INTERNATIONAL BANKERS/ILLUMINATI CORRUPTION CULT NEW WORLD ORDER:[views:6352][posts:11]____________________________________ [Feb 10,2006 7:42pm - anonymous ""] INTERNATIONAL BANKERS/ILLUMINATI CORRUPTION CULT NEW WORLD ORDER: ILLUMINATI,BLACK POPE/jesuits/SATANIC-NEW WORLD ORDER behind 911 and HITLERS THIRD REICH?MEMBERS OF SATANIC SECRET SOCIETY JESUITS/BILDERBERG/SKULL AND BONES/ILLUMINATI. Lecture-notes of Tore Toivicco,christian,danish-U.S. politician,"Good solutions-party",(who knows,maybe president of USA,after Arnold Scwarzenegger(If USA still exists after Arnolds presidency [JOKE]),if world regocnizes and understands these things Iīm talking about....Matthew 20:16:"...So the last will be first,and the first will be last..."),though I donīt consider myself being a last one.22.1.2006:IF YOU WANT TO BECOME A SPONSOR OF MY HOMEPAGE (or my research),CONTACT: NOBORG@SURFY.NET JESUITS+BLACK POPE,ILLUMINATI,SKULL AND BONES OR SATANIC ADMINISTRATION ARE MEN BEHIND 11/9.2001?WHO RULES THE WORLD?IT MAY BE THAT ITīS IMPOSSIBLE TO GET DATA ABOUT WHO REALLY RULES THE WORLD-AND ALL DATA WE KNOW(ROCKEFELLER,ROTCSHILD,ROYAL-FAMILIES,ILLUMINATI,JESUITS,BLACK POPE,SKULL AND BONES,BROTHERHOODS OF WITCHCRAFT/satanism,FREEMASONS,KNIGHTS OF TEMPLARS,MALTA,COMMITTEE 0F 300,BILDERBERG,ROUNDTABLE,CFR,ETC.)ARE ONLY DATA GIVEN TO US IN ORDER TO MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE TO UNDERSTAND WHO REALLY RULES. GOALS OF ILLUMINATI?Itīs stated that Illuminati plan is to get total control over every human being and reduce the world's population by 4-5.5 Billion people. [ SOURCE/link:The New World Order (NWO) -An Overview By Ken Adachi <> ] This would happen with help of wars and drugs and mind-control. THESE SECRET SOCIETIES OPERATE TOWARDS THEIR NEW WORLD ORDER-PLAN EVEN IF IT WOULD TAKE LONGER THAN THEIR LIFE TIME.(This and the fact that they control media is why people donīt have any data about whole thing).THIS WAY THEY HAVE ALREADY 2 CENTURIES OPERATED IN ORDER TO GET THEIR ANTI-CHRIST SOCIETY,SO THAT THEY CAN GET THEIR SATANIST LEADER TO JERUSALEM TO RULE WHOLE WORLD.(="ANTI-CHRIST",MAN WHO HAS ABSOLUTE POWER ON EARTH,HE CAN DO WHATEVER HE WANT AND ORDER WHAT EVER HE WANTS,BEING AN ABSOLUTE DICTATOR ON EARTH.) THESE HIGHEST ONES IN THESE SECRET SOCIETY HIERARCHY SEEM TO BE INTERNATIONAL BANKER-FAMILIES: ROTSCHILDS,ROCKEFELLER,ETC.,ENGLISH ROYAL-FAMILY AND SKULL&BONES(F.EX.BUSH),JESUITS/BLACK POPE,BILDERBERG AND POSSIBLY SOME WITCHCRAFT BROTHERHOOD(S).(SVALI:13 PERSONS IN EUROPE WILL RULE AFTER WW3,SOME OTHER SOURCES SAY THAT SOMEONE CALLED ANTI-CHRIST BECOMES THE DICTATOR OF THE WORLD).I guess itīs DIFFICULT TO KNOW WHAT IS TRUTH IN THIS MATTER,AND THERE IS MANY DIFFERENT DATA ABOUT THESE THINGS.IT MAY BE THAT THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF ILLUMINATI IS STILL UNKNOWN,RULING OVER ALL THESE NAMES I HAVE MENTIONED HERE.WHY SHOULD THEY LET THEIR NAMES COME PUBLIC IF THEY HAVE ALL THE POWER ON EARTH,OWNING MEDIAS,ETC.ON THE OTHER HAND,IF THEY HAVE SO MUCH POWER,THEY MAY INTENTIONALLY GIVE DATA ABOUT IT NOW,F.EX.THIS WAY SHOWING THEIR POWER,PROMOTING THEIR SATANIC MANAGEMENT or CONTROLLING THEMSELVES "OPPOSITION". [ Source:...a chapter of the Deeper Insights- book:"...the New World Order created their own opposition.." ] (ONE REASON FOR PUBLISHING THIS NEW WORLD GOAL COULD BE THAT IT KEEPS THEIR OWN "TROOPS" OBEYING THEM,even if it not were true.) ITīS ALSO STATED MANY TIMES THAT INTELLIGENCES ARE PART OF ILLUMINATI OR CONTROLLED BY ILLUMINATI/JESUITS(F.EX. MI-6 freemasons?).ITīS STATED THAT JESUIT GENERAL/BLACK POPE IS IN CONTROL OF INTERNATIONAL INTELLIGENCIES,like CIA,KGB,FBI,Mossad,etc. links/sources: IF THESE DIFFERENT ILLUMINATI-GROUPS WOULD FIGHT TOWARDS EACH OTHERS,IT WOULD SAVE THE WORLD... ONE POSSIBILITY IS ALSO THAT ILLUMINATI WANTS SOME WAY TO CHANGE THEIR ACTS and WORLD BETTER,BUT IF THEY HAVE BEEN CONNECTED TO BAD SATANISM LONG TIME,IT MAY BE DIFFICULT TO DO,AND THEREFORE THEY MAY PUBLISH THESE THINGS THIS WAY.ON THE OTHER HAND THEY MAYBE GIVE DATA TO PUBLIC ABOUT THEIR MAGIC,F.EX.THROUGH HOLLYWOOD-MOVIES?TO MAKE NUMBER OF "SATANISTS" BIGGER,GET SUPPORTERS,NEW MEMBERS? ONE WAY TO HANDLE THIS KIND OF SITUATION IS MAYBE WHAT WAS DONE IN SOUTH AFRICA,WHEN APARTHEID WAS STOPPED.THERE WAS The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission,AND MAYBE ITīS RUMOUR ,BUT IT MAY BE THAT THIS COMMISSION USED L.RON HUBBARDS TECHNOLOGY IN SOLVING THIS SITUATION.WHO KNOWS -ANYWAY WE KNOW THAT THIS BAD SITUATION WAS HANDLED WITHOUT VIOLENCE. -USA/WALL STREET/SKULL AND BONES/ILLUMINATI ETC.(?)HAS BEEN SUPPORTING NAZISM AND COMMUNISM,HITLER AND SOVJET RUSSIA.THIS CAN BE EXPLAINED AS CREATING A WAR OR CHAOS,WHICH MEANS MONEY TO WAR-INDUSTRY, OR/AND SERVES SATANISTIC IDEAS("WAR IS ULTIMATE SATANISM.")JESUITS/BLACK POPE USE FREEMASONS AND HAS CREATED F.EX.COMMUNISM IN ORDER TO DESTROY CHRISTIANITY(and control people).THIS ELITE OWNS MEDIA, AND YOU DONīT SEE THESE THINGS TOLD IN NEWS.HIGHEST LEADER MAY BE BLACK POPE,OR EVEN HIGHER UNKNOWN LEADER(WE CAN SEE BLACK POPE IN INTERNET...) -ADOLF HITLER WAS A HIGH SATANIST(NAZI-GERMANY/COMMUNIST-RUSSIA HAS BEEN ONE APPLICATION OF SATANISM?) -TERRORISM IS CREATED/SUPPORTED BY SATANISM? -SATANISMS PHILOSOPHY HAS BEEN DESCRIBED TO BE PHILOSOPHY OF EVILNESS ,AND EVILNESS IS CONNECTED MANY TIMES TO SKULL AND BONES ALSO.ITīS SAID THAT ALL MODERN TIME US PRESIDENTS HAS OBEYED SKULL&BONES/ILLUMINATI/JESUITS,EXCEPT JFK.ITīS SAID THAT SKULL AND BONES ARE USING DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTS TO CHANGE THINGS INSIDE USA,AND REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTS TO CHANGE THINGS INTERNATIONALLY.F.ex.BUSH SUPPORT WAR,PSYCHIATRIC CONTROL SOCIETY(LAW ABOUT EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN TESTED BY PSYCHIATRISTS AND MORE NEW WORLD ORDER "ACTS"?) The U.S. House of Representatives', Appropriations Committee, approved funding of the President's 'New Freedom Commission Initiative' that includes plan to screen all U.S. citizens for mental illness! THIS CAUSES MORE DESTRUCTION AND PROPABLY DESTROYS WHOLE USA,BECAUSE PSYCHIATRY IS CAUSE OF CRIME(f.ex.drugs cause violence) AND IT RUINS PEOPLE (F.EX.PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS LOBOTOMIZES BRAINS).THIS LAW ALONE CAN BE MORE DESTROYING CATASTROPHE TO MANKIND THAN TSUNAMI OF SOUTH-EAST ASIA AND VIETNAM WAR PUT TOGETHER. HIGHEST FREEMASONS ARE MEMBERS OF ILLUMINATI(SVALI),AND THEY ARE NOT CHRISTIANS: "In order for a person to become a Shriner, he must... make all those blood-curdling oaths, worship gods who are not gods except they are of Satan..." source: [ ] Albert Pikes letter ,which has predicted both World Wars,and now is predicting third WORLD WAR,WHICH WAS STARTED 11/9.2001,IN ORDER TO DESTROY BOTH CHRISTIANS AND MUSLIMS IN A WAR BETWEEN THEM... this doesnīt necessary prove that he has predicted them magic way.TRUTH MAY BE THAT ILLUMINATI OPERATES ACCORDING HIS "INSTRUCTIONS": "The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism...Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions." Students of history will recognize that the political alliances of England on one side and Germany on the other, forged between 1871 and 1898 by Otto von Bismarck, co-conspirator of Albert Pike, were instrumental in bringing about the First World War. "The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine...International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom..." After this Second World War, Communism was made strong enough to begin taking over weaker governments...and...a large portion of Europe was simply handed over to Russia.." "The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the..."Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." SOURCE: [ ] DOC MARQUIS is ex-ILLUMINIST WITCH REVEALING STRONG WITCHCRAFT TIES TO FREEMASONRY.He states that Superior Masons deliberately may lie to fellow Masons and that Lucifer is their god. SOURCE: [Lady Queenborough, Occult Theocracy , p. 220-221, quoting a letter from Albert Pike to the 23 Supreme Councils of the World on July 14, 1889] source/link: [ ] A little-known fact:Both John Kerry and President Bush are members of Yale's secret society Skull and Bones." [Quotes/SOURCES: ] [ Quotes/links/sources ,if not given any otherlink :]\?ID=4136 BOOK:( RIKU RINNE:Syvyyden kuilusta )\?t=317 20History/sheeple_analyst/shining_a_light_on_the_illuminati.htm NEW NOTES: IT SEEMS THAT FREEMASONS ARE PART OF ILLUMINATI,AND EVERY CITY HAS THEIR OWN ILLUMINATI MANAGEMENT.MY OPINION IS THAT ILLUMINATI OR SATANIC ADMINISTRATION WANTS EVERY CITY AND EVERY PART OF CITIES UNDER THEIR CONTROL.OF COURSE THIS ADMINISTRATION IS DONE SO,THAT F.EX.GANG OR GROUP LEADERS ARE PART OF HIGHER GROUP IN THIS HIERARCHY,AND THIS HIGHER LEVEL LEADERS AGAIN ARE MEMBERS OF HIGHER GROUP,ETC.ETC.(LOOK DAVID ICKES PYRAMID-STRUCTURE PICTURES) (SVALI:"There are Illuminati groups in EVERY major city in the US and Europe. ") -f.ex.Freemasons are said to operate under Black Popes orders: U.S. president George W. Bush, his father and grandfather are proven initiates of this multi-generational occult lodge.Adolf Hitler was also obsessed with the occult,in his case the Thule Society...If the Nazis' occult lodges had been exposed and shut down...,millions of lives could have been saved.The second world war need never have happened [ QUOTE: ] The Rockefeller Foundation poured money into the occupied German republic for `psychiatric genetics.This field applied to psychiatry the concepts of eugenics(...known as race purification, race hygiene,or race betterment) and its offshoot Eugenics Societies in England and America. Antony C.Sutton:"Why had the US built-up it's enemy?Why did the US build-up the Soviet Union,while we also transferred technology to Hitler's Germany?"Sutton proceeded to research and write 3 books on Wall Street: and FDR; and the Rise of Hitler; and The Bolshevik Revolution.Then, someone sent Antony a membership list of Skull and Bones and--"a picture jumped out".A multigenerational foreign-based secret society with fingers in all kinds of pies and roots going back to 'Illuminati' influences... [Quote: ] "ADOLF HITLER WAS A 33RD DEGREE HIGH SATANIST." "ROCKEFELLER-PSYCHIATRY FROM 30īS NAZI-GERMANY HAS BEEN FRANCHISED ALL OVER WESTERN WORLD RUINING MILLIONS OF LIVES TODAY." REASON WHY IīM WRITING THIS IS THAT WE MAY HAVE IN FRONT OF US SAME KIND OF MISSION AS GOOD PEOPLE HAD 1945!NAZISM HAD TO BE STOPPED THAT TIME,AND SO IT MUST BE STOPPED IN THE FUTURE. MEN BEHIND HITLER AND 9/11 WERE SAME:SKULL AND BONES,SATANISTS,ILLUMINATI,ETC.I DONīT KNOW EXACTLY WHICH OF THEM,BUT THERE PROPABLY EXIST HIGHEST ADMINISTRATION AMONGST SOME OF THOSE GROUPS- AND IT RULES THE WORLD SOME WAY.THEY MAY ALSO BE ONES WHO BOTH STARTED AND STOPPED WW2. LOTS OF DATA ABOUT SKULL AND BONES,AND THESE THINGS LATELY,IMPLIES THAT THOSE PEOPLE ARE NOT IN HIGHEST POWER,BUT ON THE OTHER HAND IT MAY BE THEIR PR,IF THEIR POSITION IN POWER ON EARTH IS SO SURE ALREADY. (WE DONīT NEED TO BELIEVE SATANS EXISTENCE,BUT WE CAN THINK SATAN AS A GOD OF SATANISTS,WHO DO THINGS IN ORDER TO SERVE SATAN.) KEYWORD IN SATANIC THINGS IS SECRET,SECRECY,- THOSE THINGS ARE KEPT SECRET,AND THATīS WHY THEIR EXISTENCE MAY SEEM UNBELIEVABLE.ILLUMINATI,THE BROTHERHOOD,SATANIST CHURCH,SKULL AND BONES,ETC.ETC.,ALL/SOME OF THEM OR SOME OTHER ADMINISTRATION ABOVE THEM ARE SECRETLY RULING THE WORLD?AND HAS BEEN A LONG TIME? HISTORY: WORLD RUN BY ILLUMINISTS,SATANISTS SECRETLY 50,OR 100 YEARS OR MORE?SVALI:The Supreme World Council-This council is already set up as a prototype of the one that will rule when the NWO comes into being... these leaders are heads in the financial world,OLD banking money. The Rothschild family in England,and in France,... A descendant of the Hapsburg dynasty..A descendant of the ruling families of England and France...The Rockefeller family in the US holds a seat...This is one reason that the Illuminati have been pretty "untouchable"...The ruling members are very,very,very wealthy and powerful. SOURCE. [ ] George Bush's father as well as George Bush were and are members of Skull& Bones. Bush's father was a major contributor to the Hitler Project as well as the build-up of the Soviet Union...leading to the World Wars and the...set-up of the United Nations... Quote: [ ] MIND CONTROL, CONTROLLING POPULATION IS PART OF THIS,AND F.EX. MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT IS UNDER OF THIS ELITES CONTROL: ( A former Luciferian Doc Marquis, in his book, "Secrets of the Illuminati" states that Rock-n-Roll music is pure witchcraft and the perfect medium by which Satanists can teach ...the precepts of Satanism by inducing human minds into a mild hypnosis so that Satanism can penetrate directly into their subconscious,... and that this way Rock-n-Roll is preparing generations of children for the values of the New World Order.) [QUOTE: ] Best proof about this establishments existence/power is total lack of discussion about these things in news-media(even lots of data about them is available and these things has something to do with every citizens life - and this is perfect subject for a news media)?Media,as well as policeforces,politics,business are under this world management? [Some of the world's most famous and powerful men alive today are "bonesmen," including George Bush,Nicholas Brady,and William F. Buckley.Other bonesmen include Henry Luce(Time-Life),Harold Stanley(founder of Morgan Stanley), Henry P. Davison(senior partner Morgan Guaranty Trust),Artemus Gates(President of New York Trust Company,Union Pacific,TIME,Boeing Company), Senator John Chaffe,Russell W. Davenport(editor Fortune Magazine),and many others. All have taken a solemn vow of secrecy. [Quote: ] (THE FACT THAT WE NOW HAVE ALL THIS DATA ABOUT SKULL&BONES(OR BLACK POPE) CAN MEAN THAT THEY ARE NOT HAVING HIGHEST POWER IN THIS ILLUMINATI HIERARCHY.ON THE OTHER HAND IT MAY BE INTENTIONAL,IF THIS ILLUMINATI ALREADY HAS SO MUCH POWER THAT THEY DONīT NEED TO HIDE ANYMORE,BEING TOTALLY SECRET.THEY MAY EVEN GIVE DATA OUT IN ORDER TO PROMOTE THEIR POWER?)THIS CAN ALSO MEAN THAT THEY USE AS A STRATEGY HAVING LOTS OF DIFFERENT GROUPS IN THEIR HIERARCHY,WHICH WORK AS A PYRAMID INSIDE PYRAMID,LIKE DAVID ICKE HAS SAID, AND THIS WAY ITīS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO GET A CLEAR IDEA ABOUT THIS WHOLE ILLUMINATI STRUCTURE.EVEN TO THEIR MEMBERS.AND LIKE HITLER,THIS HIGHEST LEVEL DOESNīT EVEN NEED TO GET MUCH INVOLVED INTO THOSE HORRIBLE ACTS OF LOWER LEVELS,BUT ONLY MADE IT UNDERSTOOD WHAT THEY WANT TO HAPPEN, AND IF IT DOESNīT HAPPEN, EVERY MEMBER KNOWS THAT RESULTS CAN BE BAD.