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so who's going to Venom 9/5?

[Sep 4,2006 4:31am - litacore ""]
maybe I'll seeya there.

at least Devildriver has been replaced by Goatwhore. :satancross:
[Sep 4,2006 4:38am - Dar ""]
I missed 'em when they played here a few days ago, Death Angel played the night before and kinda surprisingly completely kicked ass so I was all thrashed out, and we were like the only date Devildriver played and I couldn't stand the idea of sitting through that shit again, but I wouldn't want to miss High On Fire either...so I just didn't go
[Sep 4,2006 5:13am - litacore ""]
Death Angel are a Bay Area institution

also, the true glory days of Venom are 80-85

nevertheless, I just want to be in the same zipcode as Cronos for a few hours.
[Sep 4,2006 5:22am - Dar ""]
so just before I was born, great. I'm sure they wouldn't be that great now, anyway...I have trouble enjoying some of those nostalgia shows, although I saw Ted Nugent last week and laughed my ass off
[Sep 4,2006 10:38am - anonymous  ""]
Whats the scoop on this show?

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