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the douche talks: President Bush to speak at 9:30am

[Nov 30,2005 9:18am - the_reverend ""]
join me listening to a flipflopper setting out some sort of "line" in "time" about his "plans" for iraq

windows media:
[Nov 30,2005 9:23am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Seriously, my old job was at an appliance repair shop, with infinite big-screens on all day. I caught every friggin' press conference, I could quote you the speech verbatim without ever having heard it. You can get a pretty good approximation if you imagined Moe Howard freestyling about terrorists, freedom, security, and those of "questionable patriotism". With plenty of, "Oh, wiseguy, eh?" thrown in whenever he gets asked a (carefully vetted but still mildly uncomfortable) question.
[Nov 30,2005 9:30am - DreamingInExile ""]
this ought to be funny...
[Nov 30,2005 9:32am - succubus ""]
if by funny you mean BLEH then yes!
[Nov 30,2005 9:39am - DreamingInExile ""]
no, I want to listen to see how many times he's going to contradict himself...
[Nov 30,2005 9:42am - the_reverend ""]
it's starting now.
[Nov 30,2005 9:51am - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 30,2005 9:53am - DreamingInExile ""]
hmm... seems like he's making the crowd think about how "evil" everyone else is now, so when he dosen't make a point with his speech, the crowd will still think that he was right and we should kill the Arabs....

I'm still waiting for his point...
[Nov 30,2005 9:53am - DreamingInExile ""]
the_reverend said:[img]

[Nov 30,2005 9:54am - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 30,2005 10:03am - the_reverend ""]
I was just looking for EBN videos... didn't find any.

did he just fart?
[Nov 30,2005 10:07am - the_reverend ""]
man.. I need to go sit in the bathroom for a few minutes...
but he's still talking.
[Nov 30,2005 10:09am - DreamingInExile ""]
I just took a break, and he's still not making a point...
[Nov 30,2005 10:13am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
hes been making the same speech ever since we invaded to begin with

someone kill him.
[Nov 30,2005 10:16am - DreamingInExile ""]
[Nov 30,2005 10:27am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I went and pooh and played some castlevania.
[Nov 30,2005 10:29am - the_reverend ""]
yes! I've been blessed!
[Nov 30,2005 10:30am - succubus ""]
i bought some yankee candles with a 50% off coupon! w00t!
[Nov 30,2005 10:30am - DreamingInExile ""]

does anyone know what his point was? I heard him reitterate EVERYTHING he's been saying for MONTHS...

Why was he elected again?
[Nov 30,2005 10:31am - DreamingInExile ""]
succubus said:i bought some yankee candles with a 50% off coupon! w00t!

being off topic, that's probably the ONLY thing pertaining to this topic that makes any sense...
[Nov 30,2005 10:32am - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
DreamingInExile said:Why was he elected again?

Because America is full of asshole Christians who want to put god before anything else.

[Nov 30,2005 10:34am - DreamingInExile ""]
we need more church burnings...
[Nov 30,2005 10:34am - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 30,2005 10:36am - succubus ""]
if your woman likes them, i can give you the code for 50% off!
[Nov 30,2005 10:40am - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 30,2005 10:44am - succubus ""]
aaron...i want to know the pic you chose, check yer email
[Nov 30,2005 10:46am - DreamingInExile ""]
succubus said:if your woman likes them, i can give you the code for 50% off!

yeah, not like she dosen't already have like 100 candles already, but I can kill some x-mas chopping with that coupon...
[Nov 30,2005 10:47am - the_reverend ""]
I forgot to pick a picture.
[Nov 30,2005 10:49am - succubus ""]
Yankee Candle has 22oz. Housewarmer Candles for $10.78 each with 50% off coupon code MAG5121. You must by at least 2 and apply the coupon code in your shopping cart. Shipping is $5.
[Nov 30,2005 10:52am - DreamingInExile ""]
you rock!
[Nov 30,2005 10:55am - the_reverend ""]
I like warhammer candles.
[Nov 30,2005 11:01am - succubus ""]
i bought:
raspberry cream
vanilla caramel
sweet strawberry
macintosh & peach
Island Mango

[Nov 30,2005 11:03am - the_reverend ""]
islington st is going to smell like 10 bath and body works stores exploded.
[Nov 30,2005 11:04am - succubus ""]
yankee is a good company...when they arrive if we don't like any of the smells we can go to the store and exchange...
[Nov 30,2005 11:11am - DreamingInExile ""]
the_reverend said:islington st is going to smell like 10 bath and body works stores exploded.

I suppose that's better the reaking of BO... but I don't know by how much
[Nov 30,2005 11:17am - dyingmuse ""]
[Nov 30,2005 11:43am - the_reverend ""]
oh.. jk "Bush: No timetable for leaving Iraq"
[Nov 30,2005 12:48pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
DreamingInExile said:oooooooooook...
Why was he elected again?

when was he elected again :wiggam:
[Nov 30,2005 1:02pm - DreamingInExile ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:DreamingInExile said:oooooooooook...
Why was he elected again?

when was he elected again :wiggam:

I was more referring to:

1.) why was he elected in the first place?