(F.EX.IT IS SAID THAT WACOS CHRISTIAN GROUP HAD HACKED SOME CONFIDENTIAL DATA ABOUT HIGH DRUG-BUSINESS CONNECTIONS, AND THAT WAS WHY THEY GOR DESTROYED-AS A WARNIGN TO OTHERS?) ILLUMINATI PLAN CREATING MORE SATANISM: (SATANISM HAS RULED THE WORLD LONG TIME,AND PREPARED WORLD TO SATANISM?(F.EX. SATANISTIC ADMINISTRATION HAVING CONNECTION TO MANY GOVERNMENTS,VATICAN,ETC.ETC.,CHANCING CHRISTIAN VALUES,CREATING BIG CITIES,-YOUTH ,WHO HAS NO RESPONSIBILITY,-RACIAL DISCRIMINATION,CONTROL OF IDEAS(THROUGH FASHIONS,MEDIAS,LITERATURE),ROCKEFELLER SUPPORTED PSYCHIATRY FRANCHISED THROUGH WESTERN WORLD,-AND NOW THE TIME IS NEAR?ANYWAY PERSONALLY I THINK IT AT LEAST TAKES FEW YEARS STILL,MAYBE EVEN TENS OF YEARS.IN WORST CASE QUITE SOON.)Some things created by satanic administration?: 1- WARS (They have created sayings like:"PEOPLE HAVE ALWAYS WARS, NO- ONE CAN HELP IT,IT BELONGS TO HUMAN BEHAVIOUR..."?).I CLAIM THAT AFTER II WORLD WAR NAZISM NEVER ENDED,IT NEVER BECAME STOPPED:HIGH NAZIS(ACTUALLY HIGH SATANISTS,WHICH WERE CREATING WHOLE NAZISM IN GERMANY) WERE MOVED TO USA OR SOUTH- AMERICA,OR USED IN INTELLIGENCE OPERATIONS AGAINST COMMUNISM.NAZI PSYCHIATRISTS SERVED IN PSYCHIATRY WORLD WIDELY AFTER WAR?(SS-SYMBOL WAS SKULL AND BONES...) 2-DESTROYING MORALS: -ROCK -DRUGS(DRUGS ARE ALLOWED BY THE POLICE AND GOVERNMENTS.ONLY LOWEST LEVEL DRUG-CRIMINALS ARE STOPPED.DANGEROUS PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS ARE ALLOWED) -MEDIA: ALMOST EVERY HOLLYWOOD MOVIE HAS A SEX-SCENE,EVEN IF IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH A STORY.WHY?(ORDER FROM SATANIST MANAGEMENT IN ORDER TO CREATE LUST,ETC.) -VIOLENCE OF TV, AND HOLLYWOOD MOVIES: VIOLENCE AND KILLING AND GANGS ADMIRED AND SHOWED AS A SOLUTION;COMMANDED FROM ILLUMINATI/SATANISM?MEDIA GIVES CHILDREN AND YOUTH OCCULTIC AND SATANIC IDEAS AND ROLEMODELS.ALSO MANY SCENES OR IDEAS ARE CRUEL,MAKING VIEWERS CRUEL? (ALSO HOLLYWOOD MOVIES INCLUDE VERY OFTEN A CATHOLIC PRIEST, WHICH IN PROTESTANT COUNTRY DOESNīT SEEM VERY LOGICAL...ITīS ALSO SAID THAT JESUITS CONTROL HOLLYWOOD.) - SEX:PORN AND SEX OFFERING IS CREATED BY SATANISTS IN ORDER TO DESTROY MORALS,AND THEY MAKE MONEY WITH THIS ALSO?SEX-BUSINESS? ALSO CREATING PERVERSIONS(FUTURE?),F.EX.ABOUT 20 YEARS AGO MEDIA HAD HUGE HEADLINES ABOUT GAYS,AND AFTER THAT MEDIA AND POLITICIANS HAS PROMOTED GAYS,WHICH HAS MADE HOMOSEXUALITY ACCEPTED IN WESTERN WORLD.NOW SAME KIND OF HEADLINES ARE WRITTEN ABOUT PEDOPHILES(IN ORDER GET THIS THING KNOWN- AND LATER ACCEPTED?)ANYWAY I DONīT WANT THESE DATAS USED AGAINST GAYS.I THINK THEY HAVE ENOUGH PROBLEMS ALREADY.LET MINORITIES LIVE IN PEACE.I THINK SOLUTIONS TO HOMOSEXUALITY IS SOLVABLE BY USING CHRISTIANITY OR MAYBE L.RON HUBBARDS TECHNOLOGY.I GUESS CITIES,CITY-LIFE WITHOUT LOVE,BROKEN HOMES WITHOUT FATHERS CREATE PERVERSIONS AND HOMO-SEXUALITY, AND NOWADAYS EVEN MEDIAS ARE PROMOTING IT SOMEWAY.THIS IMPLIES IT HAVING SOMETHING TO DO WITH DEMONIC OR SATANIC GROUND,AS SOME CHRISTIANS SAY. -BIG CITIES(used in order to create a loveless jungle-law areas,where people are fighting towards each others,=DRUGS and PERVERTED PEOPLE,CHAOS) -MAKING 2 SIDES FIGHTING -ELITISM -DAVID ICKE SAYS THAT THESE ILLUMINISTS,SATANIC ADMINISTRATION OR WHATEVER WE CALL THIS ELITE,HAS CREATED RELIGIONS SO THAT THEY CAN CONTROL PEOPLE.I WOULD SAY THAT NOWADAYS THEY ALSO CONTROL MEMBERS OF MANY GROUPS,GANGS,POLITICAL GROUPS,ETC.AND WORKERS OF MANY WORKING PLACES.DRUGS IS ONE WAY TO CONTROL SOME PEOPLE. "CREATING CHAOS AND THEN GIVING A SOLUTION.(LOOK EVERYTHING IN SOCIETY AND THINK THIS.)THEY LET DRUGS (terrorism)COME, THEN THEY DEMAND MORE RIGHTS TO POLICE =WAY TO CREATE A CONTROL SOCIETY." = F.EX.PATRIOT ACT LAW IN USA? Anthony Sutton's works, WALL STREET AND THE BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION and WALL STREET AND THE RISE OF HITLER will reveal that the wealthiest individuals in the world (including John D. Rockefeller and Prescott Bush)financed the left wing Bolsheviks and the right wing Nazis and clashed them in war for profit and power.The two Wall Street firms most in the forefront of the financing of the Bolshevik revolution were J.P. MORGAN and BROWN BROTHERS HARRIMAN. ILLUMINATI intends to control both sides of every conflict. (ALSO TSUNAMI of 2004,MAY BE A PRODUCT OF THIS ADMINISTRATION,AS WELL AS OMITTING HELP TO KATRINA-STORMS CATASTROPHE ARE IN NEW ORLEANS 2005.IF YOU LOOK TSUNAMI MAPS,THEY CAN BE INTERPRETED SO THAT POSSIBLE NUCLEAR BOMB(S) HAS STARTED WHOLE THING FROM ONE POINT,AND CAUSED TSUNAMI WAVE of 2004(NUCLEAR BOMB(S)TO A PLACE WHICH CAN START AN EARTHQUAKE,ACCORDING INFORMATIONS FROM SEISMOLOGISTS). ) DOES ILLUMINATI HAS NUCLEAR BOMBS/DEVICES READY TO CAUSE CATASTROPHES IN USA?EARTHQUAKES,RADIATION,ERUPTIONS,ETC.? BASIC PHILOSOPHY OF SATANISM:EVILNESS,SEX and white and BLACK MAGIC: "Satanism has no morals": "SATANISTS HAVE NO DOUBTS TO STEAL,LIE,BE VIOLENT OR INTERFERE INTO OTHER PEOPLES LIFES,AND DESTROY IT." "SATANISTS WANT POWER": SOME FORMS OF SATANISM: COMMUNISM (evilness towards middle-class) NAZISM (evilness towards middle-class) CAPITALISM (evilness towards middle-class)? -BREAKING FAMILY-UNIT,SEPARATING OLD AND YOUNG PEOPLE IS A SATANISTIC METHOD(CREATING UNHAPPINESS,IGNORANT AND VIOLENT PEOPLE)?THIS IS WHAT HAS HAPPENED IN MODERN WESTERN WORLD. -SUPPORT/PRACTISE ANYTHING WHICH IS OPPOSITE TO TEACHINGS OF JESUS OR BIBLE(TO GOODNESS). BLACK SATANISMS PHILOSOPHY ACTUALLY IS ONLY PHILOSOPHY OF BARBARISM:STRONGEST AND MOST VIOLENT MAN WINS.THINGS ARE SOLVED BY VIOLENCE.ONLY LOWEST LEVEL INSTINCTS IN PEOPLE(SEX,VIOLENCE,EVILNESS) ARE ACCEPTED,AND THEY ARE REWARDED IN SATANISTIC ORDER?WE SHOULD REMEMBER THAT ALL WELFARE IN WESTERN WORLD TODAY IS BASED ON CHRISTIAN VALUES:FAMILY,NATION,RELIGION,HONESTY,WORK,DECENCY,CHRISTIAN ETHICS(=GOODNESS).SATANISM IS TRYING TO CHANGE WORLD BACK TO BARBARISM?:YOUTH IDOLS ARE CRIMINAL,PERVERT OR VIOLENT ROLEMODELS,DRUGS ARE SPREAD EVERYWHERE MAKING PEOPLE LOW-LEVEL BEINGS,ETC.. EVERY HIGH SATANIST IS A MEMBER OF A CHRISTIAN CHURCH,in order to destroy Christianity. THEY FILL WESTERN WORLD WITH CATHOLIC,ARAB AND MUSLIM IMMIGRANTS(some extremists of those groups hate jews and christians),IN ORDER TO USE THEM AGAINST JEWS AND CHRISTIANS?