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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to thebreaking.
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[QUOTE="thebreaking:487749"]HA!! yeah.. unfortunately we didn't take that into consideration when we named the band.. I was in favor of "Pull The Plug" but some winy bitch Indy rock band in Jersey took it... We decided we wanted to name the band after a means of torture.. and since Iron Maiden is already taken we decided on the Breaking Wheel.. Here's the Wikipedia description... Breaking on the wheel was a form of torturous execution formerly in use, especially in France and Germany. The wheel itself was similar to a large wooden wagon wheel, with many radial spokes, but a wheel was not always used. In France —where it is said to have been first used— the victim was placed on a cart-wheel and his limbs stretched out along the spokes, one by one over two sturdy wooden beams. The wheel was made to slowly revolve, and a large hammer or an iron bar was then applied to the limb over the gap between the beams, breaking the bones. This process was repeated several times per limb. Sometimes it was 'mercifully' ordered that the executioner should strike the criminal on chest and stomach, blows known as coups de grâce, which caused lethal injuries, leading to the end of the torture by death; without those, the broken man could take hours, even days, before shock and dehydration caused death. In France, a special grace, called the retentum, could be granted, by which the condemned was strangled after the second or third blow, or in special cases, even before the breaking began. Afterwards, the victim's shattered limbs were woven ('braiden') through the spokes of the wheel which was then hoisted onto a tall pole, so that birds could eat the sometimes still-living victim.[/QUOTE]
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