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Interesting Article about the brian

[Dec 28,2005 4:50pm - the_reverend ""]
[Dec 28,2005 5:01pm - ryanfromhbbsi  ""]
all i can think of is that futerama episode when bender is all addicted to some electric shock shit
[Dec 28,2005 5:03pm - handinjury ""]
[Dec 28,2005 5:12pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Is that like that wrestler The Rock?
[Dec 28,2005 6:07pm - bradleyfuckingmann  ""]
When researchers injected the neurotransmitter acetylcholine into a patient's septal area, "vigorous activity" showed up on the EEG, and the patient usually described intense pleasure, including multiple orgasms lasting as long as thirty minutes.

hook me up!
[Dec 28,2005 6:41pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Brian from Family Guy?
[Dec 29,2005 2:52pm - INFECT ""]
but the brian is pure light and energy
[Dec 29,2005 2:56pm - brian_dc ""]
it's about me
[Dec 29,2005 4:39pm - Christraper ""]
I would sign up for that immediately and then go do drugs and fuck WHILE holding down the button.

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