(=racism,2 sides fighting,war,and satanism against christians). PEDOPHILE HYSTERIA used:A.-TO STOP PEOPLE LOVING CHILDREN ,B.-USE AS A WEAPON TOWARDS ENEMIES,C.-PEDOPHILE-PANIC IN MEDIA IS USED TO STOP PEOPLE SEE SATANIC RITUAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN IN SATANISM? [ ] CREATING CONTROL SOCIETY(MIND CONTROL,PSYCHIATRY,MICROCHIP IDS ,COMPUTER CONTROL,ECHELON..)? ( [ ] ) ENVIRONMENTAL CATASTHROPHY IS A LIE-IN HISTORY EARTH HAS HAD MORE HOT PERIODS WITHOUT PROBLEMS,AND IT MAY BE ONE WAY TO CREATE CHAOS OR MAKE WORLD ACCEPT EXCEPTIONAL CONTROL.( ENVIRONMENTAL CATASTROPHE IS NOT EXISTING:trees and plants make more CO2 if needed,even if polar areas melt,it doesn`t raise surface of seas(It`s a scientific fact.Put an icecube in a glass and when it melts there is equal amount of water than there was ice.),and earth has had much more hot long lasting periods without problems- so all this environmental catastrophy panic is caused only to make people worried and in order to create a chaos/anarchy(creating also criminals with the help of wrong kind of policework,unjustice and psychiatry?) and then war/police-state or something like this etc,etc.)-business:f.ex. car industry makes cars lasting only few years(and repairing costs a lot),but even at 60`s some car companies made cars which were still good after 20 years use['world would use electric-cars,if 'Dallas-oil companies would profit more with it'?]- psychiatry,using ? middle-age methods[there is lots of documents about 2 billion USD psychiatric drug-business,making people only worse,and f.ex. causing violence and (most of ?cases could be treated only by changing their environment)[sources:based on writers memory:Citizens Commission on Human Rights(CCHR)and Radical perspectives in psychology (Nick Heather)] -governments omitting to create people enough jobs and homes,handle illiteracy,etc?(evil=good?). DAVID ICKE HAS STATED THAT MODEL WHAT THIS SATANIC ADMINISTRATION IS USING ,IS TO CREATE A PROBLEM AND THEN OFFER A SOLUTION TO IT.THIS IS HOW THEY MAKE PEOPLE TO ACCEPT BAD THINGS(:9/11=TERROR LAWS,CONTROL,IRAK WAR,-ANNA LINDHS MURDER=USE OF DNA IN POLICEWORK,ETC.?) "Rebecca Brown then proceeds to relate her story,how she met up with spiritual opposition in the hospital and how she met up with Elaine who entered the Satanic group known as "The Brotherhood."She also became the Regional Bride of Satan.Elaine claims "There are only 5 to 10 regional Brides of Satan in the U.S. at any one time. It is a position of great honor and power. Elaine name-drops a few times."I also made a number of trips to other countries. I have been to Mecca,Israel,Egypt,also the Vatican in Rome to meet the Pope.All of my trips were for the purpose of coordinating Satan's programs with satanists in other lands...The Pope knew very well who I was. We worked closely both with the Catholics (especially the Jesuits) and the high- ranking Masons. It was during this time that I met many of the well known Rock music stars. They all signed contracts with Satan in return for fame and fortune. The evolution of Rock music in the U.S. was carefully planned by Satan and carried out by his servants step by step." "... There was a whole town that was made up of Satanists and they had a Satanists' church, but they also had a lot of denominational Christian Churches they attended to put on a good front." (Brown mentions big companies which are connected to satanistic people or families.) "...Elaine then describes the witches standard 8 point plan for penetrating churches and destroying them from the inside out. "... then, the Vatican cooperated with the Nazis inside and outside Germany. The Catholic Hierarchy sent congratulatory greetings to Hitler and supported him fully." [ QUOTE: ] chickcomics:VATICAN CHURCH IS MOST RICH ORGANIZATION ON EARTH. "I questioned Dr. Rivera about the briefings he recievied in the Vatican when he was a Jesuit priest.I asked him if he was briefed on how the Vatican planned to take over the United States...I asked Dr. Rivera: What about the military picture today?How Catholic is our military position? "Dr. Rivera said: Horrifying. "I then asked about the political picture. "Dr. Rivera said: It is even worse. "Then I said: What about the Catholic structure in the judiciary? "Dr. Rivera shook his head and said:... Most of the Judicial decisions are distorting and perverting the Constitution of the United States to take away our freedoms,preparing the way for anarchy for the final take- over of the United States. I HAVE READ THAT 3 MOST BIG BANKS IN USA WOULD GO TO BANKRUPTCY IF DRUG BUSINESS WOULD END-AND THAT ONCE U.S. GOVERNMENT HAD TO STOP DRUG DEALING DURING 2 DAYS,AND THEY DID IT.SO ITīS POSSIBLE TO STOP DRUGS,BUT GOVERNMENTS ALLOW DRUGS. "SATANISTS" ARE INFILTRATING THEMSELVES ALSO INTO POLICEFORCES,INTELLIGENCES(=NEW WORLD ORDER-POLICE COMING?POLICE IGNORING CRIME REPORTS ABOUT SATANISTS?):CHURCH OF SATANS HOMEPAGE HAVE NAZI-TYPE IDEAS ABOUT POLICEFORCES AGAINST "CRIMINALS",CALLED "SCUM",AND F.EX. SKULL&BONES LINKS TELL ABOUT CIAs CONNECTIONS TO THOSE GUYS.INTELLIGENCES AND POLICE HAS STARTED TO RECRUIT CRIMINALS TO THEIR ACTIVITIES,IF THEY JOIN SATANISM(GOAL:"NEW GESTAPO")? Of all these agencies of the Cold War era,the CIA would stand out as a singular power center for Yale University alumni in general and Skull & Bones initiates in particular. The term "spooks," the well-known CIA term for a clandestine operator, was originally Yale campus argot for a secret society member.ALSO BLACK POPES JESUIT ARMYS IS SAID TO BE CONNECTED OR IN CONTROL OF ALL INTELLIGENCES ON EARTH. Quote: [ ] (Intelligences may also use/recruite gay-people,because gays are easy to blackmail because of their perversion,and they already have their own secret "underground-cult".And because of discrimination they may be eager to get help themselves this way.) POLICE HAS STARTED TO ALLOW CRIMES(OR EVEN PARTICIPATE THEMSELVES INTO THEM),IN ORDER TO INVESTIGATE OR GET EVIDENCES AND SOLVE CRIMES.FOR ME THIS SOUNDS STRANGE,AND I THINK POLICE SHOULD STOP CRIMINALITY IMMEDIATELY WHEN THEY NOTE IT. MEDIA IS FILLED WITH LONE KILLERS,WEIRDOS,INSTEAD OF REAL CRIMES WHICH ARE DONE BY GROUPS,BECAUSE LINKS IN MANY CASES WOULD LEAD TO THIS SECRET ADMINISTRATION.NOW POLICEWORK IS ONLY HANDLING LOWEST LEVEL OF CRIMINALS. DNA PROOFS ARE DEMANDED BY POLICE,BUT THEY CAN BE ABUSED ALSO,AND AS AN TYING EVIDENCE IT SHOULD BE USED REALLY CAREFULLY SO THAT ITīS CHECKED THAT NO-ONE HAS USED DNA TO FRAME OTHERS. HAS ANYONE ASKED HOW LONE MURDERERS LIKE HARVEY,SIRHAN SIRHAN,LUTHER KINGS AND RFKS MURDERERS,OLOF PALMES AND ANNA LINDHS MURDERERS "WERE ABLE" TO AFFECT POLICEFORCES SO THAT POLICEWORK WERE NOT SUFFICIENT OR EVEN BELOW NORMAL,INVESTIGATIONS WERE NOT DONE PROPERLY,(STRANGE DEATHS OF WITNESSES?) AND MANY OTHER THINGS WERE LACKING WITH INVESTIGATIONS OF THESE HIGHEST CLASS IMPORTANCE CRIMES.