like blink182. Their logo looked a lot like the moster rockstar drinks logo. That reminds me, I should get an endorcement deal with those drinks. I drank 4 blueberry ones yesterday. 2 on the way to chicopee and 2 in the car on the way back/to WUNH. sigh... But I digress, one of the lines in their song said something about "you are going straight to voicemail" which is what's happening now when I call my gf. This must be a message and I'm going to get home and find the place empty.

hated: (second stage) their gfs went around telling everyone that they were playing like they were worried or something. The music was over too nu-metally for my tastes. Like the nu-metal parts of vertigod's set that I'm not too big on. they gave me a CD so I'm going to check that out. They thanked mike sac for getting them on the show.
[Nov 19,2005 3:55pm - dreadkill ""]
yeah, they were just guitar/vocals, and drums.
[Nov 19,2005 3:56pm - dreadkill ""]
hated is a pretty bad band name.
[Nov 19,2005 4:01pm - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:"you are going straight to voicemail" which is what's happening now when I call my gf. This must be a message and I'm going to get home and find the place empty.

except that our phones suck
i will have a surprise for you when you get home =)
[Nov 19,2005 4:03pm - dreadkill ""]
i wonder if the surprise is a new phone
[Nov 19,2005 4:06pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm hoping for something more.um... biblically vilified OLD SCHOOL TESTAMENT STYLE, YO!

target remains: (main stage) and now on the mainstage, with no remorse... Just kidding, it's the band I just saw upstairs take 2. I guess there was another band that dropped (i think that's #4 to drop). They sounded so much better down stairs. Maybe it was the better system or the practice set upstairs. It was funny cause upstairs, the singer played a song for the second time, then they played it again downstairs for the 3rd time. I'm actually glad they got on again cause their drums stayed put this time. They also had the first "pit"
[Nov 19,2005 4:33pm - the_reverend ""]
so far TR by far has the most amount of friends here.

closed casket: (second stage) these guys should have been downstais, imho. I got upstairs and the place was empty. Last time I saw them they ruled and I was expecting the same this time. Its like our own dark tranquillity (earlier stuff) and um... Amon amarth. well, at least on the first song. After that it got more priesty. the singer ran off downstairs looking for water so the keyboardist played some carnival music. Finally a couple songs later they got a bottle of water ans washed the setdown with a cover song. By the time they finished there was only 4 people in the room. Not nearly enough people for all those party favors.
[Nov 19,2005 4:38pm - dyingmuse ""]
man am i running late, i just got off a room from a stone chimmeny i just built bullshit...it's fucking cold. i will be down in about an hour!


[Nov 19,2005 4:40pm - the_reverend ""]
Smite The Rightous: (main stage) I ran right down in the middle of their set and was right up to the face of the SARS inflicted pamelaccursed. Yes, this is pam's new band with her brother-in-law chris (from the accursed). when I raised my camera, I was accosted by multiple direct middle finger assaults. she sound know that the middle finger wasn't neccessary since the shiney pole right in the middle of the stage ruined most shots I took of her. They really did sound awesome. Chris did the back up low vocals. She did the main vocals an it sounded really good. You could tell that the AIDSARS was affecting pam. Each tie she breathed out, I could feel the infliction seeping into my body. If I get sick...gr... I'll probably do nothing about it more than bitch. own very own anthony went up on stage during their last song. why did he come up then you may ask. cause they intro'd with stripped raped and strangled. having anthony on stage knocked pam's consentration off a bit so she either forgot that I was taking pictures or that she didn't want me taking pictures so I was able to get some nice ones with her and anthony singing together. good stuff.
[Nov 19,2005 4:45pm - dreadkill ""]
the_reverend said:I'm hoping for something more.um... biblically vilified OLD SCHOOL TESTAMENT STYLE, YO!

i should have known. with you guys, it's always like that. i need to get my girlfriend to do things that way.
[Nov 19,2005 5:11pm - the_reverend ""]
I think the secret is easy; be nice and date an awesome woman. oh and thank you cause I should get enough points right there for um.. activities AND getting out of watching everyone loves raymond at least once.

a cold reality: (main stage) good thing I happened to travel down stairs and catch them. This is probably the 7th time I've seen them and probably the 6th different line up. 1/2 the back up duties have been handed off to a new guy who also plays guitar. Actually, he was playing the lead parts quite a bit.

