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tonight tonight

The Palladium (Worcester, MA) - [arch_enemy][hate_eternal][nile][origin]
[Aug 4,2002 1:52am - eben  ""]
Origin just flat out destroyed the solar system (in keeping with thier cosmic theme) his vocals were so fucking shrieking.. unbalievable band...i think origin is my new fav <br> <br>, i heard alot of buzz about Hate Eternal, and they lived up to it, fuckin relentless death riffs. <br>arch enemy, all things considered are cool, the chicks body is like, bowflex status, and she does air guitar on the mic stand. <br> <br>and well Nile.... yea. naptime.
[Aug 4,2002 1:54am - the_reverend ""]
just got home <br>workign on the pictures now.
[Aug 4,2002 2:15am - the_smile_adventure ""]
i missed origin unfourtunetly. <br> <br>hate eternal is awesome. their music is great, but their live performance was not really enjoying...unless you just look at how horrifying the lead singer is when he sings...he looks like he would seriously eat someone right in front of you. horrifying stuff. <br> <br>arch enemy i thought was really awesome. they are fun to watch live and their music was good, i'm sure, for everyone else who got there from the beginning because it wasnt all blasty, you know? the singer has an average voice, but of course, the fact that she is a girl and does it so well is great. i also liked her overall attitude and performance....very metal. i notice that a lot of metal girls are either really stupid or complete bitches...she actually seemed like a decent person. the whole band is great. im a fan. <br> <br>nile is probably one of my favorite death metal bands and their live show puts the ice on the table. this shoew wasnt as good as the metalfest one, but it still was smoked. the singer was more relaxed and silent last time and i liked that. this time he was like "COME ON MOTHERFUCKERS! AHHHH WORCESTER AHHHHH". and he encouraged people to yell during the quiet egyptian music parts...blah..i like those quiet parts...lets me get a bit of a break. but his vocals are insane, son. he does a lot of good. argh that whole band...ahh nice. <br> <br>dance
[Aug 4,2002 2:17am - the_smile_adventure ""]
some of the stuf i typed in that above post made no sence and im in no mood to fix it.
[Aug 4,2002 2:25am - ebenator  ""]
dervie d, i must have missed you in all the myst, pyramids and ancient chanting. thats too bad. i was hoping to run into alot of friends of there. although i did peep the rev, mike, and other anquantences. <br> <br>ok.. <br>
[Aug 4,2002 2:37am - the_reverend ""]
<a href="http://www.returntothepit.com/concert.php?date=2002-08-03&did=329" target="_blank">http://www.returntothepit.com/concert.php?date=2002-08-03&did=329</a> <br> <br>the pictures are up. <br> <br>I talked with a lot of people there and it was great to talk to everyone. I got to meet Jager-girl and fellow Cyclist, Julie. Though I felt kind of weird talking about road biking at a DM show. <br> <br>Sorry to ATR for missing their set. I suck. <br> <br>I've now seen nile go from playing small bars to show-opener to tour-supporter to headliner. From the Elvis Room in 97 to tonight's show. It was awesome and probably the best set they've ever done. 1 solid hour of crushing music. <br> <br>Time for bed. I'm getting a cold and I've got the show modnay (featuring invocation of nehek)
[Aug 4,2002 2:45am - eben  ""]
and yes, the guy from hate eternal looks like he eats little kids as a hair suppliment, keeping it flowing all night. you can tell hes a bad man. 666
[Aug 4,2002 3:32am - george  ""]
man i dont understand why you people enjoy origin. that was the second time i've seen them and i think they're crap. i like fast metal but like, the blast beats and blur of notes were cool for the first 2 min, but not 20 fucking min. i just wanted the torture of generic boring death relapse crap to end. hate eternal was ok, sounds like everything else. arch enemy was awesome, and of course nile kicked ass. thats my two cents. i dunno, i just think there's to much shit metal out there, relapse reminds me of metal blade, they'll pick up anything to get a buck, even if the band sucks. not nile though.
[Aug 4,2002 3:56am - RustedAngel ""]
george, your dumb, shut up
[Aug 4,2002 9:52am - eben  ""]
I strongly disagree. In my opinion Origin is unmatched in the realm of tightness, complexity, endurance, and just plain ol' sickness. Just becasue you cant hear whats going on during the "blur", doesnt mean its not happening. No human can do what they do, i suspect them to be aliens? <br>bite thy tounge lad. <br> <br>Nile is amazing, but Origin should have been headlining. oops.
[Aug 4,2002 12:42pm - xmikex ""]
Origin kills. I thought they sucked for the longest time cuz they used to have that clown on vocals who just did barks. The new guy is fucking awsome. So much more energy and an awsome voice. Terrence from Ascendency did make a good point about the drums though, he said you could throw up on his pedals and they'd make the same sound cuz they're so sensitive. Which is true, he does have the benefit of insanely nice gear. But still they crush. <br> <br>Hate Eternal was fun to watch. very sick, very metal. Arch Enemy was alright. they got a little melodic and cheesy, and just all around goofy at times. The singer has decent vocals.....for a girl (yeah i said it). I couldn't take that dork and his silk shirt though, thats just stupid. <br> <br>Nile was fun minus a bunch of crybaby wannabe tuff guy cheap shot throwing faggot metal nerds, 2 of which are probably at their houses in a bathtub with their wrists slit because they both got punked out by the scrawniest kid of all time, that being me. hahaha gaywads.
