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I Saw Something Kinda Funny At The Mall...

[May 5,2006 12:21am - Ryan_M ""]
...not that big a deal, but me and my friend were walking by that store "Icing" in the mall, if you don't know what that is, it's a store that sells cutesy fashion accessories for teenage girls. in the doorway of the store was an ad featuring a picture of a girl in a Cattle Decapitation shirt. i just thought that was a little weird, since the store's customers are probably girls that think nickelback are bad ass.

that also reminded me of a best buy ad i saw about a year or two ago, where it showed a person's smiling face, with all different genres of music written on him - blues, rock, techno, dance, country, classical, rap, reggae, pop.... and then grindcore was written on his nose. it just seemed out of place.
[May 5,2006 12:48am - davefromthegrave ""]
you were shopping at icing you liar. now you're at home playing with all your new jewelry and your dollhouse.
[May 5,2006 12:54am - brian_dc ""]
take a picture or you're a damn liar
[May 5,2006 1:01am - Ryan_M ""]
well i guess i'm a liar, because i don't have a camera, and if i did, i don't know enough html to post a picture. sorry.
[May 5,2006 1:09am - davefromthegrave ""]
did you post that from the little tiny computer in your dollhouse?
[May 5,2006 1:22am - Ryan_M ""]
me and some friends are having a slumber party with our bratz dolls tomorrow night, but we need someone who's 21 to get us some wine coolers
[May 5,2006 1:23am - davefromthegrave ""]
[May 5,2006 1:24am - brian_dc ""]
pssh...don't know how to post a picture

I see bombs...that's a picture

attempt to draw what you saw using emoticons alone.
[May 5,2006 1:27am - Sacreligion ""]
[May 5,2006 1:29am - Ryan_M ""]
this was the design on the girl's shirt in the ad
[May 5,2006 1:30am - SeedBassist ""]
Sacreligion said:INCONCEIVABLE!

you keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means
[May 5,2006 1:37am - Sacreligion ""]
Let me put it this way. Have you ever heard of Plato, Aristotle, Socrates?

[May 5,2006 9:38am - POanonymousRN  ""]
davefromthegrave said:did you post that from the little tiny computer in your dollhouse?

hah! oh man.... :bow:

[May 6,2006 1:54am - 33 year old highschool student  ""]
[May 6,2006 1:56am - the_reverend ""]
I guess this is now "news"
[May 6,2006 1:56am - RichHorror ""]
I hope that girl's face gets horribly burned by acid.
[May 6,2006 1:57am - RichHorror ""]
And by 'that girl' I obviously mean 'every female, ever'.
[May 6,2006 2:56am - dwellingsickness ""]
you were at the mall, that is funny in its own way
[May 6,2006 2:58am - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:I guess this is now "news"

in your warped little head

[May 6,2006 3:01am - dwellingsickness ""]
you drove him there
[May 6,2006 3:02am - the_reverend ""]
[May 6,2006 9:46am - CUanonymousNT  ""]
33 year old highschool student said:[img]

Is she sportin a female mullet?!?

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