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shroud of bereavement live with ascendancy oct 18th

[Aug 14,2003 11:48pm - dyingmuse ""]
yup were playing october 18th at club purgatory in lowell mass 29-32 central st upstairs from the old court corner of central and middle st next to the dunkins club 1978 452-0100
bands start at 10:00 8 bucks

shroud of bereavement
spiders gate
[Aug 15,2003 12:21am - Terence ""]
awesome Dan, so its definite? I just need to know so that i can start advertsing
[Aug 15,2003 1:09am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Yay. This show'll kill. At this rate we'll be playing with SoB after often as we play with BoE. Perhaps the three of us should go on tour together. And Spider Gates are good guys too.
Will it only be three bands total for the night?
[Aug 15,2003 1:11am - dyingmuse ""]
the show is definatly on man! we do need one more band actually...ask em. i havent gotten confirmation from sg though either
[Aug 15,2003 1:17am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
"But Jefferson is more than hookers and corpses..."
The Daily Show is awesome.
[Aug 15,2003 1:17am - Terence ""]
Life at Zero, Random Acts of Violence, Bane of Existence, Despoilment, all good guys, and great bands, just a few if you needed some suggestions
[Aug 15,2003 1:22am - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Or book one of my projects that have never actually come into form yet. Okay don't book one of them. Get Tom and xmikex to come make sloppy noise for twenty minutes, call it a warm up for their live radio ideas.

"Pee on your face... fart in your mouth... shit on these walls..."
[Aug 15,2003 1:23am - Terence ""]
Sloppy Vagina
[Aug 15,2003 8:39am - Blue ""]
woo woo!!! heavy rock music time!!! dan, i already told you well do it no problem. its spider gates if youre keeping track.
[Aug 15,2003 10:01am - dyingmuse ""]
awesome!!!!!!!!!!! \m/
[Aug 15,2003 11:12am - A_Cold_Reality ""]
if u need another band, we'd definetly be down to play. We are in search for as many shows as possible.
[Aug 16,2003 12:29pm - the_reverend ""]
weird, it's not on the events list... so I don't know about it.
[Aug 16,2003 1:35pm - dyingmuse ""]
lol i get youre point sorry dude

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