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CD Pressing/Printing

[Nov 23,2005 4:40pm - TheHawthorneEffect ""]
Anyone know where I can get short-run CDs pressed and packaged that's not gonna cost an assload? Seems like a lot of places put limits of 1000 or more, we're only looking to do 250-500.

The Hawthorne Effect
Progressive Metal from Providence, RI
[Nov 23,2005 4:40pm - dreadkill ""]
i think wonderdrug does short runs.
[Nov 23,2005 4:41pm - sacreligion ""]
we are also looking for the same
[Nov 23,2005 4:55pm - dreadkill ""]
TheHawthorneEffect said:Anyone know where I can get short-run CDs pressed and packaged that's not gonna cost an assload? Seems like a lot of places put limits of 1000 or more, we're only looking to do 250-500.

The Hawthorne Effect
Progressive Metal from Providence, RI

we should do a show together sometime. i'm liking the tunes on your myspace page.
[Nov 23,2005 4:57pm - dreadkill ""]
i'm not a fan of hardcore, but you guys do a good job of weaving some hardcore elements into the music without making it gay.
[Nov 23,2005 5:40pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Check http://www.dgrinc.com - it's Evan from DeathGasm Records, pretty sure he would do a 500 run, his prices are the best too.
[Nov 23,2005 5:43pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Who does vinyl pressing
[Nov 23,2005 6:11pm - TheHawthorneEffect ""]
Thanks all for the input. I thought about wonderdrug, I always heard they were pricey, but I should stop being lazy and actually look into it. I'll def check out deathgasm if their prices are decent. Dread, we're looking for shows, so definitely keep us in mind. We're hoping to have our new recordings mixed and ready for consumption by the middle of next month, they sound a lot more vicious than what's up on myspace right now.
[Nov 23,2005 6:26pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Looking at the price difference between 500 and 1000, you'd be better off with 1000.
[Nov 23,2005 7:43pm - my_pretentious_erection ""]
THE cheapest and best looking DIY route, is what ron does at RRRecords... mass or home cdr, in normal cardboard sleeves, and then for the artwork you can just photo copy, cut, and then use spray glue... the art is like 5"x10" so it folds over the top opening on the sleeve. looks great.

people should check this out if you are interested in any diy/indy merch organizing shit wahteverrrerer :
the DIY links on iheartnoise board
[Nov 23,2005 7:46pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
what do you consider an "assload"?
[Nov 25,2005 1:25pm - anonymous  ""]
Welp, my old band when the DIY route, it was a pain in the ass to say the least. I figure we've spent a ton already on recording, why skimp now on pressing. Cigs, I think we're just looking to see what companies do for shorter runs, I've seen some quotes of nearly $2 a CD for full jewel cases for 1000, which is what we're probably gonna do. If $2 is the lowest, that's what we'll do, I didn't know if there was anything cheaper.
[Nov 25,2005 1:31pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i can't believe that shit... $885 for 500 or $980 for $1000

why can't the 500 be just a little less expensive than that
[Nov 25,2005 1:40pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
For 1000 CDs, Discmakers is like $1590...which is $1.59 a CD

they have GREAT quality
[Nov 25,2005 1:51pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]

that place has decent rates for duplication, but then you factor in the packaging and that makes it an assload regardless

my sister just told me the guys in her band have equipment to do it, and they're doing it with their cd...maybe i can convince him to start a lucrative business of helping local bands with no cash
[Nov 25,2005 1:51pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
well...some cash obviously
[Nov 25,2005 1:53pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
yea man that would ve cool, we could use some of the assistance with our cd too
[Nov 25,2005 1:58pm - dreadkill ""]
i'm shelling out $1500 to get 1000 copies of my band's CD from wonderdrug. i should have them in 3 weeks, i'll let you all know how it comes out so you'll know if it's worth it to go through them.
[Nov 25,2005 1:58pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i figure he'd hook it up if you paid for the materials and gave him some $$ for his time

i bet it'd save a whole shit ton of money, i don't know for sure yet though
[Nov 25,2005 2:50pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Nov 28,2005 2:13pm - TheHawthorneEffect ""]
Thanks all. Dread, def let me know how wonderdrug works out. And if anyone's around on Dec. 17th, come check us out with Irepress, the Departed, and Dour Cursiva at KC's Tap. Hopefully we'll be passing out 1 song samplers.
[Nov 30,2005 5:34pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
ok those guys said they wouldn't have the time to do it...but they gave me this info

an Epson R200 printer(that will print on cds) costs about $100
it needs 6 ink cartridges, but you can get a set at BJ's for like $60
you can pick up a pack of 50 white faced cds for about $20-$25
and if you were doing inserts you would need glossy paper(that's the only thing i don't know the price of)
[Nov 30,2005 5:35pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
if you need templates i do believe wonderdrugrecords.com has them up there
[Nov 30,2005 9:05pm - my_pretentious_erection ""]
"you can pick up a pack of 50 white faced cds for about $20-$25 "

there's a MUCH better deal through online people if you buy in bulk... at staples, 30 white printable CDrs is 25 dollars. through tigerdirect, 600 white CDrs is 200 dollars... if anyone wants to split a case let me know, i don't need that many lol.
[Nov 30,2005 9:13pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
possibly...maybe a couple of us could go in and each get like 200 or something

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