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NEVERMORE - Enemies of Reality

[Aug 20,2003 1:14pm - baneofexistence ""]
i dunno i was expecting somthing ground breaking from them but i guess they have found their nitch and are gonna stick with it, don't get me wrong it is a good cd but it soulds like all the other NEVERMORE cd's.
you think they'd want to try and do somthing a little different on it.
[Aug 20,2003 1:31pm - the_reverend ""]
mind you, I've never been a big nevermore fan,
but I think this cd is an over produced pile of duce.
[Aug 20,2003 1:31pm - RustedAngel ""]
the first track blew me away... the rest was . ehhhh.
[Aug 20,2003 1:35pm - baneofexistence ""]
in the metal maniacs interview warrel says he dosen't like the production
and that it was the last album for C.M. my guess they didn't want to give the lable a great cd

i disagree with it being crap but it isn't "dreaming neon black" thats for sure!!! that cd is a classic to me
[Aug 20,2003 2:35pm - RustedAngel ""]
the production is kind of bad.

good music, but the production blows, its too dull sounding.

dreaming neon and politics! own.
[Aug 20,2003 2:48pm - A_Cold_Reality ""]
the first song is real sick, the rest of the cd seems half ass. I still like it, but its definetly does not show what Nevermore is capable of.

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