(RECOGNIZING A SATANIC CRIME/TRICK?:HAVING A PARTY AFTER CRIME (F.EX.MURDER),OR:WHILE HAVING A PARTY,MAKING SOMEONE ELSE TO SUFFER). IīM NOT SAYING THAT ALL THOSE PEOPLE IN CATHOLICISM , MASONS OR EVEN IN SATANISM ARE BAD OR GUILTY ONES, BUT FOR SURE THEY CAN BE UNDER THIS SAME COMMAND OF HIGHEST SATANISM-OBEYING MEMBERS OF THEIR GROUPS(ABOUT WHICH THEY ARE NOT AWARE OF) AND THIS WAY SUPPORTING TOTALLY NEW- WORLD-ORDER `MASTER PLAN`. SO, PROPABLY MOST LOWER LEVEL MEMBERS OF THOSE ORGANISATIONS MAY BE NORMAL PEOPLE,WHO DONīT WANT ANY HARM,BUT ARE IN THOSE ORDERS FOR SOME REASONS(HELPS CAREER,FAMILY,ETC.).DAVID ICKE WRITES THAT ADMINISTRATION MODEL OF THEIR IS LIKE A PYRAMID,OR PYRAMIDS IN PYRAMIDS.THOUGH ITīS SAID THAT F.EX.IN SATANISM EVERY MEMBER MUST KILL SOMEONE IN ORDER TO BECOME A MEMBER. ACTION MODEL OF THIS SECRET ESTABLISHMENT TO MAKE THINGS ACCEPTABLE FOR PUBLIC IS TO CREATE A PROBLEM,AND THEN OFFER A SOLUTION FOR THIS PROBLEM:F.EX."-- how in the 30's Hitler had his fascists burn the Reichstag down and then blamed the Communists."THIS WAY HITLER GOT ACCEPTANCE OF PEOPLE. (=911/Bush?)THEY HAVE SUPPORTED NAZIS,TERRORISTS AND COMMUNISTS IN ORDER TO CREATE CHAOS TO GET WARS AND/OR CONTROL.THEY MAY BE BEHIND ALL BAD THINGS ON EARTH,F.EX. MALNUTRITION,WARS,PSYCHIATRY,CORRUPTION,MAKING LIFE AND SOCIETIES CHAOTIC,911,EVEN AIDS,ETC. [QUOTE: ] SATANIC ADMINISTRATION ALSO BEHIND MAKING STUDYING SO EXPENSIVE THAT EVERYONE CANNOT DO IT(SO THAT THEY CAN SELECT ,WHO GETS EDUCATION...)?Skull & Bones Society: How The Order Controls Education/ Science has largely been a success when applied to "dead" things such as matter and energy - electronics, mechanics, civil engineering, physics and chemistry. It has been a complete failure when applied to individuals (i.e. psychiatry, modern psychology) and societies (sociology, group psychology, mass manipulation, behavioral control). Instead, "science", working with governments and "advertizers" have primarily spent all their time and energy figuring out how to control and manipulate minds, to forward their ideas of "order", "social harmony", and "peace".[ QUOTE: ] THEY ARE CREATING WARS,ACTUALLY RULING WHOLE WORLD,AND CREATING ANTI-CHRISTIANITY,AND HARMAGEDDON (F.EX.911)?USING PSYCHOLOGICAL LEARNINGS WITH HELP OF MEDIA ,TO RUIN MORALITY.THEY ARE CREATING ALL VIOLENCE ON THE PLANET(F.EX. DRUGS ARE CREATING MOST OF VIOLENCE EXISTING)CREATING DRUG-,GANG- OR SEX-CULTS AND CHAOS OR VIOLENCE TO CREATE A SATANISTIC WORLD.(BEFORE STARTING A WAR AGAINST POLAND NAZI-GERMANY USED PORN IN ORDER TO DESTROY MORALS OF POLISH PEOPLE.NAZIS SENDED LOTS OF PORN TO POLAND THAT TIME.I THINK THAT REVEALS HOW FREE PORN DISTRIBUTION AFFECTS TO SOCIETY,AND IS ONE WAY TO CRATE CHAOS).MUSLIMS AND CATHOLICS ARE SEND EVERYWHERE BY THEM-TO STOP CHRISTIANITY?JFK- MOVIE SHOWS JFKS MURDERS CONNECTION TO WAR(-"LORDS").OSAMA BIN LADEN,PSYCHIATRIST AL-ZAWAHIRI(HYPNOTIZED OSAMA-BIN LADENS PILOTS,CREATING HATE AMONGST MUSLIMS) AND RADOVAN KARADZIC(PSYCHIATRIST BEHIND RACISM/NAZISM AND GENOCIDE IN SERBIA) ARE STILL LIVING IN FREEDOM.WHY?WERE THEY SUPPORTED BY SATANIC ADMINISTRATION ALSO,AND MAY LIVE FREE BECAUSE OF THAT?(I GUESS CIA/USA CAN FIND THEM,IF THEY WANT.) POLITICALLY THEY KEEP MIDDLE-CLASS DOWN,CREATING ELITISM,MAKING PEOPLE SLAVES OF SOCIETY?MEDICAL/FOOD INDUSTRY AND MEDIA.F.EX.CAR INDUSTRY MAKES NEW CARS TO LAST ONLY FEW YEARS,EVEN ALREADY IN 60,S THEY MADE CARS WHICH LASTED 20 YEARS OR MORE. THEY MAKE POLITICS SO DULL,THAT PEOPLE ARE NOT INTERESTED ABOUT IT. (BASICALLY POLITICS MEANS `HANDLING MATTERS`AND IS VERY SIMPLE THING.)THIS IS F.EX. DONE BY USING TERMINOLOGY WHICH MOST PEOPLE CANNOT UNDERSTAND EASILY.BASICLY THE MISSION OF POLITICS IS TO SECURE THAT PEOPLE HAVE HOME,WORK AND SAFETY. (HOUSING IS MADE ONLY BIG REAL ESTATE COMPANIES METHOD OF MAKING MONEY.F.EX.IīVE BEEN TOLD THAT HELSINKI-AREA IS DIVIDED BETWEEN DIFFERENT CONSTRUCTION COMPANIES,AND WHY WOULD THIS BE DIFFERENT THAN IN ANY OTHER WESTERN CITY.CORRUPTED OR STUPID POLITICIANS OBEY THEM OR CANNOT CHANGE SITUATION.STATES COULD EASILY CHANGE LAWS SO THAT RENTING ROOMS WOULD BE PROFITABLE,OR ON THE OTHER HAND STATES COULD BUILD AS MUCH BUILDINGS AS THEY WANT,AND ACTUALLY IT WOULD BE CHEAPER THAN HANDLING PROBLEMS COMING BECAUSE OF LACK OF APARTMENTS.IF WE THINK SATANIC ADMINISTRATION,HOMELESS PEOPLE AND KEEPING PRICES UP IS WHAT THEY WANT,IF GOAL IS EVILNESS) THEY STEAL VOTES IN ORDER TO GET THEIR CANDIDATES PRESIDENTS: "...Your vote and mine may now be a meaningless bit of energy directed by preprogrammed computers-which can be fixed to select certain pre- ordained candidates and leave no footprints or paper trail. "In short, computers are covertly stealing your vote. "--For almost three decades the American vote has been subject to government-sponsored electronic theft. "--The vote has been stolen from you by a cartel of federal "national security" bureaucrats, who include higher-ups in the Central Intelligence Agency, political party leaders, Congressmen, co-opted journalists -- and the owners and managers -- of the major Establishment news media, who have decided in concert that how America's votes are counted, by whom they are counted and how the results are verified and delivered to the public is, as one of them put it, 'Not a proper area of inquiry.' "--By means of an unofficial private corporation named News Election Service (NES), the Establishment press has actual physical control of the counting and dissemination of the vote, and it refuses to let the public know how it is done." Quote:[ ] STEALING OR MANIPULATING VOTES MAY ALSO HAPPEN OTHER COUNTRIES,THERE IS MANY WAYS TO DO THAT. (WAYS HOW THEY HANDLE DATAS REVEALING THESE THINGS?:1.DATA LABELED UNTRUE.2.SOURCE OF DATA LABELED LIAR/NOT WORTH TO BELIEVE.3.SOURCE OF DATA BLACKMAILED.4.SOURCE OF DATA LABELED GRAZY.5.SOURCE OF DATA HANDLED SO THAT HE CANNOT GIVE ANYMORE DATA.7.IN MOST EXTREME CASES KILLED.)