[Aug 4,2002 12:43pm - the_smile_adventure ""]
yeah i didnt see really anyone i knew at the show. i'm so not metal looking. i dont know what i am. im a dinosaur and i eat nazi robots. maybe? <br> <br>i heard origin was awesome last night and better than the last time they came around here. i really wish i seen it. <br> <br>i really enjoyed the show. word to the gods, kid.
[Aug 4,2002 12:51pm - the_smile_adventure ""]
yeah the attire of some of the arch enemy characters was...eh...interesting. as cheesy as they might have been at times, i find myself enjoying it. i usually dont like cheesy type stuff, but i felt nice i guess.
[Aug 4,2002 1:09pm - wei wei  ""]
yeah the attire was interesting... <br> <br>if you like ball crushing tight leather pants, <br>black shirts unbuttoned to the middle showing your ripplin waxed chest [hah], <br>and fans to blow your silky smooth death metal hair back. <br>Siiiiiiiizzlin!!!!
[Aug 4,2002 1:30pm - RustedAngel ""]
i had fun. Erik (hate eternal) was supposed to get my girlfriend and I in. I had called his cell phone a few times earlier in the day and left a voicemail. I found their van and he was getting ready to play and talked to him for a while. I guess their van broke down so he didn't get my voicemail, and you can't put anyone on the list after the doors open apparently. So gay, I had to pay $36. <br> <br>All that remains was still good, but I miss the awesome leads that former chris use to do, but ollie took on most of the leads and did a good job. <br> <br>Origin was really sick. It is really difficult to see such a relentless band like this play in such a huge place. If you know the songs it helps a lot. Their drummer used Derek Roddy (hate eternal's) drum gear. <br> <br>Hate Eternal did great, rutan's facial expressions were fucking awesome and definetly made me want to eat people. His leads are great, I love his style. It goes along perfect with trey when he is up there with morbid angel. Derek roddy was fucking crazy, his drumming owned everyone there. <br> <br>Arch Enemy was cool once again, and came out with full energy which was cool. Its entertaining to watch some of the stage presence they have when they all get in a line or move in a synchronized way. <br> <br>Nile is always fuckin tight. The drums (especially the snare) were too loud making it hard to hear alot of the sick guitar work. Karl actually moved and went nuts to a few parts which was cool to see because usually he never moves too much. Its nice to know he's really feeling the new stuff himself.
[Aug 4,2002 2:07pm - xmikex ""]
im gonna arm wrestle the singer from nile. i think i got him beat.
[Aug 4,2002 3:34pm - Mike  ""]
I thought all of the bands were awsome, it was my first time seing origin live, and they were amazing. But i thought that was the coolest thing when the bassist of Hate Eternal got on stage and sang with Nile. <a href="http://www.dissector.cjb.net" target="_blank">http://www.dissector.cjb.net</a>
[Aug 4,2002 4:37pm - the_smile_adventure ""]
oh man yeah...seeing karl really get into the music was awesome. ahh i wish i could see them right now again. haha
[Aug 4,2002 4:42pm - the_reverend ""]
<a href="http://www.returntothepit.com/pictures.php?pic=/pics/aug032002/nile051.jpg" target="_blank">http://www.returntothepit.com/pictures.php?pic=/pics/aug032002/nile051.jpg</a> <br> <br>dude.. you can. <br>heh
[Aug 4,2002 5:22pm - eben  ""]
man, all today i've just been wishing it was yesterday. such a rad show. <br>me and the girlfriend made it up to the front barrier for arch enemy and nile, so needless to say relentless headbanging ensued. <br>my neck and back are smoked like the cheeba. the only bad part of the show was when tim pulled his junk out on the balcony. no donks damnit, jut boobies! <br> <br>Cmon PEOPLE!!! GRROOOAAA WORECHESTER!!!! AHHHH FUCK IT UP ARRRRGGG!!!! LETS GO WORECHESTER!!!
[Aug 4,2002 10:16pm - xmikex ""]
i've said it before and i'll say it again. one thing i'll NEVER get tired of hearing is <br> <br>WHATS UP WORCESTOR, ARE YOU READY FOR SOME DEATH METAL
[Aug 5,2002 2:13am - the_smile_adventure ""]
COME ON YOU MOTHERFUCKERS LETS HEAR SOME NOISE! AHHHH WHEN WE ARE QUIET, YOU ARE LOUD! AHHHH MOTHER FUCKERS <br> <br>rev, that picture is great...i'm off to look at the rest right now.
[Nov 3,2005 10:22pm - IMADOUCHE  ""]

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