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Jul 22 (Sat) - A Night Of Metal @ Reflections Lounge!! - Reflections Lounge in Chemlsford MA +[view flyer]

A Night Of Metal at Reflections Lounge, Let The Brutality Begin!!

[show listing]  _________________________________________
[Jun 1,2006 2:47pm - everpessimistnow ""]
Check out Wings Never Shattered, Blackout Frenzy, SinAria, Malicious Disorder, and more TBA.

July 22nd @ Reflections Lounge
67 Parkhurst Road
Chelmsford, MA 01824

Doors @ 8, Door charge: $7.00

[Jun 1,2006 3:58pm - metal_church101 ""]
DAmn woman, you beat me to it!!!!

malicious disorder's website is http://www.myspace.com/malice420band
[Jun 1,2006 4:15pm - everpessimistnow ""]
hey man, i act quick. i dont want to be the only person laying drunk on the floor ;-)
[Jun 1,2006 6:45pm - NLI  ""]
Where is the brutality out of those bands?
[Jun 1,2006 7:29pm - everpessimistnow ""]
come to the show and see ;-)
[Jun 2,2006 1:39am - hoser ""]
ummmmmmm.....I'll ask for him again.....which of these bands would be considered..."br00tal?"
[Jun 2,2006 12:31pm - everpessimistnow ""]
well i have never seen Malicious Disorder or Wings Never Shattered, but i have heard their shit and its pretty heavy, to me anyway. there are some talks in the work for 1 more band to be added, i'll let you know, or matt will. and SinAria is pretty fucken brutal, the vox are nowhere near HCN (yes hoser, I grilled the profile), but have a listen, i think you'll like it. and you must know Blackout Frenzy, again, not HCN, but they kick some ass. I saw them up at Marks and i must say, they really stepped their game up. If you havent seen them in awhile, go and check them out, either at this event or another one, i think you will be impressed ;-) all in all, i think it will be plenty brutal enough to go around >:-D
[Jun 2,2006 12:42pm - Morbid_Mike ""]
BMR is Brutal
[Jun 2,2006 12:50pm - everpessimistnow ""]
why yes, BMR is pretty Brutal ;-)
[Jun 2,2006 12:53pm - Morbid_Mike ""]
everpessimistnow said:why yes, BMR is pretty Brutal ;-)

Unholy shit people listen to that crap!?
[Jun 2,2006 12:56pm - BMR  ""]
Not to mention we can throw a baseball from the house and break the windows at Refelctions and we're good friends with WNS
[Jun 2,2006 12:57pm - Morbid_Mike ""]
yes why yes we can No Cho is how BMR rizizzles!(translate to your liking)
[Jun 2,2006 1:02pm - everpessimistnow ""]
BMR said:Not to mention we can throw a baseball from the house and break the windows at Refelctions and we're good friends with WNS

yeah, i have never seen them, i am looking forward to it. you guys dont happen to have their banner at all eh? i had to chop up one of their photos because the banner they have up is dead...

[Jun 2,2006 1:05pm - BMR  ""]
I don't think they have one and if they did I'd be surprised.
we sound nothing like them but we've all known this kids for a long time so we support em to the fullest
[Jun 2,2006 1:05pm - everpessimistnow ""]
Morbid_Mike said:yes why yes we can No Cho is how BMR rizizzles!(translate to your liking)

okay morbid_mike, i can bring the ah-so sauce, garlic hot dogs, and twizzlahs.

just dont tell me what you will be doing with them, im not trying to go down as an acomplice.

[Jun 2,2006 1:08pm - BMR  ""]
No Cho = North Chelmsford where we're from and where Refelctions is located. Cheslmford slang sorry, don't mind Mike he's from Billerica, quit reppin my set bitch!!+
[Jun 2,2006 1:09pm - everpessimistnow ""]
BMR said:I don't think they have one and if they did I'd be surprised.
we sound nothing like them but we've all known this kids for a long time so we support em to the fullest

ahhhhh i see, well the chopped photo will do, I am lowell based, so i am going to flyer the shit out of this area, its gonna be a good time. I can't wait ;-)
[Jun 2,2006 1:11pm - Morbid_Mike ""]
everpessimistnow said:Morbid_Mike said:yes why yes we can No Cho is how BMR rizizzles!(translate to your liking)

okay morbid_mike, i can bring the ah-so sauce, garlic hot dogs, and twizzlahs.

just dont tell me what you will be doing with them, im not trying to go down as an acomplice.


