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You know, people laugh when I say "liberal media"

[May 27,2006 3:30pm - PatMeebles ""]

(CBS/AP) Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and FBI director Robert Mueller signaled they would resign this week rather than give in to Congress in a dispute over an FBI raid on Rep. William Jefferson's Capitol Hill office, an administration official tells CBS News.

Top law enforcement officials at the Justice Department and the FBI indicated to their counterparts at the White House that they could not, and were unwilling to, return documents to the Louisiana Republican which were seized as part of a bribery investigation.

I don't really want to argue. I just thought this was funny.
[May 27,2006 3:35pm - Anthony nli  ""]
i dont get it. he's a republican rep from Louisiana, how is the article slanted or misleading at all?
[May 27,2006 3:37pm - PatMeebles ""]
Because he's actually a Democrat.
[May 27,2006 3:40pm - PatMeebles ""]
[May 27,2006 3:44pm - Anthony nli  ""]
aaaah well that's hilarious
[May 27,2006 3:53pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Well, at least one copy editor will get to spend summer vacation with his kids
[May 28,2006 3:21am - PatMeebles ""]
Oh well. I guess they realized what they did and changed it.

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