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Top 3 Grindcore bands

[Jan 4,2006 12:33pm - ndeath ""]
Heres my picks:

Napalm Death
[Jan 4,2006 12:35pm - davefromthegrave ""]
pig destroyer
agoraphobic nosebleed
human bone bicycle sciences industries
[Jan 4,2006 12:42pm - Yeti ""]
Pig Destroyer
Human Bone Bicycle Science Industries
[Jan 4,2006 12:50pm - falsecathedralsNLI  ""]
rotten sound
pig destroyer
first few napalm death albums
[Jan 4,2006 12:57pm - Chris_From_Shit_Fuck ""]
Agoraphobic Nosebleed
Napalm Death

Also gotta mention:
Anal Cunt, just cause it's Anal Cunt.
[Jan 4,2006 1:02pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
The Number 12 Looks Like You
The Red Chord
Dillinger Escape Plan
[Jan 4,2006 1:05pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Human Remains
Discordance Axis
[Jan 4,2006 1:05pm - Anthony nli  ""]
brutal truth
anal cunt
[Jan 4,2006 1:11pm - kyledoes not log in  ""]
pig destroyer
discordance axis
[Jan 4,2006 1:12pm - RichHorror ""]
I will now hijack this and morph it into the "Three Best powerviolence Bands" thread--

Charles Bronson

We now return you to your regularly scheduled grindcore.
[Jan 4,2006 1:13pm - Ryan_M ""]
Pig Destroyer
Napalm Death

if we're going to include powerviolence, then i'd like to add Fuck on the Beach
[Jan 4,2006 1:22pm - cav  ""]
this is inevitably going to become an arguement.
[Jan 4,2006 1:23pm - cav  ""]
killswitch engage
blink 182
[Jan 4,2006 1:23pm - cav  ""]
dont argue with me...everything is grind these days.
[Jan 4,2006 1:24pm - RichHorror ""]
cav said:this is inevitably going to become an arguement.

One can only hope.
[Jan 4,2006 1:27pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
cav said:killswitch engage
blink 182

worst joke ever
[Jan 4,2006 1:38pm - ndeath ""]
Red Chord arnt grindcore.Their SUCKCORE!!!!
[Jan 4,2006 1:41pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
my dick is the 3 best grindcore bands ever
[Jan 4,2006 1:56pm - ndeath ""]
No old school grindcore heads I see here
[Jan 4,2006 1:58pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
[Jan 4,2006 2:33pm - the rooster  ""]
misery index
[Jan 4,2006 2:34pm - the rooster  ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:The Number 12 Looks Like You
The Red Chord
Dillinger Escape Plan

dillinger? wouldn't consider them to be grind. probably not red chord either. never heard that other one.

[Jan 4,2006 2:35pm - the rooster  ""]
oh, and honorable mention to TOTAL FUCKING DESTRUCTION.
[Jan 4,2006 2:36pm - brian_dc ""]
discordance axis
rotten sound
human bone bicycle sciences industries

glad rich mentioned charles bronson.
[Jan 4,2006 2:37pm - brian_dc ""]
the rooster said:menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:The Number 12 Looks Like You
The Red Chord
Dillinger Escape Plan

dillinger? wouldn't consider them to be grind. probably not red chord either. never heard that other one.

I kinda feel like he was joking.
[Jan 4,2006 2:39pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
the rooster said:menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:The Number 12 Looks Like You
The Red Chord
Dillinger Escape Plan

dillinger? wouldn't consider them to be grind. probably not red chord either. never heard that other one.

he was joking, luckily. the number 12 looks like you is the worst excuse for music i've ever heard.

napalm death
circle of dead children

i'd say those 3 are my personal favorites
[Jan 4,2006 2:39pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Siege, Gronibard, Rotten Sound, Fuck the Facts, Birdflesh, General Surgery, Asshole Parade, Syzslak, Leng Tche (pre-relapse), Total Fucking Destruction, Fistfuck, Repulsion, Brutal Truth, Genocide SS, Kill The Client, Circle of Dead Children, Phobia, Drogheda...wait I went over 3
[Jan 4,2006 2:40pm - TheWrldCanWait ""]
-Napalm Death
-Pig Destroyer,
-The Hostage Heart <----I love these guys, but no one's mentioned them yet
[Jan 4,2006 2:42pm - brian_dc ""]
I actually like the number 12 looks like you...but they are an example of a metalcore styled band that is being labeled grindcore for some reason.

I wouldn't call them the worst excuse for music...but I'm not mfr.
[Jan 4,2006 2:43pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
My favorite 3 are probably 'death by a thousand cuts' from leng tche, 'backstabbers ettiquette' from fuck the facts and 'exit' from rotten sound

currently anyways, i fit all 3 on one cdr and its so much fun.
[Jan 4,2006 2:48pm - TheWrldCanWait ""]
I like The Number Twelve Looks Like You to. Not really grindcore, sure, but I can see where people get that from, and I really don't agree with the sad excuse for music comment. Then again "to each his own."
[Jan 4,2006 2:50pm - pam nli  ""]
the fact that it took that long for someone to mention Repulsion on here is depressing.
[Jan 4,2006 2:55pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
sall good, i don't expect everyone to agree with me.
[Jan 4,2006 2:57pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
pam nli said:the fact that it took that long for someone to mention Repulsion on here is depressing.