backwoods: (second stage) another set with barely anyone upstairs. I think they played for like 5 people and another band that was sitting up there. The music was loud rock mixed with somethings that I thought sounded like mike patton.
[Nov 19,2005 5:53pm - the_reverend ""]
that subway sucked. I wanted a veggie sub... what I got was more of an experiment with a landmind in a garden. geez... it's like I ate a gabbage patch doll with mayo
[Nov 19,2005 6:05pm - succubus ""]
i spoke to aaron over the phone...and told him the surprise was FOOD
because he wasn't gonna be eating much at the show and i knew he'd be hungry..so i was gonna make him pizza...
[Nov 19,2005 6:08pm - dreadkill ""]
succubus said:what?
i spoke to aaron over the phone...and told him the surprise was FOOD
because he wasn't gonna be eating much at the show and i knew he'd be hungry..so i was gonna make him pizza...

that's a good surprise too.
[Nov 19,2005 6:08pm - dreadkill ""]
the_reverend said: it's like I ate a gabbage patch doll with mayo

that's the quote of the day right there.
[Nov 19,2005 6:14pm - the_reverend ""]
carina, I still expect both things when I get home. I should be home around 1am.

target remains: (main stage) um... take 3. They should be nice and warmed up. I for one went to subway and picked up my produce explosion delux

stryk nine: (second stage) they were pretty sure nu-metal but more towards the melodic in flames style. They had a lot of props and all. sort of a whole hospital theme going on.
[Nov 19,2005 6:18pm - dreadkill ""]
the_reverend said:carina, I still expect both things when I get home. I should be home around 1am.

you tell her aaron! hehehe
[Nov 19,2005 7:20pm - Justin ACR  ""]
the_reverend said:I

a cold reality: (main stage) good thing I happened to travel down stairs and catch them. This is probably the 7th time I've seen them and probably the 6th different line up. 1/2 the back up duties have been handed off to a new guy who also plays guitar. Actually, he was playing the lead parts quite a bit.

This has been the lineup for over an year now, this is the same lineup as the show that you shot at the middle east

[Nov 19,2005 7:39pm - anonymous  ""]
know of any shows that are coming up other than day 2... they usually have flyers up///
[Nov 19,2005 7:50pm - the_reverend ""]
d'oh on the line up thing. those other two guys must have put on some weight or um... grew an extra limb or something.

kill tomorrow: (main stage) I'm not sure if I shot them before. Possibly... They were hard core-ish. While they were playing, I knew there was something missing. They just sounded like there is usually more in the guitars. Then the singer said that they were missing a guitar player. they were death metal influenced hardcore.

whiskey chapel: (second stage) an old school loud rock band the name seems really appropriate for them. Their sound mixes early metal with it's 70s, 80s, and bluesy roots. The drummer played mostly on the hi-hat and cymbols.
[Nov 19,2005 8:14pm - the_reverend ""]
seed: (main stage) ok, any person that likes this band and fronts that they don't like dead to fall is an elitest snob. They were very good. Some hardcore influence, some black death, and even some more techy parts. They were really high energy and the crowd moved. oh and the singer channeled the ghost of adam sandler.

lessons learned: (second stage) this could have been a megadeth set or early metallica. They sounded just like that.

coffin birth: (main stage) it sounds like they've been expanding their sound since that one first show. I my guess is correct, the first songs were newer. They just sounded more worked through on the guitar parts. A lot of what they put in there sounded very morbid angel. As they moved along, it leaned more and more black metal. The new drummer is not only really good, but he's really sweet 16.
[Nov 19,2005 9:19pm - the_reverend ""]
damn.. like 10 bands left.. with 2 or 3 doing double sets... eyes so heavey. atleast the person who tossed my full coffee didn't toss my sub or my salad.