2.) why was he re-elected?
[Nov 30,2005 1:06pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
umm yeah when did either of those happen, i still dont consider him an elected official nor would i ever refer to him as a president.

this is the biggest sham the government ever got away with, this is worse then nixon, reagan or kennedy being shot
[Nov 30,2005 1:42pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
oh yeah one last thing

[Nov 30,2005 1:46pm - the_reverend ""]
[Nov 30,2005 1:57pm - anonymous  ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:oh yeah one last thing



I'm watching F 911 right now, have to listen to this later...so I can stick a pen in my ear immediately afterward.
[Nov 30,2005 3:10pm - dyingmuse ""]
mike moore is a fucking retard!
[Nov 30,2005 5:00pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
nah, Bush is a fucking retard, Moore just doesn't know when to shut up...
If Bush wants to win this "war" (or illegal invasion and occupation of a soverin state that's never threatened or harmed us) then why don't we pack him up with his whole administration and everyone stupid enough to actually vote for him, and send them over there to fight it? They can pay for the whole thing themselves too, because I'm not giving those fuckers my hard earned money to kill innocent people.
[Nov 30,2005 6:11pm - BornSoVile ""]
at least Moore says something, nobody likes him cause he's fat and honest, a horrible combination it never works in politics except for uncle Teddy.
[Nov 30,2005 7:27pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
Ted Kennedy? has he lost any weight? he was starting to look like a ballon from the thanksgiving day parade...
[Nov 30,2005 8:06pm - pam ""]
I have far more respect for Michael Moore than the fucking president. Prove him wrong...please. I will absolutely take that and say I was wrong. But thus far, he's right on the money. Someone needs to fucking say it. The spineless fucking democratic party certainly doesn't.
[Dec 1,2005 12:05am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
HailTheLeaf said:Ted Kennedy? has he lost any weight? he was starting to look like a ballon from the thanksgiving day parade...

at least get the quote right samica, robin williams somewhere is in pain right now
[Dec 1,2005 11:46am - HailTheLeaf ""]
I wasn't trying to get the quote right, didn't want to completely rip it off..and mine works better anyways
[Dec 1,2005 12:46pm - soloman ""]
this is worth reading. It's not gonna change your ideology, but it gives insight into why conservatives actually call Michael Moore a liar. Its much more than simply "I dont like what he says so he's lying." Check it.

[Dec 1,2005 1:44pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
really? I thought F/911 was right on the money
[Dec 1,2005 2:41pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
HailTheLeaf said:I wasn't trying to get the quote right, didn't want to completely rip it off..and mine works better anyways

sure it does and one day being unemployed will work out for you
[Dec 1,2005 5:32pm - anonymous  ""]
HailTheLeaf said:I wasn't trying to get the quote right, didn't want to completely rip it off..and mine works better anyways

pla·gia·rize ( P ) Pronunciation Key (plj-rz)
v. pla·gia·rized, pla·gia·riz·ing, pla·gia·riz·es
v. tr.
To use and pass off (the ideas or writings of another) as one's own.
To appropriate for use as one's own passages or ideas from (another).
[Dec 1,2005 7:27pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:
sure it does and one day being unemployed will work out for you

at least I didn't pee in a cup for best buy...
[Dec 1,2005 9:21pm - wade nli  ""]
DreamingInExile said:oooooooooook...

does anyone know what his point was? I heard him reitterate EVERYTHING he's been saying for MONTHS...

Why was he elected again?

because of:

fucking ignorant anuses that shouldn't vote anyway (go back to watching Entertainment Tonight, eat McDonald's and shut the fuck up!)

AND (most critically): a excruciatingly weak Democrat candidate.

[Dec 1,2005 11:55pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
HailTheLeaf said:whiskey_weed_and_women said:
sure it does and one day being unemployed will work out for you

at least I didn't pee in a cup for best buy...

yeah my store discount and 10.25 an hour to start makes me really wish i didnt pee in a cup
[Dec 2,2005 12:02am - KeithMutiny ""]
i missed it, what stupid shit did he say this time.

and why the fuck is he going on at that time of the morning anyway when all the people that pay for his stupid fucking war are too busy working for fuel.
[Dec 2,2005 1:26am - anonymous  ""]
george bush is a patriot and a great american,i'm honored to call a man of his calibur"commander in chief"
i've prospered during his 2 terms and things are looking alot better than they were after 9/11
[Dec 2,2005 1:48am - Al_Ravage ""]
I read the adumbration of "the plan" in the paper today...brilliant...complete and utter nonsense...just recycled and dilluted clap trap from the press releases of the last 2 years organized in doggy-treat sized bites which are guarnteed to shut up the idiotic American press just in time for the mid-term elections... as Yackoff Smirnoff once used to say "what a con-tree"
[Dec 2,2005 7:58am - KeithMutiny ""]
anonymous said:george bush is a patriot and a great american,i'm honored to call a man of his calibur"commander in chief"
i've prospered during his 2 terms and things are looking alot better than they were after 9/11

i really hope your joking. and if you not, you must come from a wealthy family, because there is no such thing as working class that has prospered from that douchebag. When i can ask mom and dad for an allowance every week, i'll agree with your statement.
[Dec 2,2005 8:20am - the_reverend ""]
mr ravage just double the number of americans who have read the document.