[Jan 4,2006 2:58pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
mark fucking richards said:the rooster said:menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:The Number 12 Looks Like You
The Red Chord
Dillinger Escape Plan

dillinger? wouldn't consider them to be grind. probably not red chord either. never heard that other one.

he was joking, luckily. the number 12 looks like you is the worst excuse for music i've ever heard.

napalm death
circle of dead children

i'd say those 3 are my personal favorites

haha thank the heavenly lord someone knew I was joking!
[Jan 4,2006 3:01pm - brian_dc ""]
brian_dc said:the rooster said:menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:The Number 12 Looks Like You
The Red Chord
Dillinger Escape Plan

dillinger? wouldn't consider them to be grind. probably not red chord either. never heard that other one.

I kinda feel like he was joking.

me too!
[Jan 4,2006 3:23pm - Hungta'Bleed  ""]
[Jan 4,2006 3:29pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
Rotten Sound, The Dillinger Escape Plan (listen to Calculating Infinity), Circle Of Dead Children
[Jan 4,2006 3:33pm - brian_dc ""]
old dillinger has a few parts here and there that sound like they were influenced by discordance axis and others...but they definitely opened up a new genre other than grindcore as a whole.
[Jan 4,2006 3:35pm - Awww Shit  ""]
Fuck...I'm Dead
Old Old Carcass
[Jan 4,2006 3:37pm - BornSoVile ""]
[Jan 4,2006 3:39pm - Hungta‘Bleed  ""]
slowlypeelingtheflesh said:The Dillinger Escape Plan (listen to Calculating Infinity)

I've always liked "under the running board"

[Jan 4,2006 3:48pm - nick ""]
leng tche fucking sucks, i dont get why so many people hang from that bands nuts.

1. d/a.
2. sublime cadaveric decomposition.
3. tie betweeen vomit remnants and old uphill battle.
[Jan 4,2006 3:51pm - Hungta‘Bleed  ""]
old Cephalic Carnage is pretty fuckin sick I'd say as well. I just got their 'Perversions and the Guilt After' split with Anal Blast and I have to say its fucking great.
[Jan 4,2006 3:52pm - BornSoVile ""]
[Jan 4,2006 3:53pm - MikeGore  ""]
Terrorizer, Napalm Death and Repulsion will always be the kings of grind. Goregrind would be Impetigo, Haemmorhage and the early Carcass before they turned into a bunch of sallymarys.
[Jan 4,2006 3:53pm - nick ""]
BornSoVile said:YES!!! SCD!!! HAIL LE FRANCAIS!!!

seriously, nothing beats this cd.
[Jan 4,2006 4:12pm - Awww Shit  ""]
MikeGore said:Terrorizer, Napalm Death and Repulsion will always be the kings of grind. Goregrind would be Impetigo, Haemmorhage and the early Carcass before they turned into a bunch of sallymarys.

Yes! Someone else remembers Impetigo. :doublehorns:
[Jan 4,2006 4:21pm - MikeGore  ""]
Remember? Who could forget?
[Jan 4,2006 4:21pm - wade ""]
Circle Of Dead Children
Enemy Soil

but that'll change tomorrow..
[Jan 4,2006 5:50pm - dwellingsickness ""]
MikeGore said:Remember? Who could forget?

Exactly....Although there are alot of youngins on this board:NEWHORNS:

Oh yea and my 3 would be...

Flesh Parade
Fist Fuck
[Jan 4,2006 6:49pm - wade on a GOOD computer (not his)  ""]
fuckin Flesh Parade...

my new top 3:

Brutal FUCKING Truth
Flesh Parade
[Jan 4,2006 6:50pm - wade on a GOOD computer (not his)  ""]
3 is too few..

[Jan 4,2006 7:23pm - cav  ""]
your a bad joke
[Jan 4,2006 7:24pm - the_reverend ""]
# 12 is not grindcore, THEY ARE NU-GRIND.

comparing them, daughters, etc.. to terrorizer or napalm death is like comparing the original metalcore bands (the accused) with modern day metalcore (unearth).

same words different meaning.
[Jan 5,2006 12:17am - TheWrldCanWait ""]
"Nu-Grind"...I've never even heard of that...Did you make that up and think we wouldn't notice? You sneaky bastard!

Naw, I know what you mean exactly...
[Jan 5,2006 5:56am - Messerschmitt ""]
This one's tough...
Flesh Parade / Blood Fucking Duster / Exit 13 (from the Hedmale split)
Nasum / A.C. / Terrorizer / Birdflesh / Siege / Kill The Client
Pig Destroyer / Rotten Sound / Repulsion / Phobia
[Jan 5,2006 8:57am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
The Accused aren't metalcore, they are crossover.
[Jan 5,2006 3:06pm - vesgore ""]
[Jan 5,2006 3:31pm - Dissector ""]
MikeGore said:Remember? Who could forget?

I never forgot.
[Jan 5,2006 4:45pm - contagion ""]
fuck im dead
the red chord

in no order.

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