? INTERNET AND MOBILES IS MOST BIG SPYING SYSTEM EVER EXISTED.ALL DATAS CAN BE CHECKED.WHEN THEY GET MICROCHIP IDīS TO EVERY PERSON IS A CONTROL SOCIETY ,"1984", "BRAVE NEW WORLD", OR NEW WORLD ORDER PERFECT. IīVE BEEN TOLD THAT THERE WILL BE NUCLEARBOMB IN MIDDLE-EAST,WHICH SHOULD START 3rd WORLD WAR,OR HARMAGEDDON,WHICH IS THE GAME THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO "PLAY" ON EARTH.ITīS PLAYED ACCORDING BIBLES BOOK OF REVELATION(BARRY MAYSON/TONY MARCO MENTIONS ALSO BOOK NAMED "666")? MAYBE THIS?:(CHECK LINK:) [ ] I DONīT KNOW WHY THEY DO THIS,BUT IF THEY WORSHIP SATAN,I GUESS EVERYTHING IS POSSIBLE?NOW AT LEAST MUSLIMS AND JEWS/CHRISTIANS ARE MADE ENEMIES IN MANY COUNTRIES,AND SAME TIME MUSLIMS HAVE OCCUPIED ALMOST WHOLE WESTERN WORLD.IS THIS A LONG TIME PLAN TO MAKE A WAR OR CHAOS?I WOULD LIKE EVERY CHRISTIAN AND MUSLIM TO SEE THAT NO NORMAL MUSLIM OR CHRISTIAN HAS NOTHING AGAINST EACH OTHERS,AND THEY COULD LIVE NORMAL LIVES WITHOUT VIOLENCE.ALSO BOTH RELIGIONS ARE AGAINST SATAN,AND THEY COULD RECOGNIZE SATANS WORKS,AND RESIST SATANISTIC VIOLENT WORLD.TRUE CHRISTIANITY CREATES PEACE AND HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT F.EX.ISRAEL HAS DONE(Whole Middle-East problem maybe created by this satanic administration also by making both sides act against each others?LIKE RADOVAN KARADZIC CREATED HATE BETWEEN MUSLIMS AND SERBS IN EX-YOGOSLAVIA).ALMOST ALL WORLD GOVERNMENTS AND GROUPS MAY BE UNDER THIS SATANIC WORLD ORDER. (SATANISM SUPPORTING EVERY NON-CHRISTIAN GROUP?)STASI IN DDR HAD ABOUT 400 000 MEMBERS/INFORMERS,I CLAIM THAT SATANIC ADMINISTRATION MAY ALREADY HAVE 4-40 MILLION MEMBERS/INFORMERS... Link to my research: [\? op=...ewthread&tid=23 ] WE MAY NOT ACCUSE USA BECAUSE OF THESE THINGS,WHICH ARE CREATED BY SMALL ELITE GROUP.USA IS ONE OF MOST POSITIVE THINGS ON THIS PLANET AND ITīS HAPPY PEOPLE,WITH RIGHT FINE VALUES,AMERICAN DREAM,WORK,ABILITY,HONESTY ARE THINGS WE SHOULD HAVE INTERNATIONALLY.(ON THE OTHER HAND PRIMITIVE SOCIETIES AND DEVELOPING COUNTRIES DICTATORSHIPS HAS BEEN SUPPORTED BY WAR INDUSTRY.SO,WE SHOULDNīT ACCUSE F.EX. MUSLIMS EITHER.F.EX.FRANCE GAVE RWANDA WEAPONS WHICH WERE USED IN MASSMURDERS THERE).MY VIEWPOINT IS THAT USA STILL MUST BE NUMBER 1,MOST POWERFUL COUNTRY OF OUR PLANET(F.EX.THESE THINGS WRITTEN HERE SHOWS USA STILL HAVING FREEDOM OF SPEECH,WHICH IN MANY OTHER COUNTRIES DOESNīT EXIST).AND CRUELTIES MADE BY GOVERNMENTS IN MANY OTHER COUNTRIES SUPPORTS THIS VIEWPOINT OF MINE,EVEN IF WE INCLUDE 911 INTO THIS. AS A SOLUTION TO THESE THINGS I FIND NEXT THINGS:1.DECLEARING SATANISM CRIMINAL ACTIVITY(SAME WAY AS NAZISM IS DECLARED AFTER WORLD WAR 2)-OF COURSE ANYONE CAN DO WHATEVER THEY WANT THEMSELVES,BUT WHEN THERE IS ORGANIZED GROUPS,HUMAN SACRIFICE OR SEXUAL ABUSE,IT SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED. - 2.NORDIC-TYPE CHRISTIANITY (NOT A FANATIC TYPE OF CHRISTIANITY.INCLUDES F.EX. FORGIVENESS,LOVE,WORKING,HONESTY,PRAYING JESUS CHRIST)- 3. SCIENTOLOGY. 4.-UNDERSTANDING THE IMPORTANCE OF APPRECIATING SMALL CHILDREN,UNDER 4 YEAR,INSTEAD OF DESTROYING THEIR NATURAL GREATNESS(SOURCES LEADING INTO THIS IDEA:ALEKSANTERI AHOLA-VALO AND L.RON HUBBARD).5.COMMUNICATION: ALLOWING FREE COMMUNICATION(F.EX.INTERNET HAS GIVEN NOW POSSIBILITIES TO THIS;ANYONE CAN SAY ANYTHING ABOUT ANYTHING) 6.-TRUTH (SAID BY GENIUS TOIVICCO:"TRUTH IS A POWER(TRY TELLING TRUTH ,AND YOU WILL SEE THAT IT HAS POWER.F.EX. IT MAY VERY WELL BE THAT SOME PEOPLE TRY TO STOP YOU TELLING TRUTHS)."Adolf Hitler,satanist, said: "Make the lie big, make it simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will believe it".Jesus explains that the devil is the father of all lies: "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it" (John 8:44). EVEN IF WE DONīT BELIEVE SATAN OR JESUS,WE CAN UNDERSTAND THAT TO PRACTISE THEIR "RELIGION" SATANS WORSHIPPERS MAY LIE.)I THINK PEOPLE WANT TRUE DATA. [ LINK: ] SOME LINKS(ITīS POSSIBLE THAT THIS ADMINISTRATION THEMSELVES SPREAD SOME STRANGE RUMOURS ABOUT THEM,SO THAT ALL DATA ABOUT THIS CONSPIRACY SEEMS WEIRD,AND NEXT LINKS MAY BE ONE OF THEM.F.EX.ITīS POSSIBLE THAT DAVID ICKE IS "ILLUMINATI-MEMBER",AND PUBLISHING HIS DATAS TO MAKE THESE THINGS SEEM WEIRD):\?PHPSESSID=07d93...eaa20f87411109c (I want to mention also that itīs easy to say whatever,but people should be more interested and respect those ones who really can do things,make something positive happen;businessmen,politicians,etc.) ALL GOOD PEOPLE,PLEASE BE FREE TO FORWARD AND PUBLISH THIS IMPORTANT INFORMATION.I GIVE ALL RIGHTS TO ANYONE TO PUBLISH THIS WRITING ON THE CONDITION THAT MY NAME AS A WRITER IS MENTIONED.(if sold,I demand right to get my share out of income.) ---- FAIR USE NOTICE: This message/writing contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.For more information go to: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. ----- All information posted in this writing is the opinion of the author and is provided for educational purposes only. It is not to be construed as medical advice. Only a licensed medical doctor can legally offer medical advice in the United States. Consult the healer of your choice for medical care and advice. |
___________________________________________ [Feb 10,2006 10:57pm - davefromthegrave ""] anonymous said:[QUOTE]INTERNATIONAL BANKERS/ILLUMINATI CORRUPTION CULT NEW WORLD ORDER: ILLUMINATI,BLACK POPE/jesuits/SATANIC-NEW WORLD ORDER behind 911 and HITLERS THIRD REICH?MEMBERS OF SATANIC SECRET SOCIETY JESUITS/BILDERBERG/SKULL AND BONES/ILLUMINATI. Lecture-notes of Tore Toivicco,christian,danish-U.S. politician,"Good solutions-party",(who knows,maybe president of USA,after Arnold Scwarzenegger(If USA still exists after Arnolds presidency [JOKE]),if world regocnizes and understands these things Iīm talking about....Matthew 20:16:"...So the last will be first,and the first will be last..."),though I donīt consider myself being a last one.22.1.2006:IF YOU WANT TO BECOME A SPONSOR OF MY HOMEPAGE (or my research),CONTACT: NOBORG@SURFY.NET JESUITS+BLACK POPE,ILLUMINATI,SKULL AND BONES OR SATANIC ADMINISTRATION ARE MEN BEHIND 11/9.2001?WHO RULES THE WORLD?IT MAY BE THAT ITīS IMPOSSIBLE TO GET DATA ABOUT WHO REALLY RULES THE WORLD-AND ALL DATA WE KNOW(ROCKEFELLER,ROTCSHILD,ROYAL-FAMILIES,ILLUMINATI,JESUITS,BLACK POPE,SKULL AND BONES,BROTHERHOODS OF WITCHCRAFT/satanism,FREEMASONS,KNIGHTS OF TEMPLARS,MALTA,COMMITTEE 0F 300,BILDERBERG,ROUNDTABLE,CFR,ETC.)ARE ONLY DATA GIVEN TO US IN ORDER TO MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE TO UNDERSTAND WHO REALLY RULES. GOALS OF ILLUMINATI?Itīs stated that Illuminati plan is to get total control over every human being and reduce the world's population by 4-5.5 Billion people. [ SOURCE/link:The New World Order (NWO) -An Overview By Ken Adachi <> ] This would happen with help of wars and drugs and mind-control. THESE SECRET SOCIETIES OPERATE TOWARDS THEIR NEW WORLD ORDER-PLAN EVEN IF IT WOULD TAKE LONGER THAN THEIR LIFE TIME.(This and the fact that they control media is why people donīt have any data about whole thing).THIS WAY THEY HAVE ALREADY 2 CENTURIES OPERATED IN ORDER TO GET THEIR ANTI-CHRIST SOCIETY,SO THAT THEY CAN GET THEIR SATANIST LEADER TO JERUSALEM TO RULE WHOLE WORLD.