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All of your bands suck bawls......

[Jan 6,2006 4:54pm - analcanal  ""]
You should all start one big band called Satan's Shit. you could have 50 guitarists who shred all the time and 20 vocalists who all do the death "thing" 50 huge fat assed bass players and that one gay keyboard player from Sacreligion could "dominate" on his Casio keyboard. You wouldn't even have to rehearse. Just show up and start playing. I swear it would sound just like all of the crapola that you play now.
[Jan 6,2006 4:54pm - BornSoVile ""]
you listen to WAAF
[Jan 6,2006 4:57pm - analcanal  ""]
wrong. try again
[Jan 6,2006 4:58pm - BornSoVile ""]
riooght, so why do you suck off the baystaterock bands so hard?
[Jan 6,2006 4:59pm - analcanal  ""]
because they rule
[Jan 6,2006 5:01pm - BornSoVile ""]
[Jan 6,2006 5:03pm - Go away fag  ""]
analcanal said:You should all start one big band called Satan's Shit. you could have 50 guitarists who shred all the time and 20 vocalists who all do the death "thing" 50 huge fat assed bass players and that one gay keyboard player from Sacreligion could "dominate" on his Casio keyboard. You wouldn't even have to rehearse. Just show up and start playing. I swear it would sound just like all of the crapola that you play now.

For a guy that claims he does not give a fuck about all these bands why do you spend so much time on message boards whining about them? Maybe because you have no life aside from fucking your gay lover Suck
[Jan 6,2006 5:04pm - DomesticTerror ""]
wow, an anonymous poster talking shit...how original!
[Jan 6,2006 5:05pm - BornSoVile ""]
i love it. remember when this cunt first popped up?? he was all pissed off and retilalting out of jealousy when everyone from RttP voted for 10 local bands to play the palladium. this dude cried about it so much, he's still not over it. hey kid!! NU METAL IS DEAD AND GONE!!
[Jan 6,2006 5:06pm - Go away fag  ""]
I mean seriously, do you ever think to yourself, man, my life revolves around being a douche on message boards? Where did I go wrong? You just got to end it little buddy

Just kill yourself, I mean seriously, It is only going to get worse for you
[Jan 6,2006 5:14pm - analcanal(therealone)  ""]
Go away fag said:I mean seriously, do you ever think to yourself, man, my life revolves around being a douche on message boards? Where did I go wrong? You just got to end it little buddy

Just kill yourself, I mean seriously, It is only going to get worse for you

oh boo fucking hoo. it's too much fun slagging on all of this garbage music. it all fucking sucks. it could be ONE band doing it all because it all sounds exactly the same. Metal is the Nu Metal. your genre is dying

[Jan 6,2006 5:15pm - the_reverend ""]
if anal canal is going to preach, he should atleast sign up.
[Jan 6,2006 5:15pm - analcanal(therealone)  ""]
the_reverend said:if anal canal is going to preach, he should atleast sign up.

why sign up when this board will be irrelevant in a year?
[Jan 6,2006 5:17pm - DomesticTerror ""]
hey buddy, i think the fries are done.
[Jan 6,2006 5:17pm - KeithMutiny ""]
someones just mad thier cd isnt being played on the radio.
[Jan 6,2006 5:17pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
yeah...cuz this hasn't been THE site for local metal for like 5 years or anything
[Jan 6,2006 5:18pm - BornSoVile ""]
analcanal and all his mysterious internet power is going to crush us all. don't hate us cause you're too weak!! not my problem, kid.
[Jan 6,2006 5:19pm - analcanal(therealone)  ""]
somebody ask Mike Hsu where all of your "submissions" go.
[Jan 6,2006 5:20pm - analcanal(therealone)  ""]
how much time do you guys spend coming up with doomish screen names? my new one is DieB4Death
[Jan 6,2006 5:21pm - BornSoVile ""]
analcanal said:somebody ask Mike Hsu where all of your "submissions" go.

you're the insider, you tell us. no one here cares.
[Jan 6,2006 5:22pm - hahahaha  ""]
analcanal said:Go away fag said:I mean seriously, do you ever think to yourself, man, my life revolves around being a douche on message boards? Where did I go wrong? You just got to end it little buddy

Just kill yourself, I mean seriously, It is only going to get worse for you

oh boo fucking hoo. it's too much fun slagging on all of this garbage music. it all fucking sucks. it could be ONE band doing it all because it all sounds exactly the same. Metal is the Nu Metal. your genre is dying

