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[Feb 14,2006 5:19pm - BornSoVile ""]
athiest - piece of time
dying fetus - destroy the opposition
burzum - filosofem
nokturnal mortem - return of the vampire lord/marble moon
darkthrone - preparing for war
krieg - destruction ritual
sigh - gallows gallery
[Feb 14,2006 5:38pm - Nobody_Cares ""]
Fudgeworthy Comp.
The Postal Service
Coheed and Cambria- the new one
The 69 Eyes- Devils
I'm about to hit the treadmill to Nasum- Helvete
Mayhem- Live in Lepzig (love the horrible quality versions of "Black Metal" and "Procreation of the Wicked")
Beherit- Drawing down the Moon
Someone just got me into Boris (where have I been?)
[Feb 14,2006 9:50pm - Nobody Cares nli  ""]
Shit I totally forgot, I've been on that Anaal Nathrakh- Domine non es Dignus heavy lately, and Soilwork- Natural Born Chaos.
[Feb 14,2006 10:16pm - BornSoVile ""]
Neuraxis - Imagery/Passage into Forlorn
Black Sabbath - Sabotage
Borknagar - s/t
[Feb 14,2006 10:26pm - RichHorror ""]
Charles Bronson - Discography
Siege - Dropdead
Crucifix - Dehumanization
Assuck - Misery Index
Defiance - A Decade of Defiance: Complete Singles Collection
Autopsy - Severed Survival/Retribution for the Dead
Sheer Terror - Beaten By The Fists Of God
[Feb 14,2006 10:41pm - Blue ""]
Blood Has Been Shed - Spirals
Despised Icon - Consumed By Your Poison
Sonata Arctica - Ecliptica
[Feb 15,2006 11:02am - dwellingsickness ""]
Beef Conspiracy - Hung,Drawn and Quarter Poundered
Bowels out- -Enlightenment through disembowlment
Burn Victim - Baptized in Gasoline
Embalming Theatre - Jane saw me (discography)
F.K.U. - Metal Moshing Mad
Hybrid Viscery - Army of Pussyland
M.D.K. - Splatterguts
Massmurder - Slaughtered for snuff
Saprogenic - Ichneumonid

[Feb 15,2006 12:59pm - BSV@school  ""]
Type O Negative - October Rust
[Feb 15,2006 1:08pm - Ryan_M ""]
Absu - The Sun of Tiphareth
Krisiun - Black Force Domain
Incantation - Forsaken Mourning of Angelic Anguish
Morbid Angel - Blessed Are the Sick
Hypocrisy - Osculum Obscenum
[Feb 15,2006 1:25pm - Yeti ""]
Godflesh - Pure
Fear Factory - Demanufacture
God Among Insects - World Wide Death
Darkthrone - A Blaze in the Northern Sky
Type O Negative - Slow Deep and Hard
Exhumed - Gore Metal
[Feb 15,2006 1:30pm - RustedAngel ""]
howard stern show - on sirius
[Feb 15,2006 1:43pm - dreadkill ""]
korpiklaani - voice of wilderness
katatonia - the great cold distance
einherjer - aurora borealis
thyrfing - valdr galga and farsotstider
primordial - all
finntroll - nattfodd
green carnation - all
voivod - the outer limits
[Feb 15,2006 4:59pm - BornSoVile ""]
willie nelson - platinum gold collection
nelson, jennings, cash, kristofferson - highwayman
shane macgowan's popes - across the broad atlantic (live on paddy's day new york - dublin)
dimmu borgir - stormblast
[Feb 15,2006 5:19pm - BornSoVile ""]
gorguts - considered dead
[Feb 15,2006 5:25pm - DomesticTerror ""]
rotten sound -exit
napalm death -the code is red
ryan adams- jacksonville city nights
cattle decapitation- humanure/to serve man/human jerky

hey staples, you hear the new willie nelson song released the other day?
"cowboys secretly like eachother" or somethin' like that..
[Feb 15,2006 5:29pm - CNV  ""]
Craft-Fuck The Universe
Running Wild-Branded and Exiled
[Feb 15,2006 5:29pm - DomesticTerror ""]
[Feb 15,2006 5:31pm - BornSoVile ""]
DomesticTerror said:
hey staples, you hear the new willie nelson song released the other day?
"cowboys secretly like eachother" or somethin' like that..

