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SODOM in Poughkeepsie, NY. at the Chance Theater!! 1/7/06

[Dec 27,2005 3:48pm - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
O.k. who's going? I know we are!! We've got 4 car loads of people going...... Then the next day we're going to hang out with Anthrax in Hartford, CT.
[Dec 27,2005 4:30pm - Bullocks  ""]
wow Sodom playing in the USA??????? that's a once in a lifetime deal!
[Dec 27,2005 4:34pm - pam ""]
I'm going to both Sodom in NY and Anthrax in CT! See ya there!
[Dec 27,2005 6:17pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
SODOM played Milwaukee Metalfest in 1998 and crushed! I will be there again this time.

[Dec 27,2005 9:34pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
pam said:I'm going to both Sodom in NY and Anthrax in CT! See ya there!

[Dec 27,2005 9:34pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
seriously though, who gives a shit about Sodom when motherfucking Finntroll is playing that show?
[Dec 27,2005 9:48pm - Ryan_M ""]
i give a shit about sodom! persecution mania? agent orange? two of the best thrash albums i own. i love finntroll just as much.
i wish they would play closer to new hampshire though, i can't afford a trip to new york.
[Dec 27,2005 11:41pm - pam nli  ""]
I am just as excited for Finntroll, trust me.
[Dec 28,2005 11:45am - cav  ""]
that is one of the sweetest venues, the sound is great, and the stage huge even though its a somewhat small place.
[Dec 28,2005 12:03pm - Bullocks  ""]
Sodom is one of the most important bands of the thrash genre back in the day. Come on! do you homework!!!! haha. NUCLEAR WINTER! CHRIST PASSION! I remember seeing a bootleg VHS of that song back in 1992 and the audience scared me!
[Dec 28,2005 12:32pm - Kinslayer  ""]
Is it smaller than Lupos?

I'm glad its not at a huge venue..
[Dec 28,2005 1:32pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
Bullocks said:Sodom is one of the most important bands of the thrash genre back in the day. Come on! do you homework!!!! haha. NUCLEAR WINTER! CHRIST PASSION! I remember seeing a bootleg VHS of that song back in 1992 and the audience scared me!

Hey, i do love sodom, but they're no polka metal
[Dec 28,2005 1:37pm - Christraper ""]
Thats why theyre cool
[Dec 28,2005 2:08pm - Christraper ""]
[Dec 28,2005 2:41pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
[Dec 28,2005 4:15pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
DaveFromTheGrave said:seriously though, who gives a shit about Sodom when motherfucking Finntroll is playing that show?

[Dec 29,2005 2:45pm - Bullocks  ""]
if i can locate it i use to have a VHS bootleg of them and I remember the song "Enchanted Land" there is a riff in the middle that got the whole German crowd in a frenzy. It was like watching a human washing machine turn on. at least 100 people pushing each other around on a spin cycle! The other song that did this was "Christ Passion" the slow riff.

i wish i could go to this but i highly doubt they would play those songs.
[Dec 29,2005 2:51pm - Vomitthesoul ""]

Sodomy and what?
Sodomy and fucking what??

[Dec 29,2005 3:08pm - Bullocks  ""]
what do u guys think they will play????
[Dec 29,2005 3:13pm - pam nli  ""]
they're gonna play agent orange and I'm going to snap someone's neck.

I hope they play tarred and feathered...and spiritual demise....

and the saw...is the laaaaaaaawwww

fuck, I can't wait!!
[Dec 29,2005 3:15pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
BestialOnslaught said:DaveFromTheGrave said:seriously though, who gives a shit about Sodom when motherfucking Finntroll is playing that show?


[Dec 30,2005 2:43pm - Vomitthesoul ""]
DaveFromTheGrave said:seriously though, who gives a shit about Sodom when motherfucking Finntroll is playing that show?

I care about Sodom.Who the fuck is Finntroll?? What a GAY name for a band.

[Dec 30,2005 3:01pm - dreadkill ""]
i'd enjoy seeing finntroll and sodom, but i'll be in vegas, vegasing around.
[Dec 30,2005 3:16pm - Vomitthesoul ""]
this might be the last chance to get to see Sodom here in the US.Vegas will still be there.Change your plans!!!

[Dec 30,2005 3:30pm - dreadkill ""]
sodom's not important enough to me to make me change my plans. they aren't one of my favorite bands.
[Dec 30,2005 5:48pm - anonymouse  ""]
Burst Command Til War or DeathLikeSilence, thats what i want to hear. Anything off Persecution Mania, Obsessed by Cruelty, or In the sign of Evil will do though...
[Dec 31,2005 5:03am - Vomitthesoul ""]
[Dec 31,2005 11:44am - Vomitthesoul ""]
dreadkill said:sodom's not important enough to me to make me change my plans. they aren't one of my favorite bands.

Sodom are the Kings of Thrash Metal along with Slayer.Have fun in Vegas.I'll be banging my head next Saturday night at the chance.

[Dec 31,2005 12:40pm - dreadkill ""]
i hope everyone has a good time at this show.
[Jan 1,2006 12:45pm - MuthaCrack  ""]
shit SODOM is like my brother's fave band from the late 80's. i told him and he laughed. he said he's no longer into that band but when he was a senior in high school (1990) he use to wear the Agent Orange tee and he had a Persecution Mania shirt. He says the shirts are still around at the 'rents home probably. He was like, "That band is still around?????? holy shit!" he never saw them live and I tol him to go he just said, "If i was still into metal I would. That and if i didn't have 2 kids and a wife" make ya feel old????
[Jan 1,2006 2:42pm - davefromthegrave ""]
MuthaCrack said:shit SODOM is like my brother's fave band from the late 80's. i told him and he laughed. he said he's no longer into that band but when he was a senior in high school (1990) he use to wear the Agent Orange tee and he had a Persecution Mania shirt. He says the shirts are still around at the 'rents home probably. He was like, "That band is still around?????? holy shit!" he never saw them live and I tol him to go he just said, "If i was still into metal I would. That and if i didn't have 2 kids and a wife" make ya feel old????

I remember the 80s. I was born then.

drag your brother's ass to this show, it's gonna be good.
[Jan 1,2006 3:21pm - Vomitthesoul ""]
MuthaCrack said:shit SODOM is like my brother's fave band from the late 80's. i told him and he laughed. he said he's no longer into that band but when he was a senior in high school (1990) he use to wear the Agent Orange tee and he had a Persecution Mania shirt. He says the shirts are still around at the 'rents home probably. He was like, "That band is still around?????? holy shit!" he never saw them live and I tol him to go he just said, "If i was still into metal I would. That and if i didn't have 2 kids and a wife" make ya feel old????

Your brother is one of the reasons why the scene is so DEAD.People who get married and have kids choose to be antisocial and forget how to have fun.(and stop supporting metal)Ill be into Metal til the day I die wether I stay single or not.


[Jan 2,2006 2:18pm - davefromthegrave ""]
[Jan 2,2006 4:34pm - pam nli  ""]
oh man...I can't fuckin wait!!
[Jan 2,2006 4:41pm - anonymous  ""]
someone please post a review of this show, pics would be great!
[Jan 2,2006 5:04pm - pam ""]
I will try like hell to get my camera in. I don't think I got enough pull to get a photopass.

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