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Who stole the show for you during Stone & Steel

[Nov 21,2005 6:49pm - destroytheopposition ""]
Unfortunately main stage was running late so I wasn't able to keep everyones time slots to schedule with a strict cutoff time of 1am, and I was unable to catch a majority of everyone's set. For the bands that made it there and the people that came thanks!
[Nov 21,2005 7:03pm - pam ""]
I actually had a blast watching hypersolid. Those guys were awesome.

I also dug For What It's Worth, and of course The Accursed killed. There was another band too, but I didn't catch their name.

I missed a couple bands I wanted to see while I was dying in my car.
[Nov 21,2005 7:43pm - dyingmuse ""]
i was digging on green evening requiem
and seed, they were pretty fucking killer!
[Nov 21,2005 8:07pm - SeedBassist ""]
dyingmuse said:and seed, they were pretty fucking killer!

Glad you enjoyed the set Dan! You'll be seeing more of us when we get shows with you soon! The metal shall flow \m/
[Nov 21,2005 8:15pm - dyingmuse ""]
indeed it shall!!!!

woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Nov 21,2005 8:16pm - SeedBassist ""]
MOCHA!!!!!!! \m/
[Nov 21,2005 8:18pm - dyingmuse ""]
ewww weeww weeeewwwahhh!!!!!!!!
[Nov 21,2005 8:45pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
Whos stole the show? hmm i woulda said the band that played 3 times! I forget what they were called, but i remember them being good.
[Nov 21,2005 9:10pm - rev amous  ""]
target remains
[Nov 21,2005 9:50pm - anonymous  ""]
dyingmuse said:i was digging on green evening requiem
and seed, they were pretty fucking killer!

those were two of the three bands I wanted to see and missed. I heard Seed outside and tried to will myself to open my eyes but it didn't work.
[Nov 21,2005 9:51pm - pam nli  ""]
that was me btw
[Nov 21,2005 10:12pm - InventorofEvil ""]
On Saturday it was SLight of Mind and on Sunday it was Saints in Hell.There was way to much screamcore going on both nights and thats why those 2 bands stood out.The lead guitarist for SIH got all the Glen Tipton solos down to perfection,that was impressive.And SLight of Mind have an awesome,old school power metal sound that is not found in the majority of the New England bands.
[Nov 21,2005 10:18pm - SeedBassist ""]
I thought Coffin Birth and Smite the Rightous were fucking amazing. Pam from Smite the Rightous has a fucking voice to be reckoned with. Loved the guitar work as well. I could hear a real gothenburg influence in you guys. And Coffin Birth was just some brutally heavy shit! Too bad the asshole sound guy mixed Anthony's drums WAY too low. But great show anyways. Definately 2 bands Seed would love to do shows with in the future. And 2 bands who's material i'll be playing on my radio show. If I had been able to stay for Shroud, I'm sure they would have been on my list as well.
[Nov 21,2005 10:24pm - pam ""]
SeedBassist said:I thought Coffin Birth and Smite the Rightous were fucking amazing. Pam from Smite the Rightous has a fucking voice to be reckoned with. Loved the guitar work as well. I could hear a real gothenburg influence in you guys. And Coffin Birth was just some brutally heavy shit! Too bad the asshole sound guy mixed Anthony's drums WAY too low. But great show anyways. Definately 2 bands Seed would love to do shows with in the future. And 2 bands who's material i'll be playing on my radio show.

Hey thanks man! I cracked the window of my car while I was delirious so I could hear Seed play. lol.

We'd LOVE to play with you guys! I've been email hounding like 5 or 6 clubs today trying to get some nights to book, hopefully they'll pan out and I can get you guys on a bill with us.
[Nov 21,2005 10:30pm - pam ""]
what's your radio show, btw?
[Nov 21,2005 10:40pm - SeedBassist ""]
I'm at UMASS Lowell. The station is WUML 91.5, but it's a bitch to get outside of lowell, and we stream online at wuml.org. My show is called "heavy as a really heavy thing" it's on thursdays from 9-11pm, but not this week since it's thanksgiving.
[Nov 21,2005 10:43pm - dreadkill ""]
pam said:SeedBassist said:I thought Coffin Birth and Smite the Rightous were fucking amazing. Pam from Smite the Rightous has a fucking voice to be reckoned with. Loved the guitar work as well. I could hear a real gothenburg influence in you guys. And Coffin Birth was just some brutally heavy shit! Too bad the asshole sound guy mixed Anthony's drums WAY too low. But great show anyways. Definately 2 bands Seed would love to do shows with in the future. And 2 bands who's material i'll be playing on my radio show.

Hey thanks man! I cracked the window of my car while I was delirious so I could hear Seed play. lol.

We'd LOVE to play with you guys! I've been email hounding like 5 or 6 clubs today trying to get some nights to book, hopefully they'll pan out and I can get you guys on a bill with us.

get a show at the new wave. my band got booked there pretty easily a few weeks ago. all i did was email the guy and he said "play november 3rd" and it happened.
[Nov 21,2005 10:44pm - dreadkill ""]
SeedBassist said:I'm at UMASS Lowell. The station is WUML 91.5, but it's a bitch to get outside of lowell, and we stream online at wuml.org. My show is called "heavy as a really heavy thing" it's on thursdays from 9-11pm, but not this week since it's thanksgiving.

i'll send you my band's EP when i get the copies in a few weeks.
[Nov 21,2005 10:44pm - pam ""]
I actually emailed Tim tonight about that. He usually lets me book there, I've been doing it for The Accursed for years.
[Nov 21,2005 10:46pm - pam ""]
SeedBassist said:I'm at UMASS Lowell. The station is WUML 91.5, but it's a bitch to get outside of lowell, and we stream online at wuml.org. My show is called "heavy as a really heavy thing" it's on thursdays from 9-11pm, but not this week since it's thanksgiving.

sick, I'll have to get you a demo.

isn't that a devin t. album? syl? or something he has a hand in? haha.
[Nov 21,2005 10:50pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
fucking contagion!!! they're such an unbelievable band http://www.myspace.com/contagionma

Hey SeedBassist I believe we're playing together at Fox Common with The Taste of Silver on February 15
[Nov 21,2005 10:53pm - dreadkill ""]
we played with contagion once. their lead guitarist was awesome. i liked their stuff except for the breakdowns and the cover of newer shadows fall. they're a good band. i'd definitely play another show with them sometime.
[Nov 21,2005 10:53pm - SeedBassist ""]
pam said:isn't that a devin t. album? syl? or something he has a hand in? haha.

yes that's the name of Strapping Young Lad's debut album, and a great album at that!
[Nov 21,2005 10:56pm - SeedBassist ""]
Yes, we are playing at UML on the 15th of February. Can't wait to tear shit up with you guys.

And as far as demos for radio airplay, just catch me on AIM at "Neverpurified" and we can work something out. I posted about this a while back and said that i'll play a couple unsigned/local bands every week, and I'm always accepting demos.
[Nov 21,2005 10:58pm - SeedBassist ""]
dreadkill said:SeedBassist said:I'm at UMASS Lowell. The station is WUML 91.5, but it's a bitch to get outside of lowell, and we stream online at wuml.org. My show is called "heavy as a really heavy thing" it's on thursdays from 9-11pm, but not this week since it's thanksgiving.

i'll send you my band's EP when i get the copies in a few weeks.

What you could do, is have your guitarist Mike give it to Basim Usmani since they were in Malice in Leatherland together. And I know Basim, so he could get it to me.

Woah, 3 posts in a row......i really need to learn to say everything i need to say in one post

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