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creationalists believe...

[Jan 7,2006 4:41pm - the_reverend ""]
I was listening in the car to it on NPR.

there were baby dinosaurs on noah's ark.

90+% of the people in the US believe in creationalism.
the small minority of people that don't are professors.
[Jan 7,2006 4:42pm - aliciagrace nli  ""]
dinosaurs never existed.
[Jan 7,2006 5:14pm - succubus ""]
is that what we were listening to?
i wasn't payin attention
[Jan 8,2006 4:24pm - BlackoutRick ""]
[Jan 8,2006 5:05pm - TheWrldCanWait ""]
Dinosaurs? Maddness I tell you...MADNESS!!!
[Jan 8,2006 5:06pm - the_reverend ""]
soylent green is people!
[Jan 9,2006 12:11am - Al Ravage  ""]
everyone knows that aliens brought the Dinosaurs to Earth and then had a barbecue 20 million years ago, and when we grow to be 80 feet tall they will have a new barbecue for us
[Jan 9,2006 12:59am - Seedbassist nli  ""]
Al Ravage said:everyone knows that aliens brought the Dinosaurs to Earth and then had a barbecue 20 million years ago, and when we grow to be 80 feet tall they will have a new barbecue for us

Fuckin A right.....I was beginning to think i was the only one who knew the truth

For some reason, this makes me think of that Episode of South Park where they made fun of scientology, and they showed that really fucked up theory of how humanity came to be.....and the whole time, the captions read "this is what scientologists ACTUALLY believe"

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