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Buy some fucking MRE's.....and some sunglasses.

[Apr 9,2006 6:40pm - KOK  ""]

Iran is very adament about their nuclear program and, apparently, the US is very adament about preventing it.

This is a must read for anyone concerned with nuclear strikes, and or your/their demise.
[Apr 9,2006 7:01pm - PatMeebles ""]
Might as well be prepared if the shit hits the fan. Imagine if Bush said "That's it! We're going to war with Ahmedinajad! Just wait 2 months while we build up forces! Then you'll be sorry! And don't even THINK about moving your nuke programs somewhere secret!"
[Apr 9,2006 7:03pm - KOK  ""]
scary shit
[Apr 9,2006 8:20pm - Hungtableed  ""]
[Apr 10,2006 2:25pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
If the U.S. really cared about our safety and wanted to prevent further nuclear proliferation, they wouldn't have illegally invaded Iraq, because they've started another nuclear arms race by doing so. Other counrties now feel threatened by the U.S. and are building up arms. Way to go U.S.A.!
[Apr 10,2006 2:31pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm telling you, all the US has to do is mine Uranium from iraq (same chemical signature) and then build a bomb. give it to a terrorist group in iran, wait 2-days and then click the "detonate" button on their remote control.

once they do that, you can basically crown king george.
[Apr 10,2006 6:48pm - DomesticTerror ""]
wow! With all this talk about Iran, I almost forgot about Bush's alleged OKing of those leaks! Nice try George!!!
what costs more?
a pair of raybans or a gasmask for this little smokescreen?
[Apr 10,2006 6:51pm - ratt_mowe ""]
i picked up a pair of sunglasses.
[Apr 10,2006 7:01pm - niccolai ""]
Blue-Blockers, I hope.
[Apr 10,2006 7:04pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
what the fuck

that is so wrong

we havent won Iraq, and wont and now he wants to move on Iran?
[Apr 10,2006 7:08pm - KeithMutiny ""]
"and IRAN... IRAN's so far awaaaaaayyyy"
[Apr 10,2006 7:09pm - niccolai ""]
He doesn't have the time left in his term t get anything done, and it's VERY likely that voters will choose a democrat next election who won't want to be in Iran.

I'm sure he will try and rush things into iran based on more hearsay evidence and it will force the next president to continue fighting there.
[Apr 10,2006 10:00pm - the_reverend ""]
I wear blue blockers cause they go with my hat...
[Apr 10,2006 10:16pm - KeithMutiny ""]
the_reverend said:I wear sunglasses at night...

[Apr 10,2006 11:01pm - CTborderpatrol  ""]
if anyones gonna nuke us, it's probably gonna be the countries with top generals that brag about how they can wipe us out with their nuke weapons and that we keep giving the keys to our infastructure and our currently surrounding us. yes im talkin about china
[Apr 12,2006 1:32pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
China? the little country we're threatening right now with our ships off their coasts?
[Apr 12,2006 3:25pm - powerkok ""]
Iran/Russia/China/ALL middle eastern countries
USA (and maybe Britain)



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