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Chuck Norris cartoon!

[Dec 21,2005 12:49pm - BriXX  ""]
Ok so i made a quick,choppy Chuck Norris cartoon. there is no sound yet n when i get outta work i'm gonna fix it up n make it mad nice (i put it together in 20 mins so its weak!), but i just had to upload it to the net for peeps to see cuz its makin me laff my ass off. Throw me some feedbackl

[Dec 21,2005 1:07pm - dftg  ""]
awesome! needs sound though. I'm trying to think of what would make good background music for that. maybe the theme from the odd couple.
[Dec 21,2005 1:08pm - dreadkill ""]
the walker texas ranger song
[Dec 21,2005 1:32pm - BriXX  ""]
Yea i'm gonnna fix it up real nice n do all the Norris myths!! It's gonna be hard doin the "Chuck Norris had sex before his dad one though!
[Dec 21,2005 1:56pm - Christraper ""]
[Dec 21,2005 2:30pm - intricateprocess ""]
BriXX said:Yea i'm gonnna fix it up real nice n do all the Norris myths!! It's gonna be hard doin the "Chuck Norris had sex before his dad one though!

and fuck you, chuck norris dosent live in waltham
[Dec 21,2005 8:43pm - BriXX  ""]
Geary ask fucken Chunk, i saw the fucker at Dunkin Donuts at 7 in the morning!!
[Dec 22,2005 1:00am - intricateprocess ""]
[Dec 22,2005 11:50am - J.J Walker  ""]
Sick toon, you must make more.
[Dec 22,2005 12:29pm - BriXX  ""]
I shall!
[Dec 26,2005 12:02pm - Peicemeal  ""]
A martini for you sir?
[Dec 26,2005 1:31pm - intricateprocess ""]
your champagne................SIR.................
[Dec 27,2005 9:40am - Brixx  ""]
Whispers caddy, 3 gypsies in Conn!
[Dec 27,2005 10:52am - SPALDINO  ""]
life expectancy of a vietnam paratrooper: about 12 seconds

life expectancy of a man calling chuck norris "chucky" to his face: -7 seconds

Chuck Norris does not have AIDs... but he gives it to people anyway

Chuck Norris' tears can cure cancer, too bad he doesn't cry

superman is loosely based on chuck norris. loosely only because he has a weakness.

Chuck Norris' sperm is so fertile, that you could have no ovaries, uterus, or even a vagina, and yo would get pregnant after having sex with him.

if you were to shave Chuck Norris' beard, you wouldnt find a chin, but another fist.

Chuck Norris once fought God. Who won? People are still looking for God and Chuck is on a perpetual world-wide victory lap

there should be a game made... thats exactly like contra 3 but you play as Chuck Norris. that would rulez. LOL
[Dec 27,2005 11:17am - Brixx  ""]
I've been comiision to make a series of these cartoons, cant wait!!

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