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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to Othniel77.
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[QUOTE="Othniel77:473751"]Hi, this is Anderson Mar, co-organizer of the NEPGM Fest, and yes, Matthew's other half. I wasn't sure if I should respond to this thread or not, but I decided I would put in a few words, to try to clear up a misunderstanding. I handle alot of press and promotions for the Festival (http://www.nepgmfest.com), which will be taking place 9/23-24 at The Palladium. We are currently "touring" (read: doing regional auditions) in several New England cities throughout August. Manchester has a very vibrant metal scene, which we were very pleased to be a part of on August 6th. Most of the press and photographers were invited to come to Rocko's to do photos and coverage; and are certainly welcome to watch the NEPGM Fest auditions. I believe Matthew wasn't expecting the press to do much coverage at Spyder Room, and and most likely would have preferred to have known in advance if someone was going to come and do photos and/or writeups there, since it was a very busy day, and he was also doing video recording for the bands as part of an NEPGM Fest documentary we are working on. The Rev did come and take photos at Rocko's for RTTP of a few bands performing there, and he has also covered a few of my shows at the Skybar, as well as an event of ours at Reflections in Chelmsford. As for the Fest, we are not "pay to play" - we offer bands a business opportunity. They do get a 50-ticket package, but if they sell all 50 tickets, they have the opportunity to make a profit. As someone pointed out, we are not Locobazooka (not involved with ClearChannel!) and we are trying to do something for the scene, and improve community and "unity through diversity". Matthew and I don't make any profit off of this, considering the costs of booking the Palladium and national headliners. We are doing this to breathe new life into the N.E. scene. He is an excellent businessman with a clear vision for getting New England back on the map and out of the hands of the emo craze and stagnation :) As for what happened last year, our first year of the Festival, everything is out in the open under the "Press" section of our official website, http://www.nepgmfest.com We did end up moving the venue on 3 week's notice, but that was due to censorship on the part of the Lowell City politicos, who were "concerned" about punks, goths, and headbangers hanging out en mass in a ballpark. Either of us would be happy to answer any questions you might have. I am sorry for any misunderstandings that may have occurred. ~Anders [/QUOTE]
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