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Everytime i crash my car

[Jan 6,2006 8:45am - the_reverend ""]

this is actually hilarious:
"i'm gonna have to agree with lambgoaters on this one. we really SHOULD have died. the first thing that went through my head when i realized our van was doing cartwheels off the I-80 was "i bet cliff burton is going through andys head". then i was all "fuck! jordan must have flinched right before hitting the launch ramp we built" then some glass broke, a shitload of poop fell out, the roof was at my feet, durst (who was surfing on top of the van like styles in teen wolf) was thrown into a PERFECT 720 double backflip and totally stuck the landing, and my long island iced tea was spilt all over my 1/2 pound of alaskan king crab legs. we want to thank the laramie wyoming police department for arriving at the speed of light maple syrup. within the blink of an eye (for someone in a 45 minute coma) they (i mean HE) was on the scene- belittling, yelling, arguing and refusing to let us stay warm in his police car. we thank god for keeping us relatively injury free, since it wasn't until an hour and a half later that we arrived at the hospital to get xrayed and have our urine sampled, which was fucking weird because nobody else had to donate a sample except me and the nurse stood behind me- yelling- the entire time AND she made me pee into an empty tissue box instead of a cup. at the end of the day, to anyone concerned, the band is fine. we are rejoining the story of the year tour in a few days after our manditory 5 days rest for pulled muscles (the muscle andy pulled was actually done about 2 hours BEFORE the accident at an adult video store) and bruises and will be, obviously, heading out with bleeding through in february. we apologize to anyone in the midwest and western coast looking forward to seeing us, but you will have your chance again soon. thank you to all who called or sent nudes via text. and p.s MARV LEVY is back with the bills organization! the bills make me wanna shout! almost as loud as an injury suffered in a terrible van accident."

since it mentioned LG I checked it and saw this:
Every Time I Die recently were cruising through scenic Wyoming, hit ice, and you know the story from there. They are all 100% okay, banged up, but good to go. Van, trailer, etc. - not so good. They'll miss the beginning of their run with Story Of The Year, catching back up with the tour January 10th. Here is a statement from the guys

does anyone find it funny that they are going to tour with bleeding through?
[Jan 6,2006 8:49am - the_reverend ""]
ps: yes, I prp'd the title on purpose.
[Jan 6,2006 9:39am - ltdec-1000 ""]
and between the buried and me.
[Jan 6,2006 12:53pm - SPALDINO  ""]
there is something about that highway, huh?
[Jan 6,2006 2:27pm - mOe nli  ""]
i'd care if this band were still good
[Jan 6,2006 2:36pm - TheWrldCanWait ""]
Yeah, they definitely upped the suckage on thier new album...I was pretty pissed.
[Jan 6,2006 2:39pm - mOe nli  ""]
finally someone else who agrees
[Jan 6,2006 2:46pm - TheWrldCanWait ""]
Yeah, Hot Damn! was the shit...fun stuff, but the new one only one or two songs even worth a listen. It pissed me off, cuz they had a real unique sound that seemed to dissapear in the new shit.
[Jan 6,2006 2:48pm - mOe nli  ""]
yea, people just say "aw well the new cd is so fun!"
Hot Damn was fun and still a strong, heavy, unique release. And Last Night in Town is half the reason why i listen to heavy music now. This cd is just them whacking off, and knowing that people will buy their cd's cuz they're ETID. Which is fine, good for them. But i dont buy it.

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