I would read it, but I would rather try to keep coloring in coloring books.
[Dec 2,2005 8:40am - anonymous  ""]
KeithMutiny said:anonymous said:george bush is a patriot and a great american,i'm honored to call a man of his calibur"commander in chief"
i've prospered during his 2 terms and things are looking alot better than they were after 9/11

i really hope your joking. and if you not, you must come from a wealthy family, because there is no such thing as working class that has prospered from that douchebag. When i can ask mom and dad for an allowance every week, i'll agree with your statement.

i am ablue collar guy and yes ive prospered since bush took the reigns and the reason why is because i get off my ass grind my teeth and work real fucking hard instead of pissing and moaning and finding fault with others
[Dec 2,2005 8:42am - anonymous  ""]
the fact you spoiled brats sit at home in the lap of luxury with opportunity all around you and you complain about it and make excuses is digusting,GET OFF YOUR ASS AND DO SOMETHING!
[Dec 2,2005 8:43am - anonymous  ""]
you are whats wrong with our country not george bush
[Dec 2,2005 8:44am - anonymous  ""]
piss off
[Dec 2,2005 9:32am - dyingmuse ""]

I agree guys, sorry!

Proud to be a republican!

...And Moore really is a fat, pompus, lying, pretentious pig who should die. ...And you all just follow him like sheep, blindly! He has gone on record saying that the movie was "based" on facts that were twisted around.
Fuck him! If people want handouts move to sweden, otherwish shut the fuck up. Cause, frankly I am sick of paying my hard earned tax dollars on democratic funding for lazy usless people! Get a job...it's what you make of it!
[Dec 2,2005 10:00am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Exactly, I'm sick of my hardearned tax dollars going to fund lazy fucking schoolchildren (you just started kindergarten? GET A FUCKING JOB YOU LEECH), welfare queen highways, the faggot military, and totally gaytarded student loans.

The fact is, that whole welfare queen stereotype is a lie and most people on government assistance are on it for less than a year. Pure and simple, the welfare system is a safety net designed to help people get by between jobs. If the net wasn't there we'd have mass migrations and starvation deaths like those during the Great Depression during every recession.

Think about it this way, if you've ever been on unemployment, had student loans, gone to public school, driven on a highway, used a library, or walked through a public park you should shut your fucking mouth about lazy useless people getting "handouts."
[Dec 2,2005 10:15am - dyingmuse ""]
UMM, excuse me...."UNEMPLOYMENT" comes out of "our" money. Every year "we" as the "WORKER" pay out a portion of "our" paychecks each week, as does our "employer". PERIOD!!!!!!

unemployment has nothing to do with what I am talking about. Nor does schools idiot, that is mostly town money(taxes) anyway!
And not children you fucking fucktard! I am talking about street bums, fucking lazy people taking advantage of the system! people that stay home all day and suck off my fucking money! People on ssi, section 8 and Welfare you fucking moron! You are wasting my time and offending me with your stupidity!


and are you going to "shut my fucking mouth"? bring it!
[Dec 2,2005 10:24am - dyingmuse ""]
ohh and this got ugly, as i said!

Does bobmorony work for a living? How old are you? ...And I am not talking about a fucking job at Mcdonalds to pay the bandrent. I am talking about supporting a family, rent, truckpayments normal bills.
after I pay all my bills, I will tell ya, I don't have room for these fucking deductions out of my paycheck to handout to fucking usless people taking my air!
[Dec 2,2005 10:33am - the_reverend ""]
sorry dan, but unemployment is a social program. this is one that you have used.
you also live in a comunist state (taxachusettes)

before you argue, you should compare mass DOR month reports:

with the monthly expenses of the government in the budget for mass
take a look at the line items for unemployment in the budget.. holy cow!
[Dec 2,2005 10:35am - the_reverend ""]
I pay some mass state taxes (a few thousand a year after my non-resident status is put in) so I pay attention where my $$ is going.
[Dec 2,2005 10:36am - succubus ""]
[Dec 2,2005 8:42am - anonymous ]
I agree
I didn't read all the posts but just reading that i agree 100%
[Dec 2,2005 10:40am - dyingmuse ""]
Sorry guys I just got a bit heated there. No biggie! And nothing personal(unless you want it) Bob. Playing with my money, is like playing with my emotions!