hahha no, i love "my heroes have always been cowboys" though, i love how he says he picks up hookers in it. i was a bar in saratoga with my cousin on saturday night, heard a country song all about picking up hookers. awesome!
[Feb 15,2006 5:58pm - Anthony nli  ""]
BornSoVile said:gorguts - considered dead

a fucking incredible album
[Feb 15,2006 6:00pm - Anthony nli  ""]
DEATH - Symbolic
Meshuggah - DEI
Rotten Sound - Exit
Decapitated - Organic Hallucinosis
Vader - The Art of War
Jedi Mind Tricks - Legacy of Blood
[Feb 15,2006 6:05pm - mark fucking richards  ""]
wormed-planisephaerium (sp?)
alienation mental-ball spouter
decapitated-organic hallucinosis
viscera trail-piled up dead
ingurgitating oblivion-can't remember the title
mutilated-devirginated genital pulp
machetazo-trono de huesos
mastodon-call of the mastodon
[Feb 15,2006 6:11pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Symbolic kicks ass. As does Destroy Erase Improve.

Roadrunner United
Boltthrower- Those Once Loyal
Nasum- Grind Finale
Buried Inside- Chronoclast
Fear Factory- SNM
DJ Muggs and Gza
Planes Mistaken for Stars(weird shit)
Pyrexia- System of the Animal
Cannae- Gold Becomes Sacrifice
Nile- New one. These guys kick unheard of amounts of ass!! Is Karl Sanders a professor of Egyptian history or some shit? I heard he was.
[Feb 15,2006 10:45pm - anonymous  ""]
Oh yeah, just got the two Tool dvds. Schism and Parabola. Awesome!!
[Feb 16,2006 6:45am - wade ""]
[Feb 16,2006 9:19am - dwellingsickness ""]
Butcher ABC - Promo CD OE Fest 2004
Dahmer/Mesrine Split
Decrypt - Transmissions from the fuckhole
Scid - Fucked beyond recognition
Pigsty - The pigs are back

[Feb 16,2006 10:35am - Yeti ""]
its called "cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other"
[Feb 17,2006 12:04am - BornSoVile ""]

[Feb 17,2006 12:34am - Blue ""]
wade, you get uncanny amounts of bonus points for rites of spring.

dragonforce - sonic firestorm
suicide silence - ep 2005
sulaco - s/t
[Feb 17,2006 1:52am - the rooster  ""]
mostly my new band's project since i'm in the process of mixing it... haha

other than that:

Nasum: Grind Finale
Godspeed You Black Emperor: Yanqui U.X.O.
Neurosis: A Sun That Never Sets
Radiohead: Kid A
Ion Dissonance: Solace
Neuraxis: Trilateral Progression
Neil Young: Prairie Wind
Vulgar Pigeons: 7"

[Feb 17,2006 2:06am - SeedBassist ""]
Devin Townsend Band - Synchestra
Edge of Sanity - Crimson
Into Eternity - Buried In Oblivion
Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
Porphyria - 2005 EP
Quo Vadis - Day Into Night
Seed - Beckon The Horror
Wintersun - Wintersun

I've been listening to these albums pretty frequently as of late

[Feb 17,2006 1:00pm - BSV@school  ""]
Nunslaugher - Hell's Unholy Fire
[Feb 24,2006 12:58am - BornSoVile ""]
Morbid Angel - Formulas Fatal to the Flesh
The Trouble - Crime and Punishment 7"
Shark Attack - Blood in the Water 7"
V/A - A Tribute to Cocksparrer 7"
Disrupt - "Rid the Cancer" 7"
V/A - Outbreak of Evil 7"
Witches Hammer - s/t 7"
Nocturnal - Fire of Revenge 7"
Merrikmack/Sargeist - split 7"
Goat Molestor - Realm of Evoked Doom 7"
Cult of Daath - Razor War 7"
Goratory - Your Muthas a Lazy-Eyed Chow-Bearing Slut but I Fucked Here Anyways 7"
Angel Witch - s/t
Immortal - Blizzard Beasts
[Feb 24,2006 1:23am - abhorred ""]
Iron Maiden - Piece of mind/powerslave
Abazagorath - sacraments of the final atrocity
goatsblood - drull
watchmaker - erased from the memory of man
Grief - Come to Grief
morbid angel - blessed are the sick
pink floyd - dark side of the moon
horn of valere/ Cult of azazel split 10"
Cold Northern Vengeance - The Arising Dungeon Cult
Blind Guardian - Live
Bathory - Blood On Ice
Immortal - Pure Holocaust/At the Heart of Winter/ Diabolical Full Moon Mysticism
Slayer - Hell Awaits
Dark Angel - We Have Arrived/Darkness Descends/Live Scars
Black Witchery/Conqueror split
St. Vitus - V
Miles Davis - Kind of Blue
Johnny Cash - Live at Folsom