Sorry just trying to be a cool No Cho ked! Wicked Pissa Rippas. Anywho i only eat babies but thank you kindly!
[Jun 2,2006 1:12pm - everpessimistnow ""]
BMR said:No Cho = North Chelmsford where we're from and where Refelctions is located. Cheslmford slang sorry, don't mind Mike he's from Billerica, quit reppin my set bitch!!+

heh, well No Cho certainly beats Ebo (east boston) problem is, now i want Thai food, good job mike!!!!

i can still bring the stuff if you want. im going to need some duct tape anyway ;-)

[Jun 2,2006 1:14pm - everpessimistnow ""]
dammit, i am fresh out of babies. but if i come up with any, i'll be sure to hook you up.
[Jun 2,2006 1:18pm - Morbid_Mike ""]
[Jun 2,2006 1:22pm - BMR  ""]
So is there anyway of getting us on this shin dig? We do draw well especialy in our own hom town....
[Jun 2,2006 1:57pm - Morbid_Mike ""]
I would be in Reflections with our buddies WNS and The Frenzy is always a good time.
[Jun 2,2006 1:59pm - Morbid_Mike ""]
hoser said:ummmmmmm.....I'll ask for him again.....which of these bands would be considered..."br00tal?"

Hoser knows BMR is straight brutality!
[Jun 2,2006 2:41pm - MikePile  ""]
Morbid_Mike said:hoser said:ummmmmmm.....I'll ask for him again.....which of these bands would be considered..."br00tal?"

Hoser knows BMR is straight brutality!

All this brutality sounds very intimidating. Are any of these bands compassionate or understanding, or just brutal?
[Jun 2,2006 2:47pm - metal_church101 ""]
Burn My Remains kicks major amounts of ass. We played with you guys at your first show at Reflections Lounge. I have asked the booking at Reflections if they have any more room for another band.

As far as the brutal argument. It all depends on your taste and point of reference.

I have never seen Wings Never Shattered but have heard of them.

Sinaria is basically thrash as well as Malicious Disorder. Once again peoples definitions vary, but hey, they both kick ass.
[Jun 2,2006 2:52pm - BMR  ""]
We would defintely be down for this. Who noks Refelctions? I've always had an idea to get some of the sickest bads around here to that place follwed by a rippa t end all ripas at either mine or my guitarist houeses, someones got some contact info that would be great. But yes we would like to play this show.
[Jun 6,2006 2:55pm - metal_church101 ""]
Still finding out if there is room for one more band.
[Jun 12,2006 11:47pm - metal_church101 ""]
Morbid_Mike said:hoser said:ummmmmmm.....I'll ask for him again.....which of these bands would be considered..."br00tal?"

Hoser knows BMR is straight brutality!

I just emailed you guys on myspace.

Burn My Remains is on the bill if they want it. Just let us know, so we can update everything.

[Jun 13,2006 9:07am - Morbid_Mike ""]
Well Fuck Yeah We Will See Ya'll there!
[Jun 13,2006 9:08am - Morbid_Mike ""]
metal_church101 said:Morbid_Mike said:hoser said:ummmmmmm.....I'll ask for him again.....which of these bands would be considered..."br00tal?"

Hoser knows BMR is straight brutality!

I just emailed you guys on myspace.

Burn My Remains is on the bill if they want it. Just let us know, so we can update everything.

Which one of you guys is metal_church101 is this Matt?
[Jun 13,2006 9:17am - Morbid_Mike ""]
So whats the age restrictions on this show???Please someone let me know asap.
[Jun 13,2006 9:37am - metal_church101 ""]
Yes, I'm matt.

The ages for this show are 19+.

I know a few places in MA are like that. I'll triple check one more time to see if it is 18+ instead.
[Jun 13,2006 9:54am - Morbid_Mike ""]
Ok man thanks a lot!
[Jun 14,2006 9:43pm - anonymous  ""]
Morbid_Mike said:hoser said:ummmmmmm.....I'll ask for him again.....which of these bands would be considered..."br00tal?"

Hoser knows BMR is straight brutality!

I beg to differ
[Jun 14,2006 9:50pm - everpessimistnow ""]
im excited guys! gonna be lots of fun
[Jun 14,2006 11:22pm - metal_church101 ""]
BMR kicks ass.
[Jun 19,2006 2:11pm - metal_church101 ""]
Burn My Remains is now officially on the bill.
[Jun 20,2006 10:59am - Morbid_Mike ""]
anonymous said:Morbid_Mike said:hoser said:ummmmmmm.....I'll ask for him again.....which of these bands would be considered..."br00tal?"

Hoser knows BMR is straight brutality!