[Dec 2,2005 10:43am - the_reverend ""]
you also only like bush/republicans so that thrash metal bands that you like from the 80's have more material to write about in the 00's. what were they going to write about in the 90's? how good their tech stocks were doing?
bush brings them terrorism, fear, nuclear war, missles, bombs, war, and a plague of locust.

it saddens me when people claime to love a religious zealot who because he's not going to "spend so much of my hard earned money" when the facts are clear that bush has don't nothing at all but increase the tax burden for our children. he has at every single turn pushed congress, proposed laws, and made executive orders that spend more and more money. I really hope that you cash your check each week and think "man.. I'm sure glad that we are attacking iraq. even though I know that the money they spend there if spent on pre-school across the country, would have put 5,389 kids from HAVERHILL MASS ALONE through pre-school. man, thank you george bush. now let's make out!"
[Dec 2,2005 10:47am - the_reverend ""]
I would honestly vote for a true republican. but all the elephants I have know have don't the exact opposite from their party's core beliefs.
regans, king bush I, and prince bush have not once decreased the size of government.
they reduce the tax burden on the most wealthy of persons.
and increase the size and expenses of the government.
sorry, but that is not a republican.
[Dec 2,2005 10:48am - the_reverend ""]
oh and just to tell you, the war in iraq has cost just the town of haverhill mass, about 40million in tax dollars (population wise).
what could haverhill mass have done with that money?
maybe fix up that horrible park in the middle of town.
[Dec 2,2005 11:13am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
dyingmuse said:Sorry guys I just got a bit heated there. No biggie! And nothing personal(unless you want it) Bob. Playing with my money, is like playing with my emotions!

Nothing personal on this side, I'm a supporter of a far smaller government and just think that the welfare system is a necessary evil of modern society. Earlier communities didn't need the system because neighbors trusted and helped each other when problems arose. Now people are so cowed by media instilled fear that they barely know the people they live around and have to rely on the government for assistance. Section 8 is a great idea in theory, but it creates the problem of concentrating large numbers of one economic class in one area. In these communities, which are usually far more close knit than most modern communities, individual income is too low to assist neighbors or family outside of the immediate family which increases dependence on the government.
[Dec 2,2005 11:29am - HailTheLeaf ""]
dyingmuse said:OHH BOY, THIS COULD GET UGLY!

I agree guys, sorry!

Proud to be a republican!

...And Moore really is a fat, pompus, lying, pretentious pig who should die. ...And you all just follow him like sheep, blindly! He has gone on record saying that the movie was "based" on facts that were twisted around.
Fuck him! If people want handouts move to sweden, otherwish shut the fuck up. Cause, frankly I am sick of paying my hard earned tax dollars on democratic funding for lazy usless people! Get a job...it's what you make of it!

You're one of those blindly patriotic assholes who is ok with the government spending more money to kill people than help them, aren't ya? You're ok with your tax dollars being used to napalm civilians in Iraq, but against helping out your fellow man when they are in need. Fuck you. Taxes are supposed to take care of US, like when a hurricane hits, not be used to illegally occupy another country that's never harmed us so Bush's buddies can add to their bank accounts.
[Dec 2,2005 11:32am - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
anonymous said:you are whats wrong with our country not george bush

I'll fuck your mouth. Hail Saddam.
[Dec 2,2005 11:36am - HailTheLeaf ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:dyingmuse said:Sorry guys I just got a bit heated there. No biggie! And nothing personal(unless you want it) Bob. Playing with my money, is like playing with my emotions!

Nothing personal on this side, I'm a supporter of a far smaller government and just think that the welfare system is a necessary evil of modern society. Earlier communities didn't need the system because neighbors trusted and helped each other when problems arose. Now people are so cowed by media instilled fear that they barely know the people they live around and have to rely on the government for assistance. Section 8 is a great idea in theory, but it creates the problem of concentrating large numbers of one economic class in one area. In these communities, which are usually far more close knit than most modern communities, individual income is too low to assist neighbors or family outside of the immediate family which increases dependence on the government.

How can you support small government and support Bush? The government is more bloated with unnessesary crap than ever right now, is is wasting more of your hard earned money right now...killing people. how does this benefit anyone in any way? It doesn't unless you're one of the corporations in on it.
[Dec 2,2005 11:40am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
HailTheLeaf said:BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:dyingmuse said:Sorry guys I just got a bit heated there. No biggie! And nothing personal(unless you want it) Bob. Playing with my money, is like playing with my emotions!

Nothing personal on this side, I'm a supporter of a far smaller government and just think that the welfare system is a necessary evil of modern society. Earlier communities didn't need the system because neighbors trusted and helped each other when problems arose. Now people are so cowed by media instilled fear that they barely know the people they live around and have to rely on the government for assistance. Section 8 is a great idea in theory, but it creates the problem of concentrating large numbers of one economic class in one area. In these communities, which are usually far more close knit than most modern communities, individual income is too low to assist neighbors or family outside of the immediate family which increases dependence on the government.