[Feb 24,2006 3:14am - dwellingsickness ""]
Evilution - Shrine of Desecration
Imperial Sodomy - Demolished
Plastic Grave - Noizy graves and plastic chronicles
Cerrebral Effusion - Smashed and splattered organs
Posthumous Blasphemer - Crucified Humiliation
Degrade - Hanged and Disemboweled

[Feb 24,2006 4:23am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I just ordered that IMPERIAL SODOMY, their other 2 CDs are good.

That PLASTIC GRAVE CD is awesome, I wasn't sure what they'd be like, I was pleasantly surprised.
[Feb 24,2006 9:52am - BornSoVile ""]
[Feb 24,2006 12:15pm - Ryan_M ""]
Behemoth - demigod
Decapitated - winds of creation; nihility
Terrorizer - world downfall
Megadeth - countdown to extinction
Vehemence - god was created
Vile - depopulate
Spawn of Possession - cabinet
Iced Earth - the dark saga
Deicide - legion
Incantation - onward to golgotha; diabolical conquest; blasphemy
Vader - litany; revelations
[Feb 24,2006 12:48pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Gza and Muggs. SICK!!!
[Feb 24,2006 12:52pm - wade nli  ""]
new Funerot, Frightmare and Tides!
[Feb 24,2006 1:19pm - BSV@school  ""]
von - satanic blood angel
[Feb 25,2006 8:43pm - BornSoVile ""]
Type O Negative - World Coming Down
Dimmu Borgir - For All Tid
Krisiun - AssassiNation
Absu - Mythological Occult Metal
King Diamond - Abigail
Emperor - Anthems to the Welkein at Dusk
Sacramentum - Far Away From the Sun
Cephalic Carnage - Halls of Amneti

[Feb 27,2006 3:51am - CNV  ""]
King Diamond- Abigail
Running Wild- various tracks
Craft- Fuck the Universe
GBK- Judeo beast
Nicolai Bruno- Love, love, bang, bang
Immortal- pure holocaust
Blood for Blood- Revenge on Society
[Feb 27,2006 4:07am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
LUGUBRE - Anti-Human Black Metal (So killer!)

RUNNING WILD - Under Jolly Roger

FLESH GALLERY - Tombs of Sorrow

KRISIUN - AssassiNation

KATAKLYSM - In The Arms of Devastation


[Feb 27,2006 4:23am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
tool - salival

zz top - eliminator

acid bath - when the kite string pops

celpharnic carnage - anomalies

cannibal corpse - vile

the melvins - s/t

the melvins - houdini

broken hope - the bowels of repugnance

gorefest - the eindhoven insanity

led zeppelin - how the west was won

[Feb 27,2006 5:09am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:
celpharnic carnage

:shocked: 8^(
[Feb 27,2006 5:12am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
oh my god, no way a spelling error at 4:00 in the morning.

im amazed, you didnt tear into the fact it's their new release and not some vintage only found on ebay release.
[Feb 27,2006 8:49am - Ryan_M ""]
BSV@school said:von - satanic blood angel

hahaha nice! von are one of the worst death metal bands i've ever heard, but i can't help but like it. fun stuff!
[Feb 27,2006 1:27pm - Yeti ""]
White Zombie - Astro Creep 2000
Abigor - Verwustung/Invoke the Dark Age
Obtained Enslavement - The Sheperd and the Hounds of Hell
Sepultura - Chaos AD
Dissection - Storm of the Lights Bane
Godflesh - In All Languages
Opeth - Ghost Reveries
[Feb 27,2006 3:07pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Embalming Theatre & Torture Incident - Split Organ
FuckFest - 275,000 ways to violate your orifices
Leng T'che - Man made predator
Vitality - Voracious Malignity
Frightmare - Midnight Murder Mania

remember:spell something wrong or you=narc
[Feb 27,2006 3:14pm - watchmaker666 ""]
SOD - Speak english or die
Deicide - Legion
Napalm Death - Peel sessions
[Feb 27,2006 3:36pm - BornSoVile ""]
Ryan_M said:BSV@school said:von - satanic blood angel

hahaha nice! von are one of the worst death metal bands i've ever heard, but i can't help but like it. fun stuff!

