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Good News From SethPutnam.com

[Dec 7,2005 9:40am - Ryan_M ""]
"full blown a.i.d.s. are planning on recording some new stuff soon, and
adding it to the 6 songs we recorded in 2003 for a full length cd."

i've been wanting to hear more from this band - can't wait to see a CD out!

"you're fired also plan on recording some new stuff soon too."

definitely cool - i saw them play with a.c. like 2 years ago, and have their first 7"....fuckin killer shit

"the lee marshall cd i produced back in 2002 will finally get released on
valentines day (2006) on menace to sobriety records. it totally rules. i
highly recommend it!!!!!!!!!"

this guy opened up the a.c. show i mentioned earlier; he strummed an acoustic guitar randomly, playing no music, and recited a lot of nonsense about getting high off farts and satan's penis and pedophile boy scout masters that he had written on the back of a pizza box for about 40 minutes....absolutely hilarious!
[Dec 7,2005 9:42am - the_reverend ""]
it's like no one sees the "news" flag.
[Dec 7,2005 9:44am - Beakey ""]
I see it, Aaron.
I've just never had any news for you.
[Dec 7,2005 9:44am - Messerschmitt ""]
wompatuck state pahhhhk! don't touch meeee! leeave me alone!!!! ahhhhhh! beeeeahhhhh fahhhhhts! WHOPPPPA CORNCHIP!!!!!! BAHHH!!! ARGHHH!!!

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