I beg to differ

Differ all you want anonymous the facts are facts!
[Jun 20,2006 11:00am - Morbid_Mike ""]
[Jun 20,2006 12:49pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Yeah, bump!!
[Jun 20,2006 12:54pm - anonymous  ""]
I made a fuckin sick flyer but my mac is gay and it won't let me convert it to a jpg
[Jun 20,2006 6:01pm - everpessimistnow ""]
anonymous said:I made a fuckin sick flyer but my mac is gay and it won't let me convert it to a jpg

send it to me, i might be able to do it here :-D neppmusic@gmail.com
[Jul 5,2006 8:44am - Morbid_Mike ""]
anonymous I believe we should get on that homie!BUMP
[Jul 10,2006 5:02pm - metal_church101 ""]
[Jul 20,2006 3:51pm - metal_church101 ""]
[Jul 20,2006 6:58pm - hungtableed  ""]
I already made a thread for this somewhere....
here is the flyer too:
[Jul 20,2006 11:14pm - metal_church101 ""]
Now there's a fliar!!!!
[Jul 21,2006 8:03pm - everpessimistnow @ friends  ""]
that is a nice flyer

see you tomorrow!
[Jul 21,2006 11:44pm - anonymous  ""]
your fucking right you fucking bitches thats so nice I could wipe my sweaty pussy with it mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm hot sweaty anally aborted fetus.
[Jul 21,2006 11:54pm - metal_church101 ""]

I'll see you there.
[Jul 23,2006 2:09am - hungtableed  ""]
burn my remains got the show shut down.... wings never shattered pretty much had to beg to play...then some kid got knocked the fuck out and the whole thing was over before you knew it. I would like to thank cheap whiskey for keeping me drunk enough to still think it was all too funny to give two shits and a fuck!!!
[Jul 23,2006 3:54pm - everpessimistnow ""]
haha, what i want to know is who brought the mannequin head, that thing was fantastic.
[Jul 23,2006 5:13pm - metal_church101 ""]
Malicious Disorder (the first band) brought the mannequin head.
[Jul 23,2006 5:16pm - metal_church101 ""]
The kid who got knocked out slipped on some water and went head first onto the floor.
[Jul 23,2006 7:12pm - dwellingsickness ""]
How did they get the show shut down?
[Jul 24,2006 8:15am - BMR  ""]
Long story short, some girl was doing stripper moves in the middle of the pit while we were playing which would have been all well and good except uhh ya know kids were beating the shit out of each other all around her and she got hit which caused a fight which lead to a near riot and things got a little out of hand for a little bit and the show was called off. The band after us who are also good friends of ours did get to play after a few words between them and the owners and during their set some kid slipped on the floor and cracked his skull off it. Kid was a mess, for a few minutes it didn't really look like a good situation because he wasn't moving in the least bit but he came too eventually. All told I saw like 3 people get knocked out, I ate bad Wendy's before the show and was violently ill most of the night and the cops and fire department were there by the end of the night, not a bad time at all.
[Jul 24,2006 8:26am - BMR  ""]
And this all kind of sucks because I don't think Reflection's will ever let us play there again and it was a pretty convienent place for us seeing as how we're all from Chelmsford or from the immediate area. The sound in that place is pretty good and it's always a good time playing there but oh well. Thanks to the Blackout Frenzy guys for having us and uh sorry about that.....
[Jul 24,2006 9:52am - metal_church101 ""]
It was still a good time. Some shit it just beyond your control. I missed the strip tease, but I saw 2 kids acting like they were on recess in middle school trying to be tough. One of them was one of the guitarists in Wings Never Shattered. You can't be getting into fights at a club and then wondering why you can't play. No disrespect to Wings Never Shattered, but club owners don't see things the same way that bands do. As far as that kid taking a header on to the floor, he just ran out onto the floor and their was water. He may have been a bit sauced on top of it, but shit happens. That had nothing to do with any of the bands on that part.
[Jul 24,2006 9:52am - metal_church101 ""]
Oh yeah, Blackout and BMR def needs to do more shows again. I just don't think Reflections will allow it at their venue.
[Jul 24,2006 11:16am - Morbid_Mike ""]
hungtableed said:hhhahahahaahahaha
burn my remains got the show shut down.... wings never shattered pretty much had to beg to play...then some kid got knocked the fuck out and the whole thing was over before you knew it. I would like to thank cheap whiskey for keeping me drunk enough to still think it was all too funny to give two shits and a fuck!!!

Poland Springs never tasted so....brown ahahahahaha what a night.
[Jul 24,2006 11:22am - metal_church101 ""]
Yeah, definitely a fun night.
[Jul 24,2006 11:52am - everpessimistnow ""]
haha, so thats what happened eh? stripper moves: causing fights in the pit since 1982.

why do chicks even do some shit like that?! haha, ahh well. Reflections will get over it. You guys being local is good for them to.