curtosy of bestial onslaught, available at heavy metal breakdown for $8
[Feb 27,2006 3:46pm - RichHorror ""]
9 Shocks Terror - Zen and the Art of Beating You
Lords of Oi!: This is England 3-CD comp
Buzzov-en - Sore
Horror Blast/Splattered Cavities - S/T
Possessed - Seven Churches
Aborted - Engineering The Dead
Rotten Sound - Exit
Agent Orange - Bloodstains Across California
[Feb 27,2006 8:08pm - CNV  ""]
Samael- passage
Angel Corpse- Hammer of Gods
Black Flame- Torment and Glory
Bathory- Twighlight of the Gods
Shiver- demo
[Feb 27,2006 8:09pm - BornSoVile ""]
Bathory - Blood Fire Death
[Feb 27,2006 8:56pm - kessaris ""]
Dragonforce - Inhuman Rampage
Testament - The best of...
Megadeth - The System has Failed
Helloween - Rabbit Don't Come Easy
Nevermore - 1992 Demo
[Feb 27,2006 10:18pm - Ryan_M ""]
Megadeth - countdown to extinction
Cradle of Filth - invoking the unclean ('91 demo)
Darkthrone - total death
Iron Maiden - dance of death
Behemoth - thelema.6
[Feb 27,2006 10:20pm - BornSoVile ""]
Ryan_M said:
Darkthrone - total death

that's a very under rated darkthrone album, it's always been one of my favorites. i have a mix burn with some gehenna on it and the production/song writing has a similar feel to it, oddly enough.
[Feb 27,2006 10:21pm - DJ Death  ""]
Destruction- Infernal Overkill
Necrophobic "The call", "Unholy Prophecies" demos
Witchtrap- Sorceress Bitch
Obscurity- 1992 demo
Klaus Schulze- Time Wind
Sacramentum- The coming of Chaos
Gravedigger- Heavy Metal breakdown
[Feb 27,2006 10:23pm - BornSoVile ""]
hey where did you get that witchtrap album??? that band fucking slays.
[Feb 27,2006 10:32pm - yawn.  ""]
[Feb 27,2006 10:35pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
elitest: It would be on vinyl, silly.
scenester: The hipster handbook WOULD be on vinyl!
scenester: On a super rare hard to find 7 inch.
scenester: Marbled green.
scenester: Or CLEAR.
elitest: And the older stuff would be better.
[Feb 27,2006 10:48pm - Ryan_M ""]
BornSoVile said:Ryan_M said:
Darkthrone - total death

that's a very under rated darkthrone album, it's always been one of my favorites.

yeah i read some review from metal archives, it got okay reviews, some didn't like the production, but i listened to it, i think it's great!
[Feb 28,2006 5:48am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
GZA - Liquid Swords
Keelhaul - Subject to Change Without Notice
Blood for Blood - Revenge on Society
Gorefest - Mindloss
Kyuss - Welcome to Sky Valley
the Fugees - the Score
Mastodon - Leviathan
Dr. Octagon - Dr. Octagonecologyst
Tom Waits - Blue Valentine
Stank - 2001 demo
DangerDoom - the Mouse and the Mask
Cursed - TWO
Deathbound - To Cure the Sane With Insanity
Down - Nola
[Feb 28,2006 7:44am - pisscup ""]
I've been reliving my youth this past week-

Up Front
Youth of Today
Negative FX
Dag Nasty
Into Another (first LP)
Impact Unit
Cro Mags
Reagan Youth
Citizen's Arrest
Neurosis (when they were hardcore)
Born Against
[Feb 28,2006 9:41am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
misery index-dissent/retaliate
coroner-punishment for decadence
the crown-crowned in terror
genocide superstars-hail the new storm
psycroptic-the isle of disenchantment
excrutiating terror-expression of pain
[Feb 28,2006 11:33am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
There is a reissue of that WORMED CD with the "Floating Cadaver In The Monochrome" MCD added and some other tracks tacked on, I have 5 CDs coming in along with 5 TYAG CDs and 10 of the VOMIT REMNANTS discography CD.