137 : (second stage) it's been yeeeeeeears since I saw them. I'm guessing it was milwaukee july 02. I thought they were a 3 piece? I will have to look again. Before they played, the drummer asked me what I was shooting for and if I wanted to make some $$ $hooting them. I said not to worry that I'll shoot it any how. They played really good. I think the fact tha a lot of people moved around that made them better. They were able to interact with the crowd that knew them (specifically kelly an folly). They played a beastie's cover "fight for your right to party". for some reason every picture I took of the girl was bright red, wtf I say.

blackout_frenzy: (main stage) I came down on the tail end of 137 to catch them. Its funny, 137 and BoF, both play at the same time on different stages both said at the same time that the other was pulling the fans away. They also both complained about the beer only being served in that one room. Their set was made all that much better cause there was a 7 yo kid moshing it up for almos the entire set..
[Nov 19,2005 9:22pm - succubus ""]
they should buy you another one...why would someone take someone else's coffee?
[Nov 19,2005 10:44pm - the_reverend ""]
actually, I guess bands aren't getting double sets any more cause the show is 20 minutes behind.
carina, remember that boy (5-ish) with the long hair that donated it? he's here and there is another little kid. they are both playing air guitar, head banging, and moshing when nobody else is.
[Nov 19,2005 10:54pm - succubus ""]
is his mom there? i think we exchanged emails once shortly after that show
[Nov 19,2005 10:56pm - the_reverend ""]
yes. he's not old enough to go to shows alone yet. maybe next year.
[Nov 19,2005 11:02pm - the_reverend ""]
Forevers Fallen Grace: (main stage) they set up the stage as if this were the 5th act of mid summer nights dream, moving their own foliage and collumns in to fill the stage. They are doomy/gothy metal. I was remebering a lot about amorphis's live set while watching them. I'm pretty sure the little kid was one of theirs. I used some wireless flash with them. It rules so hard. It messes up timing, but damn. They sent out a song to all the sodomists. That made me turn my head.

inflicted: (second stage) its a rare treat to catch this local band for me cause theyalways play new bedford. When I came up ian was stomping around the stage and into the crowd. Basically all of the accursed were there. And everyone was appreciating the dandy work of these guitar noodlers. After the first few songs, the crowd calmed down and the moshing was gone.
[Nov 19,2005 11:55pm - the_reverend ""]
green evening requiem, the: (second stage) sort of doomy hardcore. There was some cool atmospheric parts that were cool. I set up my flash and carina's flash. That was really cool to play with.

slight of mind: (second stage) they looked like like a power metal, like 7 witches or something and they were. Their drummer quit the band as they were packing up to head to this show so they had a fill in.
Shroud Of Bereavment: (main stage) I guess they were originally suppose to have 40 minutes and as always their set got cut cause the time was running out. They played like 3 songs though... I mean that got to be over 30 minutes right there, no? They sounded really good. I'm fairly certain that I compeletely blinded them all with 3 flashes going off at once... Oopies. Their is a party at there house after the show. The parties are just starting when the first person vomits on themselves.
[Nov 20,2005 12:00am - dreadkill ""]
sounds like a fun show. we were going to play it, but too much happened this week so we didn't.
[Nov 20,2005 1:16am - the_reverend ""]
I just left. while driving, there were 2 black guys drunk and fighting in the middle of 125.
right before the bridge.
[Nov 20,2005 1:58am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
im glad to hear it went well...how was the crowd?
[Nov 20,2005 2:50am - succubus ""]
ironically, aaron just told me that not a lot of people showed up..
[Nov 20,2005 2:53am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, there weren't many people.

pictures are uploading.
[Nov 20,2005 3:31am - intricateprocess ""]
geez i just wanted to go see acr
[Nov 20,2005 4:03am - pam nli  ""]
Well I just got back from the fucking emergency room for the second time in 2 weeks. This is bullshit. I have strep, so enjoy it Aaron. I'm going to go look at the pictures now to determine whether or not you deserve it. ;)
[Nov 20,2005 4:09am - the_reverend ""]
that's the last time I don't bring my own sneeze gaurd
[Nov 20,2005 4:11am - the_reverend ""]
accursed, the: (main stage) first of loki cut his hair! WTF. He bi-passed the rockstar part of the metallica ride and went straight to over the hill. I heard he's suing the band for putting mp3s on their own webpage. Now that I've made up rumors... They ran up and played at megamegahyperspeed blasting through as much of their 40 minute set as they could. No pauses. No nonsese. No pussies. I'm pretty sure they were able to play it all too. they finished 15 minutes later than they should have.
[Nov 20,2005 4:17am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
what happend to suicide dream !
[Nov 20,2005 4:19am - the_reverend ""]
I guess they didnt/
[Nov 20,2005 4:33am - the sars infected husband  ""]
thanks for the kind words and the rumors rev. I'm sure we'll all see that shit on blabbermouth now!!! always a pleasure to see you and get in a group hug! now its 430am just got back from the hospital, and its time to pass out now.
see yall next time.
[Nov 20,2005 5:01am - pam nli  ""]
Suicide Dream would have played right after us, except Laurel was the only one who showed up. Apparently Casey overslept, I'm not sure what happened to Shadow but I know he was doing sound later on. Too bad, I would have like to see them, but I was happy enough to see Laurel.

