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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to litacore.
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[QUOTE="litacore:491764"]I don't want to sound like I'm glorifying the prick wad, but here's his entry (#65) from Answer Me!'s Top 100 Serial Killers / Mass Murderers (Lepine's in the latter category): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He loved guns. He was often found hovering around the rifle racks at a sporting goods store near his Monrtreal apartment, grinning like a kid in a candy store. Though a fan of war movies, he was rejected from the Canadian Armed Forces for "asocial" behavior. He despised chicks. Clad in hunting clothes, with bullets slung across his chest and a Ruger rifle n one arm, he entered the Ecole Polytechnique near the end of 1989's fall semester, setting off a twenty-minute spree which became Canada's worst mass murder. He shot and killed one female student, then busted into an engineering class as someone gave a lecture on heat transfer and screamed "I want the women!" He told the males to go into the hall. Students thought it was a prank, but after the men filed out, Lepine pumped a round into the ceiling and hollered "You're all a bunch of feminists! I HATE FEMINISTS!" He killed six women in the class and then stalked the hallways, grinning. According to a witness, it wasn't a deranged smile--it was more "like he was having a good time." He murdered three women in a caferteria and four one another floor. Lepine then turned the rifle on himself, splattering his cerebrum all over the school he once desired to attend. He left a suicide note which complained about feminism and mysteriously listed fifteen female Quebecois socialites. Lepine was born Gamil Gharbi. His abusive father left the family when the boy was seven. His mother, whose maiden name was Lepine, testified at divorce proceedings that Marc's dad believed "women are servants to men." Marc legally adopted his mother's surname at age eighteen. Neighbors remembered an introvert who blared music at all hours. One recalled hearing him wildly laughing night after night, presumably alone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ what a fucking prick. Too much of a baby to take responsibility for himself. [/QUOTE]
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