FETAL DECAY - Your Enemy Is You

CORPSE VOMIT (Dnk) - Drowning In Puke

DEMENTAL - Tales of Alienation


FATE - Odyssey of Fate

CRACKWHORE - Inner Piece

NOCKTURNAL MORTUM - Welten... (the latest one)

CLITORTURE / GOREALITY - Flesh Pollution / Disassembling The Human Form Split CD
[Feb 28,2006 1:24pm - DJ Death  ""]
I got it from Hells Headbangers.com. I have it on Picture LP. Im not sure if CDs are available. Otherwise, this record is tough to find. I could make you a tape copy josh if youd like, and give it to you next show?

[Feb 28,2006 1:25pm - DJ Death  ""]
The above reply was to josh's BORNSOVILE question about the WITCHTRAP album....
[Feb 28,2006 2:04pm - paganmegan ""]
Blind Guardian-live double disc
Incantation-tribute to the goat
Mayhem-live in leipzig
Marduk-le grande danse macabre
dissection-storm of the lights bane
[Feb 28,2006 2:10pm - dwellingsickness ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:

CRACKWHORE - Inner Piece

[Feb 28,2006 2:17pm - ninkaszi  ""]
ringworm - justice replaced by revenge
carnivore - s/t
teratism - service for the damned
integrity - seasons in the size of days
acid bath - paegon terrorism tactics
agnostic front - last warning
bathory - the return
weltbrand - radiance of a thousand suns
masochist demos
vital remains - let us prey
judge discography
bestial warlust - vengeance war til death
[Feb 28,2006 2:24pm - pisscup ""]
ninkaszi said:

judge discography

good idea, I'm gonna bust out some Judge right now.
[Feb 28,2006 5:01pm - watchmaker666 ""]
[Feb 28,2006 5:26pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Wormeaten - Tortured cadaveric humanity
Vital Reamins - Live on WRIU 4/1/91
Unholy Grave - Ethnocide
Rare Form - Demon Ep
GSR - Last men in gore
Dissector & Rabid - two tickets to terror
Bile - Camp Blood

[Feb 28,2006 5:41pm - anonymous  ""]
ninkaszi said:ringworm - justice replaced by revenge
carnivore - s/t
teratism - service for the damned
integrity - seasons in the size of days
acid bath - paegon terrorism tactics
agnostic front - last warning
bathory - the return
weltbrand - radiance of a thousand suns
masochist demos
vital remains - let us prey
judge discography
bestial warlust - vengeance war til death

Now we're talking. Integrity and Acid Bath are on my top ten.

[Feb 28,2006 6:21pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
dwellingsickness said: Vital Remains - Live on WRIU 4/1/91


Yes, live on The Metal Cage.


[Feb 28,2006 6:26pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:dwellingsickness said: Vital Remains - Live on WRIU 4/1/91


Yes, live on The Metal Cage.


didnt that dood burn alive in the fire at the station
[Feb 28,2006 6:31pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
No, that was the Metal Zone guy, "Doctor Metal" from WHJY.

The Metal Cage was my radio show from 1994 to 2000, Jim Collins did it in 1991 with Rob Johansson.
[Feb 28,2006 6:35pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
ah ok
[Feb 28,2006 6:55pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
TRAUMA - Imperfect Like A God

VISCERAL BLEEDING - Transcend Into Ferocity

AVULSED - Gorespattered Suicide

LOBOTOMY - Holy Shit

FEARER - Backfire

ILBRED - Unearthly Sufferance
[Feb 28,2006 7:18pm - BornSoVile ""]
Summoning - Dol Goldur
Summoning - Stronhold
Summoning - Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame
[Feb 28,2006 7:21pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Aerosmith - Toys in the Attic
Edge of Sanity - Crimson
Ayreon - The Human Equation
Angelcorpse - The Inexorable
Morbid Angel - Abominations of Desolation/Covenant
Iron Maiden - Somewhere in Time
[Feb 28,2006 9:44pm - wade nli  ""]
[Mar 1,2006 5:21am - CNV  ""]
ninkaszi said:ringworm - justice replaced by revenge
carnivore - s/t
teratism - service for the damned
integrity - seasons in the size of days
acid bath - paegon terrorism tactics
agnostic front - last warning
bathory - the return
weltbrand - radiance of a thousand suns
masochist demos
vital remains - let us prey
judge discography
bestial warlust - vengeance war til death

Oh man, Judge fucking rules! I have not heard that stuff in years

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