How can you support small government and support Bush? The government is more bloated with unnessesary crap than ever right now, is is wasting more of your hard earned money right now...killing people. how does this benefit anyone in any way? It doesn't unless you're one of the corporations in on it.

I don't support Bush.
[Dec 2,2005 11:42am - the_reverend ""]
sniff.. no one quotes me ever.
[Dec 2,2005 11:43am - succubus ""]
Dec 2,2005 11:42am - the_reverend]
sniff.. no one quotes me ever.
You're the cutest thing ever, esp when you "Sniff"
[Dec 2,2005 11:50am - soloman ""]
Agreed, the bush administration spends way too much. Would you really vote for a true republican though? I think a true republican would've cut spending by now, but he'd do it by pushing for private education and cutting public, as well as cutting more welfare type programs. He would not cut spending by cutting into the military or by changing the current foreign policy.
[Dec 2,2005 11:58am - the_reverend ""]
that's why I'm a centralist libertarian or whatever that test said I was.
[Dec 2,2005 12:32pm - soloman ""]
oooh a test eh. Can u post the link? i wanna find out what i am.
[Dec 2,2005 12:33pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
there's a test?
[Dec 2,2005 12:55pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha , you are talking to me? ha ha ha so now you know it all huh?

Mother fucker first of all, I never said anything about supporting the war, but if you must ask...I do indeed support the war. Homeland security, to me seems a bit more important. Now we could go back and forth for 23 years, but I will assure you that it will never end...we see differently. you are another one who knows nothing about politics. What the fuck does being a republican; or a bush/war supporter have to do with a fucking hurricane? I would rather blow up fucking camel fuckers than hand out my money to the lazy undeserving fucking free loaders that we are talking about along with the illegals from Mexico, and any other shitbag country. and by the way eat a dick!!!!

HailTheLeaf said:dyingmuse said:OHH BOY, THIS COULD GET UGLY!

I agree guys, sorry!

Proud to be a republican!

...And Moore really is a fat, pompus, lying, pretentious pig who should die. ...And you all just follow him like sheep, blindly! He has gone on record saying that the movie was "based" on facts that were twisted around.
Fuck him! If people want handouts move to sweden, otherwish shut the fuck up. Cause, frankly I am sick of paying my hard earned tax dollars on democratic funding for lazy usless people! Get a job...it's what you make of it!

You're one of those blindly patriotic assholes who is ok with the government spending more money to kill people than help them, aren't ya? You're ok with your tax dollars being used to napalm civilians in Iraq, but against helping out your fellow man when they are in need. Fuck you. Taxes are supposed to take care of US, like when a hurricane hits, not be used to illegally occupy another country that's never harmed us so Bush's buddies can add to their bank accounts.

[Dec 2,2005 1:04pm - the_reverend ""]
right... since there so far has been zero connection to iraq and homeland security.
in fact, the places we should attack who do have "the bomb" turn out to be the other 2 points in the axis of evil that we aren't and won't do anything about. but hey, if you think blowing up 40,000 women and children helps you feel safer, then I guess you think that your life is worth more than theirs.

test one

I can out centralist libertarian on both.
[Dec 2,2005 1:35pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
dyingmuse said:you are another one who knows nothing about politics. What the fuck does being a republican; or a bush/war supporter have to do with a fucking hurricane?

wow, I have to explain this? U.S. troops are in Iraq chasing imaginary bad guys instead of helping with disasters here at home. People were sitting on their roof for days without food or water and bodies were floating by, but winning the "war on whatever it is today" must be more important than helping American citizens. And what the fuck does Iraq have to do with terrorism? THEY'VE NEVER BOMBED US.
[Dec 2,2005 1:37pm - soloman ""]
i came out libertarian on both.
[Dec 2,2005 1:45pm - the_reverend ""]
want to move up here to NH, buy some legal drugs and guns?
[Dec 2,2005 2:00pm - soloman ""]
I'm sure you don't believe the only way a foreign country can have something to do with terrorism is by bombing us.
[Dec 2,2005 2:04pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
hahaha, liberal, there's a shock...
[Dec 2,2005 2:11pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
soloman said:I'm sure you don't believe the only way a foreign country can have something to do with terrorism is by bombing us.

you're right, but the point is there was no reason to go in there. We've turned Iraq into a new terrorist breeding ground by occupying it, if we'd left it alone we'd all be alot safer. And if we changed our foreign policy we wouldn't have to worry about anyone bombing us. If the U.S. would stop trying to steal the remaining resources on the planet, and stop ethnically clensing countries that aren't white and christian, we'd all be better off.
[Dec 2,2005 2:18pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
dyingmuse said:ha ha ha , you are talking to me? ha ha ha so now you know it all huh?

