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Thread about the craziest animal encounters you've had around here.

[Aug 9,2006 2:42am - Sacreligion ""]
I'm trying to go to bed but keep remembering weird things i've encountered around here(central MA) so I thought I'd make a thread and see what everyone else has seen.

Black Rat Snake

Saw this once when I was like 11 near the stream at the bottom of my street. When I first saw it I was convinced it was a water moccasin but did some research and found out those really don't happen around here. I only saw it's midsection since it was slithering away as I came by...my uncle also saw the same one so I know I'm not crazy. These things are HUGE! The one I saw was at least 5-6 ft.


Saw this at the bottom of my street again waiting for the bus one morning...it was coiled up on a bunch of leaves...although I may have mistaken it's identity since it scared the shit out of me...could've been an eastern milk snake:

Massive Spider

This one I couldn't figure out...it was in my front yard when I was mowing the lawn...it was at least the size of my hand. It had an egg sac on it and in my young age felt I didn't want 1000 more of those in my yard so I proceeded to run it over with said lawnmower. It might've been a huge wolf spider which are common around here, but have yet to pinpoint it's identity.

Anybody else with creepy things they've seen in their lifetimes?
[Aug 9,2006 2:45am - Sacreligion ""]
yup...definitely a wolf spider

biggest one i've ever seen though

[Aug 9,2006 2:54am - Phillip ""]
if I ever saw that spider I would shit my fucking pants
[Aug 9,2006 3:01am - Sacreligion ""]
luckily i was armed with a lawnmower

"Party's Over!"
[Aug 9,2006 3:05am - powerkok ""]
I once encountered the, not so elusive, yet slippery Masshole.
This one looked like a regular Masshole, but possibly was crossbred with a puerto rican, and or Brazilian.
[Aug 9,2006 3:05am - powerkok ""]
Notice the retarded face, and cheap silver bling.
A natural masshole marking.
[Aug 9,2006 3:06am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
Oh man now I know what that anomolous snake was at the post 507 when I went snake hunting with my friends. We were convinced it was a demon because it was so big and no snake that big lived in Lynn.
[Aug 9,2006 3:07am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
powerkok said:Notice the retarded face, and cheap silver bling.
A natural masshole marking.

Not to mention the rican beard, my cousin has one and he's a masshole. The pencil thin beard that goes from ear to ear

[Aug 9,2006 3:09am - Y_Ddraig_Goch ""]
my crazy encounter:

Biking around on amherst street across from the Nashua tech school and all of a sudden a massive beast gallops across one of the side streets. so what do we do...chase it. It was a moose and man until you see one in person you don't have much of an idea of how big and creepy looking these things are.. looked like a long legged alien beast.
[Aug 9,2006 3:11am - powerkok ""]
Seriously tho....up here in NH....

I lived in downtown Concord at the time....(now I live in the slums that are the Concord Heights)
about 2 am I hear a car going real slow, so I look outside, and there is a fucking Moose walking down Pleasant st. (Pretty busy road for Concord.)

It was a young moose, but was still bigger than a horse.

Another time, I saw a bear cross rt 125 in Lee, nh.
A bat in my house in concord.
A rabid bat in my yard in Boscawen ( I shot him in the head with a silenced .22)
An Opossum in Boscawen that I tried run over, but he ducked....(no lie, it was strange)
numerous Raccoons the other night were crossing the street in Epsom.
Many more little creatures Im sure.
[Aug 9,2006 3:12am - powerkok ""]
Y_Ddraig_Goch said:powerkok said:Notice the retarded face, and cheap silver bling.
A natural masshole marking.