Ahhhhh, your a Nu Metaller hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!! That explains it all

Just ignore Korn canal of whatever, not even worth the time of day
[Jan 6,2006 5:22pm - DomesticTerror ""]
if i recall correctly, mine went on artist of the week.
[Jan 6,2006 5:23pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i know, personally, ive never submitted anything.
[Jan 6,2006 5:27pm - DomesticTerror ""]
I wish all bands sounded like Soulfly...
[Jan 6,2006 5:31pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i know our submission was played on the air that very night...but we brought a peace offering of chocolate frosted donettes...and that there is a deal breaker
[Jan 6,2006 5:31pm - KeithMutiny ""]
DomesticTerror said:I wish all bands sounded like Soulfly...

dude, soulfly is wicked underground bro, come on thats not numetal.

[Jan 6,2006 5:47pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
I got my pride and that's all i need
i'll make you bleed
livin on the road without a radio
so take advantage of this project
you might have to die just to bleed
made for your ass to fade
i'm livin on instinct
when i think
when i'm crushin bones
when i put your sorry ass in a package
you piece of shit
you'd think you're learnin from a savage
but now you sweat because you're goin down
you envious clown
fuckin bleed

i don't know how i remembered that...hahaha
[Jan 6,2006 5:51pm - the_reverend ""]
I think all responses in this thread should rhyme
[Jan 6,2006 5:56pm - mOe nli  ""]
if this guy had any clue as to what decent music was, i'd care.....
[Jan 6,2006 6:02pm - the_reverend ""]
oh and heres a few things.
1) analcanal and suck come from the same IP, show up together, therefore, they are either the same person or live together, by socks together, sleep together.
2) analcanal and suck came here to the thread about that board without a link back to this board. translation, they have access to the server logs. you know who has access to the server logs here? me and that's it.
3) HSU is the only thing worth anything on WAAF. I only listen to WAAF when he's got good bands as guests.
[Jan 6,2006 6:04pm - KeithMutiny ""]
one more thing.

[Jan 6,2006 6:05pm - dug nli  ""]
ya know, if no one responded and didn't care they would go away. give it a try because retaliating against a troll is just as lame as being one. just a thought.
[Jan 6,2006 6:06pm - the_reverend ""]
analcanal said:how much time do you guys spend coming up with doomish screen names? my new one is DieB4Death

yeah, everyone should just take them from SNL skits.
[Jan 6,2006 6:11pm - hahahaha  ""]
Get up and get down with tha sickness
[Jan 6,2006 6:31pm - DomesticTerror ""]
the_reverend said:
2) analcanal and suck came here to the thread about that board without a link back to this board. translation, they have access to the server logs. you know who has access to the server logs here? me and that's it.

are you saying what i think you're saying?
[Jan 6,2006 6:33pm - davefromthegrave ""]
DomesticTerror said:the_reverend said:
2) analcanal and suck came here to the thread about that board without a link back to this board. translation, they have access to the server logs. you know who has access to the server logs here? me and that's it.

are you saying what i think you're saying?

I don't quite grasp this one myself
[Jan 6,2006 7:25pm - TheWrldCanWait ""]
the_reverend said:
2) analcanal and suck came here to the thread about that board without a link back to this board. translation, they have access to the server logs. you know who has access to the server logs here? me and that's it.

So wait a minute...if you're the only one with access to the server logs, that means...1.) This analcanal is a hacker...

[Jan 6,2006 7:29pm - eddie ""]
TheWrldCanWait said:the_reverend said:
2) analcanal and suck came here to the thread about that board without a link back to this board. translation, they have access to the server logs. you know who has access to the server logs here? me and that's it.

So wait a minute...if you're the only one with access to the server logs, that means...1.) This analcanal is a hacker...

i think it means it's the person who does the baystaterock website. maybe? eh?

[Jan 6,2006 7:30pm - TheWrldCanWait ""]
I dunno, maybe the Rev will come and enlighten us on his thought process for this one...cuz I'm lost.
[Jan 6,2006 7:41pm - pam nli  ""]
TheWrldCanWait said:the_reverend said:
2) analcanal and suck came here to the thread about that board without a link back to this board. translation, they have access to the server logs. you know who has access to the server logs here? me and that's it.

So wait a minute...if you're the only one with access to the server logs, that means...1.) This analcanal is a hacker...

And he would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddlin' kids!!
[Jan 6,2006 7:44pm - pam nli  ""]
He said I was fat and my band sucked. Clearly he is a personal trainer, what with all the time he spends at the gym...ya know...not like he's online all day or anything...