Mother fucker first of all, I never said anything about supporting the war, but if you must ask...I do indeed support the war. Homeland security, to me seems a bit more important. Now we could go back and forth for 23 years, but I will assure you that it will never end...we see differently. you are another one who knows nothing about politics. What the fuck does being a republican; or a bush/war supporter have to do with a fucking hurricane? I would rather blow up fucking camel fuckers than hand out my money to the lazy undeserving fucking free loaders that we are talking about along with the illegals from Mexico, and any other shitbag country. and by the way eat a dick!!!!

HailTheLeaf said:dyingmuse said:OHH BOY, THIS COULD GET UGLY!

I agree guys, sorry!

Proud to be a republican!

...And Moore really is a fat, pompus, lying, pretentious pig who should die. ...And you all just follow him like sheep, blindly! He has gone on record saying that the movie was "based" on facts that were twisted around.
Fuck him! If people want handouts move to sweden, otherwish shut the fuck up. Cause, frankly I am sick of paying my hard earned tax dollars on democratic funding for lazy usless people! Get a job...it's what you make of it!

You're one of those blindly patriotic assholes who is ok with the government spending more money to kill people than help them, aren't ya? You're ok with your tax dollars being used to napalm civilians in Iraq, but against helping out your fellow man when they are in need. Fuck you. Taxes are supposed to take care of US, like when a hurricane hits, not be used to illegally occupy another country that's never harmed us so Bush's buddies can add to their bank accounts.

hey dan, my mother was on section8 while i was growing and unemployment helped me get thru college and earn a cert. also samica doesnt need shit from you. just cause you have no idea what you're talking about, people who actually have to be in those programs dont wanna be and get off of them the fastest they can. and next time you wanna tell a female to eat a dick dont be surpise if someone knocks you on your fucking ass.
[Dec 2,2005 2:21pm - GoatOfCatalyst  ""]
Death to the West. Hail Saddam.
[Dec 2,2005 2:22pm - the_reverend ""]
I tell carina to eat a dick all the time.
and usually she does.
good girl.
[Dec 2,2005 2:23pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
the_reverend said:I tell carina to eat a dick all the time.
and usually she does.
good girl.

yeah thats a lil different and you know it, but hey you got quoted
[Dec 2,2005 2:26pm - the_reverend ""]
yeah, but why to my intelligent posts go unnoticed?
why do I waste 2hrs a day listening to news and reading news?

oh well, doody tits burger!
[Dec 2,2005 2:28pm - soloman ""]
I dunno.. I'm not positive if regime change in iraq was the best move. I do believe fighting islamic terrorism is important though. I'm not buying the idea that leaving a country that supports terrorism alone makes us safer. And I don't believe that the iraq war has been about stealing resources or cleansing the world of arabs.
[Dec 2,2005 2:28pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
naw i just dont quote those cause there's a point to them, you know actual thought went into them. they stand all on their own. look something that reminds me of this thread.

[Dec 2,2005 2:33pm - KeithMutiny ""]
anonymous said:KeithMutiny said:anonymous said:george bush is a patriot and a great american,i'm honored to call a man of his calibur"commander in chief"
i've prospered during his 2 terms and things are looking alot better than they were after 9/11

i really hope your joking. and if you not, you must come from a wealthy family, because there is no such thing as working class that has prospered from that douchebag. When i can ask mom and dad for an allowance every week, i'll agree with your statement.

i am ablue collar guy and yes ive prospered since bush took the reigns and the reason why is because i get off my ass grind my teeth and work real fucking hard instead of pissing and moaning and finding fault with others

holiday in camdobia... so, are you a communist now, or a republican, cause DK quotes arent gonna help your cause, you uneducated fuck.

I cant wait until the people like you open your eyes and stop sucking off everything thats fed too you, read a little, get your facts straight and then come back with a legitimate argument. You have no basis for comparision, because, as i would assume, you are not self employed, and far from it. If you had to find the work and do the jobs without someone taking care of them for you, you might have a leg too stand on... but im wasting my time arguing with someone who too embarassed to even state who they are, way too be PATRIOT!!!

I'll bet your stupid ass is fucking Union too.
[Dec 2,2005 2:35pm - the_reverend ""]
soloman.. we must bomb darkies and towelheads.
I've said it time and time again, when whites are bombed, my 401K goes down.
when darkies and towelheads are bombed, my 401K goes up!
though, when hispanics are bombed, there is no change.

*looks at 401K*
looks like we're been bombing the shit out of darkies and towelheads cause my 401K's doing quite well right now. at this rate, I will retire at age 70 with a nice nest egg.
[Dec 2,2005 2:40pm - dyingmuse ""]
ok first off whiskey..i said those who TAKE ADVANTAGE of the programs like section 8!!!! And i collected unemployment last year, I never said anything about unemployment being bad. people who need it should use it...those who don't shouldn't! and as you know "eat a dick" is just a common phrase that we all use here, on RTTP...and really I'd rather have a woman do it anyways, lol. honestly I didn't know it was a chick starting with me; calling me an asshole

come on now! Instead of picking through the posts and trying to stereo-type me, read what the fuck I'm saying. Judging by what you said about unemployment, you didn't read what I said. If you think you can "knock me on my ass," bring it on! otherwise shut your face.

anything else?