Shroud get their set cut because they take approx. 100 years to set up...because they have approx 100 members. The Accursed lost a bunch of their set because of it, which sucked. So that basically sucked for everyone, Shroud and The Accursed. They need some hopped-up roadies or something.

I am in soooo much pain. I thought I was going to die for a good three hours at the show, so I missed a LOT of bands, including Inflicted...which sucked. But when my vision started blurring and I couldn't swallow without crying like a pansy, I had to go pass out in the car with a mouthful of Motrin.

From what I did see, that girl fronted punk band was fun, I really liked the girls voice. Coffin Birth was awesome, I had the pleasure of sharing a stage with them twice this weekend. Anthony is sure to have my superaids by sunrise. The Accursed killed. Hypersolid was actually pretty awesome, I remember them being nu-metalish...in fact I have one of their CD's. I don't want them to take this the wrong way, but somewhere down the line they got pretty awesome. Reminded me of Nevermore, kinda. Nice guys, too. Anyone else I saw I wasn't really into. Lot of stuff that really wasn't my style. Actually there was one band on the main stage that was pretty good but I don't remember their name. I wish I caught Green Evening Requiem, but I was in a coma in the car. I heard from Jon that Forever's Fallen Grace was awesome too.

Anyway I'm gonna try and sleep through the horrible pain (waaahhhh, I know) So for everyone that used that mic after me, I'm sorry for the SARS, Superaids, and strep throat. Three hours of dying aside it was a good time! Always good to see you rev, funny how the last time you took pictures of me I was in a wedding dress and lookin pretty and this time I was half dead and looking horrible. I feel deflowered now, I've had my RTTP band photo cherry popped.

...you took it easy on me, only a few HORRIBLE pictures of me...but what did George do to you? lol.
[Nov 20,2005 7:51am - Aegathis nli  ""]
well not super aids, but i did manage to lock myself out of the car. My dads car has some stupid autolock thing where as soon as u close the door they all lock.and james has to be back to work at 10. Damn it!
[Nov 20,2005 7:59am - Aegathis nli  ""]
the_reverend said:
coffin birth: (main stage) it sounds like they've been expanding their sound since that one first show. I my guess is correct, the first songs were newer.

Hahaha, it would amaze me if you even remembered any of the songs we played before,but truth be told the only new song since then was the last song,probably only sound new considering we have a drummer that can actually play the songs now , and having 2 guitarists actually makes all the more difference in sound.I guess.
[Nov 20,2005 9:53am - anonymous  ""]
Got to the club around 5pm yesterday.And by 7 I was bored out of my mind.There was alot of crapola there last night.The only 2 bands that I liked were 137 and Slight of Mind.For the price should have been better bands there.Why the fuck arnt Bane of Existence at this fest? Today should be a little bit better.Im going to see CSDO and Saints in Hell.
[Nov 20,2005 9:56am - anonymous  ""]
The chick in Sucide Dream is a hottie.I believe her name is Laurel.

[Nov 20,2005 10:07am - sever ""]
the_reverend said:The new drummer is not only really good, but he's really sweet 16.

Yeah, Anthony's pretty good.
[Nov 20,2005 10:15am - Aegathis ""]
Hes also 17, not 16. Still at an age where hes got to be back home at a certain time.
[Nov 20,2005 10:18am - anonymous  ""]
did seed mention mike label on stage?
[Nov 20,2005 10:21am - Aegathis ""]
not sure , i was a little too busy loading in during that band to notice what they were saying.
[Nov 20,2005 10:35am - SeedBassist ""]
anonymous said:did seed mention mike label on stage?

No, we didn't mention Mike last night. Instead of mentioning him during the break in "Spirals" like we usually do, Ben from Shot Down Sun just said some random crap from "United States of Whatever."