Any word on the kid who knocked himself out?

thats gotta be embarassing.
[Jul 24,2006 1:08pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Yeah, good times!! All the shit that happened there pissed the Reflections people off but to me it's what makes a fucking metal show!!
[Jul 24,2006 7:27pm - WNS  ""]
I think everyone had a pretty good time sat night and the kid who hit his head is fine mild concusion and a big bump nothin major thanks for everyone who came out to what will probably be our last show at reflections even though it shouldnt be but what can u do right?!
[Jul 24,2006 9:15pm - everpessimistnow ""]
it was an awesome show, minus the, ahem, interuptions. but im glad that dude is okay. got a bit hairy there for a minute.

you really think they wont let you guys play there again?
[Jul 24,2006 9:35pm - hungtableed  ""]
BMR said:And this all kind of sucks because I don't think Reflection's will ever let us play there again and it was a pretty convienent place for us seeing as how we're all from Chelmsford or from the immediate area. The sound in that place is pretty good and it's always a good time playing there but oh well. Thanks to the Blackout Frenzy guys for having us and uh sorry about that.....

fuck that place. the fucking meat head bouncer who told me to "get the fuck out of here....the cops are coming and I bet YOU DON'T have a good record with them" is a fag. Getting banned from anywhere can do nothing but get us a good reputation.

"you know you did something right when they have to shut you down" - my dad (who I should add, for those who don't know him, is pretty much the fucking coolest person ever.)
[Jul 24,2006 9:53pm - everpessimistnow ""]
haha, good point. thats actually what i thought, and the show was almost shut down before they actually shut it down. success!

and i agree, "the cops are coming and I bet YOU DON'T have a good record with them" <----- wtf is that supposed to mean asshat?! fuck him. and no worries, i think everyone had a good time, minus the kid who got hurt, and maybe a few of the people involved in the riot.

[Jul 24,2006 11:02pm - wns  ""]
i dont know about any of the other bands but we got a phone call from the club saying that it would be best if we never play there again because the person is suuing them wich isnt tottally true and that really has nothing to do with us if u ask me. seeing that he slipped on the floor that was wet mopped in the middle of a moshpit !
[Jul 24,2006 11:10pm - metal_church101 ""]
That kid who took a header was more fucked up than a rebuilt dodge long before he took a header. Suinging a club over that. WTF.
[Jul 24,2006 11:52pm - everpessimistnow ""]
wow, i cant believe they actually called you to tell you that. thats kinda messed up, id think they'd want more local bands to play there, that place has poor turnout without it. its a nice club, but not too many people seem to go there. and as for suing, thats kind of an occupational hazard isnt it? clubs get sued all the time for all kinds of things, often nothing ever comes of it.

but they were moping the floor, so i guess they had it coming to them.
[Jul 24,2006 11:59pm - Tim_John ""]
Have you guys heard of SHUDDERDOWN? Pretty wicked sick. They playted REflections about once a month, they totally fucking rock!! I picked up two fat chicks there the other night, it was fukcing metal as hell.

[Jul 25,2006 8:41am - BONEDADDY978 ""]
[Jul 25,2006 8:52am - the_reverend ""]
damn, I need to slip on something asap.
[Jul 25,2006 10:14am - metal_church101 ""]
Actually, it really had nothing to do with Scott, the head bouncer. He had already left when that mini-fight occured during Burn My Remain's set. He was called back into work. One of the female bartenders was the one that got one the stage ending BMR's set claiming the show was initially over.
[Jul 25,2006 11:37am - Cecchini ""]
fuck this club. they have scammed to many bands i am either in or have friends in out of money to many times.

i hope it goes the way of jarods.
[Jul 25,2006 12:10pm - hungtableed  ""]
the_reverend said:damn, I need to slip on something asap.

I know right? I am totally against junk lawsuits, but in the face of the utter gayness of the club bouncers there, I'd do all I can and fucking stick it to em!
[Jul 25,2006 12:12pm - hungtableed  ""]
Cecchini said:fuck this club. they have scammed to many bands i am either in or have friends in out of money to many times.

They pay people? that's funny, I've never seen a fucking dime from them cock smokers....not that I care or anything, thats why I bring my own booze...Cause I'm a cheap fucking asshole who isn't willing to pay them just as they are not willing to pay us.
[Jul 25,2006 12:47pm - wns  ""]
yeah that kid was the only fucked up person there too! haha i think at least half the people who were there were out of there minds and a completely sober person could have slipped on a wet floor haha
[Jul 25,2006 1:03pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Yeah, Scott called me last night and he told me that kid's mom wants $4000 for med bills. Oh well.....

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