I think I may officially resign from this conversation before I end up fighting every liberal on this forum.
[Dec 2,2005 2:41pm - soloman ""]
thats a good point. 401K's are pretty awesome. And yeah no one wants to bomb hispanics. They take care of themselves with drugs and street knife fights.
[Dec 2,2005 2:47pm - the_reverend ""]
man, knife fights are so cool.

I put 15% of my pay check (pre-tax) towards my 401k. I have been for over 5 years now. it's pretty awesome to know that I might have some $$ when I'm over the hill. it's funny though, on paper, I'm putting an insane ammount of money into this account, but since bush has been in the white house it never grew after 2000... it's like I put in $XXX, my company would match $XX and then my whole net value would go down -($xxx+$xx+$xxx). it's done that for like 4+ years straight. this year though, I think it's exactly even with what I've put into it (not counting the company match)
[Dec 2,2005 2:49pm - dyingmuse ""]
Ok, before i resign, I didn't read this post. Do I have to explain this to you? Hurricane relief is controled by STATE funding. When Bush offered aid, the Governor said they had it under control. THAT is why Bush didn't step in until a few days after, when the Governor realized they couldn't handle it alone.

HailTheLeaf said:dyingmuse said:you are another one who knows nothing about politics. What the fuck does being a republican; or a bush/war supporter have to do with a fucking hurricane?

wow, I have to explain this? U.S. troops are in Iraq chasing imaginary bad guys instead of helping with disasters here at home. People were sitting on their roof for days without food or water and bodies were floating by, but winning the "war on whatever it is today" must be more important than helping American citizens. And what the fuck does Iraq have to do with terrorism? THEY'VE NEVER BOMBED US.

[Dec 2,2005 2:50pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
actually i read all the posts in this thread, that one just bothered me the most and yeah i dont care how common it is to tell someone to eat a dick, still in bad taste. maybe you shouldnt assume every user here is a dood. i know we all the sauage party but females do tend to visit. as far as knocking on your ass yeah
[Dec 2,2005 2:53pm - KeithMutiny ""]
EVERYONE!!! eat a dick.
[Dec 2,2005 2:53pm - soloman ""]
interesting. Since I got my full time job i've been putting in 8% which my company matches. I'm preeeetty sure that it's grown consistently... but I'm also lazy when it comes to checking up on the whole thing. but yes, having money later will be pretty cool. hopefully I don't die in a year or ten. that would be so lame.
[Dec 2,2005 2:53pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm betting you meant "knocking on your ass" in the gayest of asssex ways.
[Dec 2,2005 2:57pm - dyingmuse ""]
my bad on assuming this board is full of sausage.

Aaron, perhaps you should really consider banning politics on this board.
...not that it's your style, but damn, it's very easy to start a 3rd world war from here.

and as for taxes...they take fucking 450 a week from me!
[Dec 2,2005 2:58pm - the_reverend ""]
I put in 15% cause it's before taxes. when it is worked out through federal and mass state taxes, 10% was like $50 less in my check, 15% was $75 less in my check or something like that so I went when the highest. I think one year, I hit the ceiling for contributions, but then they raised that ceiling each year so I didn't the other years.
when we retire, we could hang out and drink margaritas all day, but you'll probably be too busy in the knife fighting circuit. it's so had to get out of that racket once you get into it.
[Dec 2,2005 2:59pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha!

don't come knocking near my ass! lol
[Dec 2,2005 3:01pm - soloman ""]
*knock knock*
[Dec 2,2005 3:02pm - dyingmuse ""]
he he he!

ohh th-stop it th-ailor!
[Dec 2,2005 3:03pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i think we need to do a political show. we get all the bands with opposite views, and they play together. We'll fuel the fire between each band with some type of moderator, like in a debate.

[Dec 2,2005 3:03pm - soloman ""]
indeed. those who live by the knife, die by the knife.
[Dec 2,2005 3:07pm - the_reverend ""]
mass/federal takes a SHIT LOAD from me each week.
but I get 1/2 the mass back and 1/10 of the federal back in the end.
[Dec 2,2005 3:07pm - KeithMutiny ""]
hahaha, i think you get it all back, in the end.
[Dec 2,2005 3:12pm - the_reverend ""]
damn it, did I walk in to another gay joke?
[Dec 2,2005 3:13pm - soloman ""]
anyone here write off the expenses from their band on their taxes?
[Dec 2,2005 3:31pm - dyingmuse ""]
i do and it really works out

but this year the band has to show something in the plus

3 years of loss lol

but you can claim your guitars, cd's shirts, gas to shows the whole 9

last year i thought i would owe like 1500 and ended up getting 300 back
[Dec 2,2005 3:31pm - dyingmuse ""]
i do and it really works out

but this year the band has to show something in the plus

3 years of loss lol

but you can claim your guitars, cd's shirts, gas to shows the whole 9

last year i thought i would owe like 1500 and ended up getting 300 back
[Dec 2,2005 3:42pm - soloman ""]
and what happens when they realize you lose money every year?
[Dec 2,2005 3:49pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha...i guess the buisness folds

but as a band we made some cash this year so we'll see
[Dec 2,2005 5:05pm - THE THRASH POLICE  ""]
[Dec 2,2005 5:20pm - Josh_Martin ""]
dyingmuse said:UMM, excuse me...."UNEMPLOYMENT" comes out of "our" money. Every year "we" as the "WORKER" pay out a portion of "our" paychecks each week, as does our "employer". PERIOD!!!!!!

