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Pat Morita = Dead.

[Nov 25,2005 12:09pm - wade ""]

[Nov 25,2005 12:44pm - Patnomalous  ""]
The Karate Korpse.
[Nov 25,2005 12:45pm - RustedAngel ""]
sucks, mr. miyagi rules.
[Nov 25,2005 12:49pm - scoracrasia ""]
Wax on, wax dead.
[Nov 25,2005 12:59pm - dreadkill ""]
that guy was awesome.
[Nov 25,2005 1:11pm - wade ""]
a long ass time ago, my cousin was in the hospital and Mr. Morita visted. always thought that was cool.
[Nov 25,2005 1:27pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
You will be missed Miyagi son.
[Nov 25,2005 1:45pm - the_reverend ""]
wow.. that sucks.
he would have gotten a few more years.. but.. well..
we all saw karate kid 4.
[Nov 25,2005 1:47pm - succubus ""]
don't forget happy days
[Nov 25,2005 5:25pm - dwellingsickness ""]
damn, ya beat me to it,I just got up not to long ago and saw this on the news....Sucks He was a cool Actor/Martial Artist
[Nov 25,2005 5:37pm - niccolai ""]
DEATH2ALL said:You will be missed Miyagi son.

He was a teacher, so I believe the correct term is Miyagi-samma.
[Nov 25,2005 5:39pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
fuck, my favorite Japanese guy of all time

I have to do a fuckn crane kick on the shores tonight
[Nov 25,2005 5:43pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Fear does not exist in this Do JO
Cobra Kai
[Nov 25,2005 5:46pm - InventorofEvil ""]
Wax on wax off.I never understood how Daniellson learned karate buy waxing cars.

[Nov 25,2005 8:52pm - nash ""]
I was just talking about this guy yesterday.. I loved that dude, he could probably kill you with those chopsticks he's holding.
[Nov 25,2005 11:57pm - davefromthegrave ""]
niccolai said:DEATH2ALL said:You will be missed Miyagi son.

He was a teacher, so I believe the correct term is Miyagi-samma.

miyagi sensei.

what is "samma"?
[Nov 27,2005 6:41pm - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 27,2005 6:45pm - succubus ""]
that lady looks like the lady that wanted a backstage pass from you aaron...hahaha
man were you scared!
[Nov 27,2005 6:57pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
old horny drunk broads scare me too
[Nov 27,2005 6:57pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i can't believe miyagi is dead...he was in a league above chuck norris

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