(="ANTI-CHRIST",MAN WHO HAS ABSOLUTE POWER ON EARTH,HE CAN DO WHATEVER HE WANT AND ORDER WHAT EVER HE WANTS,BEING AN ABSOLUTE DICTATOR ON EARTH.) THESE HIGHEST ONES IN THESE SECRET SOCIETY HIERARCHY SEEM TO BE INTERNATIONAL BANKER-FAMILIES: ROTSCHILDS,ROCKEFELLER,ETC.,ENGLISH ROYAL-FAMILY AND SKULL&BONES(F.EX.BUSH),JESUITS/BLACK POPE,BILDERBERG AND POSSIBLY SOME WITCHCRAFT BROTHERHOOD(S).(SVALI:13 PERSONS IN EUROPE WILL RULE AFTER WW3,SOME OTHER SOURCES SAY THAT SOMEONE CALLED ANTI-CHRIST BECOMES THE DICTATOR OF THE WORLD).I guess itīs DIFFICULT TO KNOW WHAT IS TRUTH IN THIS MATTER,AND THERE IS MANY DIFFERENT DATA ABOUT THESE THINGS.IT MAY BE THAT THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF ILLUMINATI IS STILL UNKNOWN,RULING OVER ALL THESE NAMES I HAVE MENTIONED HERE.WHY SHOULD THEY LET THEIR NAMES COME PUBLIC IF THEY HAVE ALL THE POWER ON EARTH,OWNING MEDIAS,ETC.ON THE OTHER HAND,IF THEY HAVE SO MUCH POWER,THEY MAY INTENTIONALLY GIVE DATA ABOUT IT NOW,F.EX.THIS WAY SHOWING THEIR POWER,PROMOTING THEIR SATANIC MANAGEMENT or CONTROLLING THEMSELVES "OPPOSITION". [ Source:...a chapter of the Deeper Insights- book:"...the New World Order created their own opposition.." ] (ONE REASON FOR PUBLISHING THIS NEW WORLD GOAL COULD BE THAT IT KEEPS THEIR OWN "TROOPS" OBEYING THEM,even if it not were true.) ITīS ALSO STATED MANY TIMES THAT INTELLIGENCES ARE PART OF ILLUMINATI OR CONTROLLED BY ILLUMINATI/JESUITS(F.EX. MI-6 freemasons?).ITīS STATED THAT JESUIT GENERAL/BLACK POPE IS IN CONTROL OF INTERNATIONAL INTELLIGENCIES,like CIA,KGB,FBI,Mossad,etc. links/sources: IF THESE DIFFERENT ILLUMINATI-GROUPS WOULD FIGHT TOWARDS EACH OTHERS,IT WOULD SAVE THE WORLD... ONE POSSIBILITY IS ALSO THAT ILLUMINATI WANTS SOME WAY TO CHANGE THEIR ACTS and WORLD BETTER,BUT IF THEY HAVE BEEN CONNECTED TO BAD SATANISM LONG TIME,IT MAY BE DIFFICULT TO DO,AND THEREFORE THEY MAY PUBLISH THESE THINGS THIS WAY.ON THE OTHER HAND THEY MAYBE GIVE DATA TO PUBLIC ABOUT THEIR MAGIC,F.EX.THROUGH HOLLYWOOD-MOVIES?TO MAKE NUMBER OF "SATANISTS" BIGGER,GET SUPPORTERS,NEW MEMBERS? ONE WAY TO HANDLE THIS KIND OF SITUATION IS MAYBE WHAT WAS DONE IN SOUTH AFRICA,WHEN APARTHEID WAS STOPPED.THERE WAS The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission,AND MAYBE ITīS RUMOUR ,BUT IT MAY BE THAT THIS COMMISSION USED L.RON HUBBARDS TECHNOLOGY IN SOLVING THIS SITUATION.WHO KNOWS -ANYWAY WE KNOW THAT THIS BAD SITUATION WAS HANDLED WITHOUT VIOLENCE. -USA/WALL STREET/SKULL AND BONES/ILLUMINATI ETC.(?)HAS BEEN SUPPORTING NAZISM AND COMMUNISM,HITLER AND SOVJET RUSSIA.THIS CAN BE EXPLAINED AS CREATING A WAR OR CHAOS,WHICH MEANS MONEY TO WAR-INDUSTRY, OR/AND SERVES SATANISTIC IDEAS("WAR IS ULTIMATE SATANISM.")JESUITS/BLACK POPE USE FREEMASONS AND HAS CREATED F.EX.COMMUNISM IN ORDER TO DESTROY CHRISTIANITY(and control people).THIS ELITE OWNS MEDIA, AND YOU DONīT SEE THESE THINGS TOLD IN NEWS.HIGHEST LEADER MAY BE BLACK POPE,OR EVEN HIGHER UNKNOWN LEADER(WE CAN SEE BLACK POPE IN INTERNET...) -ADOLF HITLER WAS A HIGH SATANIST(NAZI-GERMANY/COMMUNIST-RUSSIA HAS BEEN ONE APPLICATION OF SATANISM?) -TERRORISM IS CREATED/SUPPORTED BY SATANISM? -SATANISMS PHILOSOPHY HAS BEEN DESCRIBED TO BE PHILOSOPHY OF EVILNESS ,AND EVILNESS IS CONNECTED MANY TIMES TO SKULL AND BONES ALSO.ITīS SAID THAT ALL MODERN TIME US PRESIDENTS HAS OBEYED SKULL&BONES/ILLUMINATI/JESUITS,EXCEPT JFK.ITīS SAID THAT SKULL AND BONES ARE USING DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTS TO CHANGE THINGS INSIDE USA,AND REPUBLICAN PRESIDENTS TO CHANGE THINGS INTERNATIONALLY.F.ex.BUSH SUPPORT WAR,PSYCHIATRIC CONTROL SOCIETY(LAW ABOUT EVERY AMERICAN CITIZEN TESTED BY PSYCHIATRISTS AND MORE NEW WORLD ORDER "ACTS"?) The U.S. House of Representatives', Appropriations Committee, approved funding of the President's 'New Freedom Commission Initiative' that includes plan to screen all U.S. citizens for mental illness! THIS CAUSES MORE DESTRUCTION AND PROPABLY DESTROYS WHOLE USA,BECAUSE PSYCHIATRY IS CAUSE OF CRIME(f.ex.drugs cause violence) AND IT RUINS PEOPLE (F.EX.PSYCHIATRIC DRUGS LOBOTOMIZES BRAINS).THIS LAW ALONE CAN BE MORE DESTROYING CATASTROPHE TO MANKIND THAN TSUNAMI OF SOUTH-EAST ASIA AND VIETNAM WAR PUT TOGETHER. HIGHEST FREEMASONS ARE MEMBERS OF ILLUMINATI(SVALI),AND THEY ARE NOT CHRISTIANS: "In order for a person to become a Shriner, he must... make all those blood-curdling oaths, worship gods who are not gods except they are of Satan..." source: [ ] Albert Pikes letter ,which has predicted both World Wars,and now is predicting third WORLD WAR,WHICH WAS STARTED 11/9.2001,IN ORDER TO DESTROY BOTH CHRISTIANS AND MUSLIMS IN A WAR BETWEEN THEM... this doesnīt necessary prove that he has predicted them magic way.TRUTH MAY BE THAT ILLUMINATI OPERATES ACCORDING HIS "INSTRUCTIONS": "The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism...Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions." Students of history will recognize that the political alliances of England on one side and Germany on the other, forged between 1871 and 1898 by Otto von Bismarck, co-conspirator of Albert Pike, were instrumental in bringing about the First World War. "The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine...International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom..." After this Second World War, Communism was made strong enough to begin taking over weaker governments...and...a large portion of Europe was simply handed over to Russia.." "The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the..."Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." SOURCE: [ ] DOC MARQUIS is ex-ILLUMINIST WITCH REVEALING STRONG WITCHCRAFT TIES TO FREEMASONRY.He states that Superior Masons deliberately may lie to fellow Masons and that Lucifer is their god. SOURCE: [Lady Queenborough, Occult Theocracy , p. 220-221, quoting a letter from Albert Pike to the 23 Supreme Councils of the World on July 14, 1889] source/link: [ ] A little-known fact:Both John Kerry and President Bush are members of Yale's secret society Skull and Bones." [Quotes/SOURCES: ] [ Quotes/links/sources ,if not given any otherlink :]\?ID=4136 BOOK:( RIKU RINNE:Syvyyden kuilusta )\?t=317 20History/sheeple_analyst/shining_a_light_on_the_illuminati.htm NEW NOTES: IT SEEMS THAT FREEMASONS ARE PART OF ILLUMINATI,AND EVERY CITY HAS THEIR OWN ILLUMINATI MANAGEMENT.MY OPINION IS THAT ILLUMINATI OR SATANIC ADMINISTRATION WANTS EVERY CITY AND EVERY PART OF CITIES UNDER THEIR CONTROL.OF COURSE THIS ADMINISTRATION IS DONE SO,THAT F.EX.GANG OR GROUP LEADERS ARE PART OF HIGHER GROUP IN THIS HIERARCHY,AND THIS HIGHER LEVEL LEADERS AGAIN ARE MEMBERS OF HIGHER GROUP,ETC.ETC.