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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to cavnli.
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[QUOTE="cavnli:473793"]since i was the one involved on the dc side...ill tell my side of the story... the departed originally booked this show and was responsible for everything. when they broke up, rossi asked me to take responsibility for the show. i said no (explained to him that i wanted nothing to do with paying 3 touring bands almost 500 bucks for a show thats not gonna draw those numbers, keeping in mind that the living room takes about 300-400 off the top to pay the sound guy, bouncers, electricity, and shit). from here i spoke to aaron at the living room (the main booker for shows at the living room, who aparently doesnt work there anymore as of about 2 weeks ago). this was in may/june. i explained to him what rossi had told me about the guarantees and he said that he thought that they would be able to pay the touring bands with a 10 dollar door and that the show would be going on still. after we lost our drummer i contacted the living room on myspace about it and told them to get 2 new locals for the show since us and the departed arent playing. i got a message back stating that aaron isnt working at the living room anymore (and whoever is now wont tell me who they are), and whoever i wanted to replace us just let them know and they will put them on. i told them to get acariya and porphyria. porphyria couldnt play so i told him to get the miles between. then i heard about this today. for the record, this totally sucks. i wanted to see all the bands on this show really bad. this was prolly gonna be the best show of the summer. psyopus is so fuckin amazing live. oh well, now i have nothing to do tonight. get in touch with me if you wanna hang. [/QUOTE]
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