unemployment has nothing to do with what I am talking about. Nor does schools idiot, that is mostly town money(taxes) anyway!
And not children you fucking fucktard! I am talking about street bums, fucking lazy people taking advantage of the system! people that stay home all day and suck off my fucking money! People on ssi, section 8 and Welfare you fucking moron! You are wasting my time and offending me with your stupidity!


and are you going to "shut my fucking mouth"? bring it!

I would reply to this but the Rev. already handed the dude his own ass.

[Dec 2,2005 11:09pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
is that another gay joke on the rev
[Dec 3,2005 12:07am - anonymous  ""]
the_reverend said:oh and just to tell you, the war in iraq has cost just the town of haverhill mass, about 40million in tax dollars (population wise).
what could haverhill mass have done with that money?
maybe fix up that horrible park in the middle of town.

[Dec 3,2005 12:17am - anonymous  ""]
the_reverend said:you also only like bush/republicans so that thrash metal bands that you like from the 80's have more material to write about in the 00's. what were they going to write about in the 90's? how good their tech stocks were doing?
bush brings them terrorism, fear, nuclear war, missles, bombs, war, and a plague of locust.

it saddens me when people claime to love a religious zealot who because he's not going to "spend so much of my hard earned money" when the facts are clear that bush has don't nothing at all but increase the tax burden for our children. he has at every single turn pushed congress, proposed laws, and made executive orders that spend more and more money. I really hope that you cash your check each week and think "man.. I'm sure glad that we are attacking iraq. even though I know that the money they spend there if spent on pre-school across the country, would have put 5,389 kids from HAVERHILL MASS ALONE through pre-school. man, thank you george bush. now let's make out!"

BLAH BLAH BLAH i know its your board and everything and nine out of tens times i agree with your politics,but on this one im calling you out!......george bush has increased spending on...military
public schools
social "nets"as mentioned before...
he is trying to do something about social security...{have you gotten your "these are your ss earnings if you retire at 75" in the mail yet?
things are fucked up..yes .. but it isnt george bushs fault ss or the education system or immigration or any of a million other things are fucked up! its ours...we let it happen..because we live in a world without "real"consequences called the u.s.a. and its a wonderful place to be! enjoy it! while it lasts!
[Dec 3,2005 12:24am - anonymous  ""]
The government is more bloated with unnessesary crap than ever right now, is is wasting more of your hard earned money right now...killing people. how does this benefit anyone in any way? It doesn't unless you're one of the corporations in on it.

I don't support Bush.>>

that's the whole point jerkoff!
the weak will complain about it!
the strong will take advantage of it!
the clever will prosper from it!
been that way since the egyptians if you bother to look at it historically
enjoy your time...theres not much left!
[Dec 3,2005 12:27am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
do you have a schedule, so i know how much time is left
[Dec 3,2005 12:31am - anonymous  ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:do you have a schedule, so i know how much time is left

no, i dont have a schedule...matter of fact,all i have for you is stiff dick and bubblegum..and i'm all out of bubble gum son!
[Dec 3,2005 12:49am - Al_Ravage ""]
The Grapes of Wrath is a great book...ever notice how history repeats itself? Steinbeck addressed most of today's problems 60 years ago and nothing has changed
[Dec 3,2005 12:58am - the_reverend ""]
anonymous, I agree with you on some points.
bush didn't ruin everything, but his policies are back pedalling on some of the progresses made before.
ss and education are and always will be completely fucked.
education is mostly fucked cause old people don't realize that keeping kids in school will
1) keep them from stealing your radio
2) keep $$ in the bank for ss
[Dec 3,2005 1:17am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
anonymous said:whiskey_weed_and_women said:do you have a schedule, so i know how much time is left

no, i dont have a schedule...matter of fact,all i have for you is stiff dick and bubblegum..and i'm all out of bubble gum son!

that would have been cool if you didnt ruin the great Piper quote ever
[Dec 3,2005 1:23am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
The inexorable march of time always proves progressive ideas and voices right. Enjoy your corporate welfare system while it lasts America!
[Dec 3,2005 5:20pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
the_reverend said:I tell carina to eat a dick all the time.
and usually she does.
good girl.

hahahahahahaha!!!! yeah, careful what you wish for, when I eat I use my teeth

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