Much thanks to Jay for putting this up. And props to all the bands that played, I didn't really see any i didnt enjoy, all seemed to put on a good show. And thanks to everybody who was in front of the stage last night rocking out for us, you guys rule. Seed's finally on RTTP...WEWT!!!!111oneoneomgwtfbbqnigga!
[Nov 20,2005 10:36am - SeedBassist ""]
Ohhh.....and to Anthony from Coffin Birth, I want to do some shows with you guys because you were simply amazing, probably my favorite band of the night. Definately some good stuff right there.
[Nov 20,2005 10:40am - sever ""]
er... since when have you posted here kyle?
[Nov 20,2005 10:43am - SeedBassist ""]
I joined a couple weeks ago. What's happenning?
[Nov 20,2005 10:49am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
coffin birth is indeed amazing...they blew me away at the compound on friday
[Nov 20,2005 11:23am - anonymous  ""]
I hope they dont run out of food again like they did last night.
[Nov 20,2005 11:31am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
im bringing several pounds of hamburger then
[Nov 20,2005 11:35am - the_reverend ""]
Idon't care cause there weren't veggie dogs or anything. go to subway and get the worst sub you've every had!

oh and the bassist for coffin birth looks like he's in sick fuck still.
[Nov 20,2005 12:29pm - Aegathis ""]
SeedBassist said:Ohhh.....and to Anthony from Coffin Birth, I want to do some shows with you guys because you were simply amazing, probably my favorite band of the night. Definately some good stuff right there.

thats cool dude Id like too, but i think we might take a little break for a while as far playing shows. One reason being that drummer anthony is an hour away from me and mike , and we're limited as far moving shit around,considering the one who lives furthest away cant drive>:] I guess hes gotta start doing better in school 1st before he can play again, or some crazy shit, and we're 100 percent less than likely that we'll find someone who can replace him between now and then.But yea we're hittin the studio this week end , so we'll have a cd soon!:doublehorns:
[Nov 20,2005 12:31pm - pam nli  ""]
the bassist for coffin birth looks like a frequently worried Swede.
[Nov 20,2005 12:35pm - Aegathis ""]
his myspace profile, which he doesnt even know exists, says it all
[Nov 20,2005 12:36pm - pam nli  ""]
he doesn't know about that!?!?
[Nov 20,2005 12:36pm - pam nli  ""]
you're mean. lol.
[Nov 20,2005 12:47pm - dyingmuse ""]
"Shroud get their set cut because they take approx. 100 years to set up...because they have approx 100 members. The Accursed lost a bunch of their set because of it, which sucked. So that basically sucked for everyone"

are you kidding me? we were told before we hit the stage that the whole show was running 20 minutes behind! don't blame us! that's a bit outta line! it sucked for as seeing that we had a whole set arranged around 40 minutes and had to cut the whole thing short. we set up just as long as everyone else. if anyone is to blame blame jay for not having his shit together.
[Nov 20,2005 12:49pm - dyingmuse ""]
aside from that issue, i had a good time and i would like to thank aarron, jeremy, jay all the bands(that stuck around for our set)
[Nov 20,2005 1:02pm - pam nli  ""]
jay? that's a nice thing to say about the person who booked you. every fest runs over time, jay more than had his shit together. 20 minutes is nothing.

and I was fucking kidding around, settle down. you conveinently left out the "for The Accursed AND Shroud" part of that quote.
[Nov 20,2005 1:07pm - pam nli  ""]
also what's outta line could be running one's mouth about one's bandmate the second you walk off the stage. classy.
[Nov 20,2005 1:17pm - the_reverend ""]
the one thing jay could do is push the bands to hurry a little more, but I think he's too nice to do that.
he needs to get a partner that will but bands onto the stage.
[Nov 20,2005 1:23pm - pam nli  ""]
he tried, but yeah he's definately too nice to really yell at someone. bands that intentionally go over their set time suck. I hate that shit. I think we went under ours, we're in and out so fast you don't even feel it. Until you get the super aids a few days later.

throat getting scratchy yet, rev?
[Nov 20,2005 2:52pm - succubus ""]
you know you're in trouble if he gets sick pam...because that means I'll get sick!!!
whether or not it's your fault i'll blame you..and punish you when i see you next!!
[Nov 20,2005 3:12pm - pam ""]
is that a threat or a promise???

[Nov 20,2005 3:13pm - dyingmuse ""]
whoa whoa whoa!!!!!! you said that we were ruining the show for people....jay told us that we were behing schedule so we had to cut our set short. because the fest was running late it's our fault?

read your quote...