(LOOK DAVID ICKES PYRAMID-STRUCTURE PICTURES) (SVALI:"There are Illuminati groups in EVERY major city in the US and Europe. ") -f.ex.Freemasons are said to operate under Black Popes orders: U.S. president George W. Bush, his father and grandfather are proven initiates of this multi-generational occult lodge.Adolf Hitler was also obsessed with the occult,in his case the Thule Society...If the Nazis' occult lodges had been exposed and shut down...,millions of lives could have been saved.The second world war need never have happened [ QUOTE: ] The Rockefeller Foundation poured money into the occupied German republic for `psychiatric genetics.This field applied to psychiatry the concepts of eugenics(...known as race purification, race hygiene,or race betterment) and its offshoot Eugenics Societies in England and America. Antony C.Sutton:"Why had the US built-up it's enemy?Why did the US build-up the Soviet Union,while we also transferred technology to Hitler's Germany?"Sutton proceeded to research and write 3 books on Wall Street: and FDR; and the Rise of Hitler; and The Bolshevik Revolution.Then, someone sent Antony a membership list of Skull and Bones and--"a picture jumped out".A multigenerational foreign-based secret society with fingers in all kinds of pies and roots going back to 'Illuminati' influences... [Quote: ] "ADOLF HITLER WAS A 33RD DEGREE HIGH SATANIST." "ROCKEFELLER-PSYCHIATRY FROM 30īS NAZI-GERMANY HAS BEEN FRANCHISED ALL OVER WESTERN WORLD RUINING MILLIONS OF LIVES TODAY." REASON WHY IīM WRITING THIS IS THAT WE MAY HAVE IN FRONT OF US SAME KIND OF MISSION AS GOOD PEOPLE HAD 1945!NAZISM HAD TO BE STOPPED THAT TIME,AND SO IT MUST BE STOPPED IN THE FUTURE. MEN BEHIND HITLER AND 9/11 WERE SAME:SKULL AND BONES,SATANISTS,ILLUMINATI,ETC.I DONīT KNOW EXACTLY WHICH OF THEM,BUT THERE PROPABLY EXIST HIGHEST ADMINISTRATION AMONGST SOME OF THOSE GROUPS- AND IT RULES THE WORLD SOME WAY.THEY MAY ALSO BE ONES WHO BOTH STARTED AND STOPPED WW2. LOTS OF DATA ABOUT SKULL AND BONES,AND THESE THINGS LATELY,IMPLIES THAT THOSE PEOPLE ARE NOT IN HIGHEST POWER,BUT ON THE OTHER HAND IT MAY BE THEIR PR,IF THEIR POSITION IN POWER ON EARTH IS SO SURE ALREADY. (WE DONīT NEED TO BELIEVE SATANS EXISTENCE,BUT WE CAN THINK SATAN AS A GOD OF SATANISTS,WHO DO THINGS IN ORDER TO SERVE SATAN.) KEYWORD IN SATANIC THINGS IS SECRET,SECRECY,- THOSE THINGS ARE KEPT SECRET,AND THATīS WHY THEIR EXISTENCE MAY SEEM UNBELIEVABLE.ILLUMINATI,THE BROTHERHOOD,SATANIST CHURCH,SKULL AND BONES,ETC.ETC.,ALL/SOME OF THEM OR SOME OTHER ADMINISTRATION ABOVE THEM ARE SECRETLY RULING THE WORLD?AND HAS BEEN A LONG TIME? HISTORY: WORLD RUN BY ILLUMINISTS,SATANISTS SECRETLY 50,OR 100 YEARS OR MORE?SVALI:The Supreme World Council-This council is already set up as a prototype of the one that will rule when the NWO comes into being... these leaders are heads in the financial world,OLD banking money. The Rothschild family in England,and in France,... A descendant of the Hapsburg dynasty..A descendant of the ruling families of England and France...The Rockefeller family in the US holds a seat...This is one reason that the Illuminati have been pretty "untouchable"...The ruling members are very,very,very wealthy and powerful. SOURCE. [ ] George Bush's father as well as George Bush were and are members of Skull& Bones. Bush's father was a major contributor to the Hitler Project as well as the build-up of the Soviet Union...leading to the World Wars and the...set-up of the United Nations... Quote: [ ] MIND CONTROL, CONTROLLING POPULATION IS PART OF THIS,AND F.EX. MEDIA AND ENTERTAINMENT IS UNDER OF THIS ELITES CONTROL: ( A former Luciferian Doc Marquis, in his book, "Secrets of the Illuminati" states that Rock-n-Roll music is pure witchcraft and the perfect medium by which Satanists can teach ...the precepts of Satanism by inducing human minds into a mild hypnosis so that Satanism can penetrate directly into their subconscious,... and that this way Rock-n-Roll is preparing generations of children for the values of the New World Order.) [QUOTE: ] Best proof about this establishments existence/power is total lack of discussion about these things in news-media(even lots of data about them is available and these things has something to do with every citizens life - and this is perfect subject for a news media)?Media,as well as policeforces,politics,business are under this world management? [Some of the world's most famous and powerful men alive today are "bonesmen," including George Bush,Nicholas Brady,and William F. Buckley.Other bonesmen include Henry Luce(Time-Life),Harold Stanley(founder of Morgan Stanley), Henry P. Davison(senior partner Morgan Guaranty Trust),Artemus Gates(President of New York Trust Company,Union Pacific,TIME,Boeing Company), Senator John Chaffe,Russell W. Davenport(editor Fortune Magazine),and many others. All have taken a solemn vow of secrecy. [Quote: ] (THE FACT THAT WE NOW HAVE ALL THIS DATA ABOUT SKULL&BONES(OR BLACK POPE) CAN MEAN THAT THEY ARE NOT HAVING HIGHEST POWER IN THIS ILLUMINATI HIERARCHY.ON THE OTHER HAND IT MAY BE INTENTIONAL,IF THIS ILLUMINATI ALREADY HAS SO MUCH POWER THAT THEY DONīT NEED TO HIDE ANYMORE,BEING TOTALLY SECRET.THEY MAY EVEN GIVE DATA OUT IN ORDER TO PROMOTE THEIR POWER?)THIS CAN ALSO MEAN THAT THEY USE AS A STRATEGY HAVING LOTS OF DIFFERENT GROUPS IN THEIR HIERARCHY,WHICH WORK AS A PYRAMID INSIDE PYRAMID,LIKE DAVID ICKE HAS SAID, AND THIS WAY ITīS ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE TO GET A CLEAR IDEA ABOUT THIS WHOLE ILLUMINATI STRUCTURE.EVEN TO THEIR MEMBERS.AND LIKE HITLER,THIS HIGHEST LEVEL DOESNīT EVEN NEED TO GET MUCH INVOLVED INTO THOSE HORRIBLE ACTS OF LOWER LEVELS,BUT ONLY MADE IT UNDERSTOOD WHAT THEY WANT TO HAPPEN, AND IF IT DOESNīT HAPPEN, EVERY MEMBER KNOWS THAT RESULTS CAN BE BAD.(F.EX.IT IS SAID THAT WACOS CHRISTIAN GROUP HAD HACKED SOME CONFIDENTIAL DATA ABOUT HIGH DRUG-BUSINESS CONNECTIONS, AND THAT WAS WHY THE post was too long read more at your own risk |
_____________________________________ [Mar 17,2014 12:55pm - Alx_Casket ""] △ |
__________________________________________ [Mar 17,2014 1:01pm - largefreakatzero ""] tl;dr x 1000 |
______________________________________ [Mar 17,2014 1:30pm - the_reverend ""] Yeah, I almost didn't even scroll it was so long. |
____________________________________ [Mar 17,2014 1:34pm - Alx_Casket ""] ftw |
_________________________________________________________________ [Mar 17,2014 1:56pm - RTTP DEPARTMENT OF THATS WHAT SHE SAID ""] the_reverend said:Yeah, I almost didn't even scroll it was so long. That's what she said. |
_____________________________________________________ [Mar 17,2014 3:14pm - grilled_dickcheese_sandwich ""] OP is Conservationist. |
____________________________________________ [Mar 17,2014 6:52pm - King Thünderstöol ""] grilled_dickcheese_sandwich said:OP is Conservationist. shutup thundersteel |
________________________________ [Mar 17,2014 7:46pm - truth ""] King%20Thünderstöol said: grilled_dickcheese_sandwich said:OP is Conservationist. shutup thundersteel shut up |
______________________________________________________ [Mar 18,2014 7:57am - DYA is STARTING THE REACTOR ""] ok |