Not to mention the rican beard, my cousin has one and he's a masshole. The pencil thin beard that goes from ear to ear

hahahahaha good call, I forgot about the rican strap pattern.
[Aug 9,2006 3:44am - Sacreligion ""]
you're confusing massholes for immigrants

i've never seen a moose before, a few bats and such but i considered that normal...i did see a giant possum dead on the side of rt. 146 in sutton before(i've only seen one live one)...it was a fuckin ROUS i tell you what

[Aug 9,2006 7:15am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
a saw a spider about the size of my palm run across the floor by me. two bats in my house... um... and a couple snakes.
[Aug 9,2006 8:46am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Aug 9,2006 8:53am - the_reverend ""]
tell me please that I wasn't the only one chantong "fucked something" when you saw MSD had posted.
[Aug 9,2006 10:44am - the_reverend ""]
tell me please that I wasn't the only one chantong "fucked something" when you saw MSD had posted.
[Aug 9,2006 1:56pm - Sacreligion ""]
it's possible rev
[Aug 9,2006 3:44pm - nick ""]
i used to live on the cape and one day i was walking along the beach and i got attacked by the elusive hydra.
[Aug 9,2006 3:52pm - the_reverend ""]
I see your hydra, and raise the anti with a hypnotic kraken!
[Aug 9,2006 6:17pm - Sacreligion ""]
i caught and killed this bad boy when it tried to sink my boating expedition to the new world


damn blue whales
[Aug 9,2006 6:21pm - powerkok ""]
MMMM whale steak.....

I wish.
[Aug 9,2006 6:25pm - powerkok ""]
One time, I was traversing the Cangamangus with Ric Flair and Hacksaw Jim Duggan, well...long story short.....Ric spots this triceratops, atop a huge mountain, Duggan threw his 2x4 at it, hit it in the head, and it rolls down, at my feet, Flair screams WOOOOO and guts it with a WCW microphone, and we all laughed.
Later that night, we drank grain alcohol, and cut down trees to make giant toothpicks.

Flair started getting testy, because his 'juice' was in the car, so we headed out early, but it was quite the day.
[Aug 9,2006 6:31pm - Sacreligion ""]
travelling the ugandan jungle with kamala was one of my greatest experiences...he killed a bull elephant with his bare hands, then turned it into jerky with a big splash

he proceeded to slap his belly with authority
[Aug 9,2006 6:42pm - powerkok ""]
Steer clear of Ugandan AIDS!!!!
[Aug 9,2006 6:48pm - Sacreligion ""]
tip: elephant bladders make the best quality condoms
[Aug 9,2006 8:06pm - Anthony nli  ""]
The cats I had when I was kid had brought me some interesting dead animals.
[Aug 9,2006 9:39pm - Abbath ""]
Sacreligion said:luckily i was armed with a lawnmower

"Party's Over!"

great fucking movie
[Aug 9,2006 9:49pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Last year on some state highway on my way home from my sister's in VT I saw a Lynx bolt onto the road in fullstride and fucking murder a duck on the other side of the road.

It was like one of those animal planet documentaries
[Aug 9,2006 11:26pm - intricateprocess ""]

fucking coyotes


fucking deer


fucking oppossum ( i hate these things)


woodchucks (get the fuck out of my garden)


skunk of course


i once saw like 30 of these fucking things together at once (ruffled grouse). they are a little smaller than turkeys


turkey. drive around the neighborhoods near cleveland circle. i see them there all the time


get out of my trash




blue heron, one of the biggest birds i see around here


red tail hawks


i swear to god i have seen a dead bald eagle on route 95


ive seen turkey vultures around too
[Aug 9,2006 11:27pm - intricateprocess ""]
i saw a family of ferrets once. im not sure if they like escaped from someones house or something

also whats up with those fishercat things? i hear they are all over NH and crazy as fuck
[Aug 10,2006 1:20am - sxealex ""]
[Aug 11,2006 5:18pm - intricateprocess ""]
and yesterday 3 fucking turkeys ran out in front of my truck in belmont
[Aug 12,2006 7:38am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
oh yeah... that reminds me. one time i was in Stoneham i saw this HUGE fucking turkey. thing was pissed. it was chilling on an island near this crazy high traffic area right before you get on 95 south. people would stop and take pics of it... almost caused a couple of accidents.
[Aug 12,2006 11:27am - ct borderpatrol  ""]
ive seen fishercats, woodchucks, black bear, moose, mtn lion, HUGE fuckin turtles while fishing. the Dept environmental protection is being silent on telling people whats up with mtn lions, moose, and bear because they're afraid people will flip out.
[Aug 12,2006 11:32am - slut  ""]
I was greeted by a mangy coyote on my front landing this past spring. Apparently he's often seen roaming Brewer's Corner (West Quincy) trying to score when he's 'hungry.'

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