It's not my fault the only 6-pack I'm interested in is the drinkable kind.
[Jan 10,2006 2:38pm - analcanal(therealone)  ""]
eddie said:TheWrldCanWait said:the_reverend said:
2) analcanal and suck came here to the thread about that board without a link back to this board. translation, they have access to the server logs. you know who has access to the server logs here? me and that's it.

So wait a minute...if you're the only one with access to the server logs, that means...1.) This analcanal is a hacker...

wrong again cockboys!! :doublehorns:

i think it means it's the person who does the baystaterock website. maybe? eh?

[Jan 10,2006 2:46pm - brian_dc ""]
sucking bawls...

it's pretty crazy that he thinks all of us in all of these bands do something so obscure and irrational.
[Jan 10,2006 3:00pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jan 10,2006 3:14pm - Yeti ""]
hahaha and attacking our keyboardist as always. finger light up Casios unite!!
[Jan 10,2006 3:16pm - powerkok ""]
Im better than you. Thats all I need to know.
BTW, Blue, Rev, those pics are hilarious.
[Jan 10,2006 3:28pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
up with hope....down with dope!
[Jan 10,2006 3:29pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
hey rev, do you have an IP tracer? some douchebag came on our website and posted some anonymous jesus garb to try to piss us off and i actually ofund out it was a soldier IN iraq...if you don't have one i'll gladly do it and find out where they are
[Jan 10,2006 4:11pm - suck  ""]
I'm sure you losers scored all the chicks with your "insert cock" gag. Girls just love mature boys like that.

hahaha, he shouldn't have taken the sign off his back. I'm sure it would have been the first sexual contact he's had in years...maybe ever.

You guys are the apitomy of LOSERS. hahahahaha.
[Jan 10,2006 4:12pm - brian_dc ""]

[Jan 10,2006 4:16pm - Blue ""]
[Jan 10,2006 4:21pm - the_reverend ""]
isn't that a wicked sick hatebreed song?
[Jan 10,2006 4:50pm - SickSickSicks ""]
"50 huge fat assed bass players"

hahahhahahaha :D
[Jan 10,2006 6:11pm - Midgetstealer  ""]
You are the epitome of a loser.... First you come to this site to try and talk shit and then spell epitome wrong.... what the fuck i want to punch you in the soft spot on your head.
[Jan 10,2006 6:30pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
What I learned from this thread:

There's a select few people here who actually know how to deal with anonymous shit talkers. And everybody else here is real good at embarrassing themselves.
[Jan 10,2006 9:02pm - Al Ravage  ""]
bawls are only good to suck on if they are chocolate and salted..or filled with those marachino cherrys
[Jan 10,2006 11:16pm - ArrowHead nli  ""]
the_reverend said:oh and heres a few things.

2) analcanal and suck came here to the thread about that board without a link back to this board. translation, they have access to the server logs. you know who has access to the server logs here? me and that's it.

You make no sense. Please elaborate.

[Jan 10,2006 11:32pm - hungta‘bleed  ""]

"you are the ones who are the ball lickers..."
[Jan 11,2006 8:02am - Arthur_ATD ""]
i dont quite follow what the rev meant either.
[Jan 11,2006 10:33am - Yeti ""]
"hes a nihilist"
[Jan 11,2006 10:35am - MC Peepants (Craig)  ""]
i agree with the original statement. we all suck. we should get together and have a huge mass suicide. now THAT would be original. what other scene has done that? not counting Norway...
[Jan 11,2006 10:44am - the_reverend ""]
no, have a mass sucking.
[Jan 11,2006 10:48am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Oh no someone made a broad statement about metal bands sucking, let's all get upset or try to understand their feelings.

They are right, you guys do all suck and I am embarrassed to know you.
[Jan 11,2006 10:51am - Arthur_ATD ""]
Maybe we should all quit all of our bands, and then we can have weekly get togethers to discuss our feelings and listen to bands like Korn and Limp Bizkit!!!!!!!
[Jan 11,2006 10:53am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
You should definately quit your band.
[Jan 11,2006 10:56am - Arthur_ATD ""]
yes, because it would make nu metal fans happy
[Jan 11,2006 11:14am - RichHorror ""]
I am proud to say my band isn't talented enough to shred or dominate.
[Jan 11,2006 2:01pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
hungta‘bleed said:

"you are the ones who are the ball lickers..."


i can't believe i didn't think of that

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