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What CD(s) did you play today?

[Dec 24,2005 6:59pm - triple ecks-mas  ""]
I have Earth's "Hex: Or Printing in the Infernal Method" on heavy rotation today. Gotta love country drone.

[Dec 24,2005 7:00pm - BornSoVile ""]
Alice in Chains - Jar o Flies
Black Sabbath - Sabotage
[Dec 24,2005 7:13pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
well I put my MP3 player on random, but the main albums I rocked out to today were:
Watchmaker - Erased from the Memory of Man
Pink Floyd - Pulse
GWAR - War Party
Slayer - Show No Mercy
[Dec 24,2005 7:50pm - wade ""]
Xasthur|Leviathan split CD
Reversal Of Man - This is Medicine
Breach - It's Me God
[Dec 24,2005 7:50pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Putrescence - Mangled,Hollowed out and Vomit filled
Mucus Membrane - Shades Below
Bizarre Embalming - Necrosadistic Surgery
Neuropathia - Satan is a cunt!
[Dec 24,2005 7:53pm - CNV  ""]
Beherit-Drawing Down the Moon
Morbid Angel-Covenant
Burzum-Det Som Engang Var
[Dec 24,2005 10:36pm - triple ecks-mas  ""]
Maybe this image works better?

[Dec 25,2005 12:36am - TheWrldCanWait ""]
My playlist shuffles, but today I did put on a few CD's...
The Acacia Strain - 3750
The Number Twelve Looks Like You - Nuclear Sad Nuclear
Into The Moat - The Design
and The Red Chord - Clients
[Dec 25,2005 12:44am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
damian marley - jamrock
the fugees - s/t
goatwhore - funeral dirge for the rotting sun
cattle d - humanure
allman brothers - where it all begins
gza - liquid swords
thrones - day late, dollar short
today is the day - live till you die
[Dec 25,2005 12:44am - RichHorror ""]
Sin of Angels. That is all.
[Dec 25,2005 12:46am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
oh yeah tom waits on christmas eve is also a really good listen as well
[Dec 25,2005 12:48am - dreadkill ""]
october tide - rain without end and grey dawn
thyrfing - valdr galga
primordial - spirit the earth aflame
devin townsend band - synchestra
emperor - IX equilibrium
[Dec 25,2005 12:51am - anonymous  ""]
South Park Christmas CD at the moment hahah
[Dec 25,2005 1:46am - DJ Death  ""]
Morbid Angel: Covenant
Opthalamia: Journey in Darkness
Bathory: S/T
Destruction: Sentence of death/Infernal overkill
Morbid/Mayhem Split
Tchaicovsky: the Nutcracker

Bornsovile, CNV... Awesome selections!
[Dec 25,2005 5:26pm - triple ecks-mas  ""]
today saw Electric Wizard's "We Live" on heavy rotation.
[Dec 25,2005 11:10pm - the rooster  ""]
no CD's, but i listened to a tape of Isis's "Oceanic" in the car today.
[Dec 25,2005 11:27pm - dyingmuse ""]
our new song all day, getting ready for a final mix
[Dec 25,2005 11:28pm - dyingmuse ""]
dyingmuse said:our new song all day, getting ready for a final mix

ohh and lots of gaaaayyyy xxx mass songs
[Dec 25,2005 11:34pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
[Dec 25,2005 11:52pm - Bradd  ""]
Devo-freedom of choice
Frank Zappa-joe's garage

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