"The Accursed lost a bunch of their set because of it, which sucked. So that basically sucked for everyone"

you said that shit not me i am just responding. that is classy!

maybe you should have just worded that differently.

now lets not get nasty, i think you may have just worded this shit wrong, can we drop it?
[Nov 20,2005 3:17pm - pam ""]
once again you leave out the end that said for THE ACCURSED AND SHROUD, as in the lateness sucked for your band and theirs. as in I am sorry for both bands.

I see nowhere in my comment anything about you ruining the show for people. You have clearly been drinking.
[Nov 20,2005 3:17pm - dreadkill ""]
i think shroud, the accursed, and smite the righteous should all play a show with my band because i like those bands and the people in those bands are good people. the end.
[Nov 20,2005 3:18pm - pam ""]
I will play with your band anyday.
[Nov 20,2005 3:25pm - Forevers ""]
Thanks to everyone for coming out to the show.
Thanks to Jay for setting it up. Make sure you go tonight and support local music,
Anyone wanting Some Free CD's stivkers Etc.
Just e-mail us with your info
or at www.myspace.com/foreversfallengrace
[Nov 20,2005 3:27pm - SeedBassist ""]
dyingmuse said:aside from that issue, i had a good time and i would like to thank aarron, jeremy, jay all the bands(that stuck around for our set)

Hey Dan, I didn't get much of a chance to talk to you, but I feel really bad about having to miss your set. I had obligations i couldn't break. Me and Mark definately want to set up some Seed/Shroud shows sometime in the near future, and Mark told me that you felt the same. Hopefully we can set something up in the future. Stay metal \m/
[Nov 20,2005 3:27pm - succubus ""]
it's a threat AND a promise!! ;)

I didn't realize you were playing yesterday btw...I had a thanksgiving party...but i ended up staying home alone zzz
[Nov 20,2005 3:43pm - dyingmuse ""]
pam said:once again you leave out the end that said for THE ACCURSED AND SHROUD, as in the lateness sucked for your band and theirs. as in I am sorry for both bands.

I see nowhere in my comment anything about you ruining the show for people. You have clearly been drinking.

Maybe I misunderstood you. Let's end this now, and have a big 'ol group hug! I'm definately down with doing a show with you guys, and The Accursed! I dig you guys and I didn't mean to misinterpret what you said!

Simple misunderstanding!

[Nov 20,2005 3:43pm - pam ""]
[Nov 20,2005 3:44pm - dyingmuse ""]
By the way Kyle, it's all good, Mark told me that you had to go see his sister. We'll definately set some shows up soon!
[Nov 20,2005 3:44pm - pam ""]
dyingmuse said:pam said:once again you leave out the end that said for THE ACCURSED AND SHROUD, as in the lateness sucked for your band and theirs. as in I am sorry for both bands.

I see nowhere in my comment anything about you ruining the show for people. You have clearly been drinking.

Maybe I misunderstood you. Let's end this now, and have a big 'ol group hug! I'm definately down with doing a show with you guys, and The Accursed! I dig you guys and I didn't mean to misinterpret what you said!

Simple misunderstanding!


Fair enough, it was said in a joking manner which does not convey well online. You guys played well last night.
[Nov 20,2005 3:47pm - the_reverend ""]
dan, honestly shroud does take longer to set up than other bands. 7 members? 2 keyboards? a clean singer? plus, the full range from loud to atmospheric soft? how the hell would this take the same set up time as a 4 piece. it's just a mere fact of the band that you are in. I think that promoters just need to take that into account when they book you guys.
[Nov 20,2005 3:49pm - dyingmuse ""]
pam said:Fair enough, it was said in a joking manner which does not convey well online. You guys played well last night.

thank you very much!
[Nov 20,2005 4:06pm - pam ""]
the_reverend said:dan, honestly shroud does take longer to set up than other bands. 7 members? 2 keyboards? a clean singer? plus, the full range from loud to atmospheric soft? how the hell would this take the same set up time as a 4 piece. it's just a mere fact of the band that you are in. I think that promoters just need to take that into account when they book you guys.

it's a goddamn traveling circus! you guys should get a tamborine player just to be jerks.
[Nov 20,2005 4:11pm - the_reverend ""]
I think of it more as, a rubic cube is 4x4x4. if it were 5x5x5, wouldn't it take longer to figure out?
don't make me bring out the chewbacca defence.
[Nov 20,2005 4:36pm - pam ""]
[Nov 20,2005 4:41pm - the_reverend ""]
dan's also sensitive to any criticism cause each song took him 6 years to write.
[Nov 20,2005 4:43pm - dyingmuse ""]
lol ha ha ha true rev

i'm crying inside
[Nov 20,2005 4:47pm - the_reverend ""]
why don't you write a song about! I got a killer drum machine.
[Nov 20,2005 5:03pm - pam ""]
the_reverend said:dan's also sensitive to any criticism cause each song took him 6 years to write.

[Nov 20,2005 7:55pm - Justin ACR  ""]
i felt like an asshole, i had to leave a lil after our set cuz my aunt was having open heart surgery in boston, i only got to catch like 2 bands all night, and those 2 bands (im not sure who they were) weren't bad at all
[Nov 20,2005 8:12pm - pam ""]
well that's a pretty reasonable excuse man.

besides almost no bands stick around if they don't have to. ever. so the guilt alone makes you something else.
[Nov 20,2005 10:09pm - sever ""]
[Nov 20,2005 10:21pm - SeedBassist ""]

Because Anthony was there, and because Pathogenic roxorz his boxorz! Seriously though, Pathogenic was some good shit.
[Nov 21,2005 1:12am - Aegathis ""]
Yea they were definatly fuckin awsome and i wish they were still together, i also wish anthony would keep playin for us.
[Nov 21,2005 9:57am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
pam said:the_reverend said:dan, honestly shroud does take longer to set up than other bands. 7 members? 2 keyboards? a clean singer? plus, the full range from loud to atmospheric soft? how the hell would this take the same set up time as a 4 piece. it's just a mere fact of the band that you are in. I think that promoters just need to take that into account when they book you guys.

it's a goddamn traveling circus! you guys should get a tamborine player just to be jerks.

And an accordian..............of doom!
[Nov 21,2005 10:37am - DreamingInExile ""]

I wore it for Anthony :newhorns: I thought Pathogenic was awsome, Anthony had given me the shirt and the demo, when he played with us for that short while.

I hope Anthony got a good laugh out of me wearing that.. .AHAHAHAHAHAHA
[Nov 21,2005 12:57pm - DreamingInExile ""]
kellthevalkyrie said:And an accordian..............of doom!


that would put us up to 46.5 members (the .5 would be me, because I'm the Scrawny Pale Guy ahahahaha and I'm too small to be considered a whole person)
[Nov 21,2005 1:07pm - babyshaker ""]
i enjoy shroud alot...i bought one of there cds at a jorros place show and still listen to it pretty frequentlyand dan is like the nicest dude on the planet earth even if he does write songs that are 30 minutes long thats what i like about it
[Nov 21,2005 1:19pm - DreamingInExile ""]
babyshaker said:i enjoy shroud alot...i bought one of there cds at a jorros place show and still listen to it pretty frequently

thanks man, that's much appreciated :newhorns:!!!
[Nov 21,2005 1:53pm - metal_church101 ""]
Definitely a good show. Good to catch up with bands that I haven't seen in a while.
[Nov 21,2005 7:47pm - dyingmuse ""]
babyshaker said:i enjoy shroud alot...i bought one of there cds at a jorros place show and still listen to it pretty frequentlyand dan is like the nicest dude on the planet earth even if he does write songs that are 30 minutes long thats what i like about it

shit, i didn't see this, that's awesome! thank you for the words of kindness!!


hails to you!
[Nov 21,2005 7:53pm - dyingmuse ""]
succubus said:they should buy you another one...why would someone take someone else's coffee?

lol holy shit, was it a hazelnut or some kind of gay flavor?

i came in with one, drank it, forgot and picked up someones elses' (behind jeremy's merch table) and walked outside, then took a sip, almost puked and threw it away....and i was like ohh shit i drank mine, then felt bad, but had no idea who's it was and didn't feel good about leaving something i had my mouth on for someone to drink.

if that gay hazelnut one was yours i guess i owe you a new one...or a shot or whatever the next time i see you..

sorry lol

[Nov 21,2005 7:55pm - succubus ""]
hahahaha french vanilla .. yep it was his
[Nov 21,2005 7:58pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha ha!!!! so sorry!

i will in fact buy you a new one.

hey carina how are ya?
[Nov 28,2005 11:17am - Aegathis ""]
hey any one get and pics of the Pepelis penis poke>:]

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