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fat people are stupid

[Oct 10,2006 12:02pm - dreadkill ""]
[Oct 10,2006 12:03pm - powerkok ""]
fat people are stupid AND disgusting.
[Oct 10,2006 12:08pm - vomitthesoul ""]
You dont have to be fat to be stupid.One of my relatives is a toothpick and hes the dumbest person I know by far.The only thing I hate about fat people is that most of them dont care that they weigh 2 tons.Instead they keep on stuffing their faces instead on trying to lose the weight.Obviously they've never heard of Diet Workshop or Jenny Craig.But without fat people,fast food joints would go out of business.

Can I help u mam?
Id like a number 1,2,3, and a 4
Is that all?
No,make them all supersized

HA HA!!!
[Oct 10,2006 12:13pm - hungtableed  ""]
I said this in the "people you hate thread"
I fucking hate fat poor people. I mean come on now, how great is the country we livin in the the fucking poor people are fat? Look at the size of poor people in virtually every other nation (including those that are developed) and I wold be willing to bet that it would be drastically different.
[Oct 10,2006 12:32pm - dreadkill ""]
vomitthesoul said:You dont have to be fat to be stupid.One of my relatives is a toothpick and hes the dumbest person I know by far.The only thing I hate about fat people is that most of them dont care that they weigh 2 tons.Instead they keep on stuffing their faces instead on trying to lose the weight.Obviously they've never heard of Diet Workshop or Jenny Craig.But without fat people,fast food joints would go out of business.

Can I help u mam?
Id like a number 1,2,3, and a 4
Is that all?
No,make them all supersized

HA HA!!!

obviously thin people can be stupid too and often are. i only posted this because i thought it was funny.
[Oct 10,2006 7:58pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Fat people seem to really suck at life, huh?
[Oct 10,2006 10:03pm - INFECT ""]
does your guitarist know you're on here posting anti-fatty propaganda??
[Oct 10,2006 10:10pm - sinistas ""]
Say it right, say it loud: I'm fat and I'm proud.
[Oct 10,2006 10:13pm - the_reverend ""]

HTB: you are wrong about the poor in other countries. there are HUGE obesity problems in the poor in india. poor people are fat and poor and unheathly and breeder themsevles out because the are uneducated.

want to help the poor? start with family and nutrition education.
[Oct 10,2006 10:35pm - dreadkill ""]
INFECT said:does your guitarist know you're on here posting anti-fatty propaganda??

have you seen how fat i've been getting lately?
[Oct 10,2006 10:45pm - dwellingsickness ""]
I can't believe you people are picking on RichHorror like this
[Oct 10,2006 11:27pm - Anti-Racism ""]
It's time to exterminate the fat. They are huge, stupid, stinky, slovenly and probably racist.
[Oct 10,2006 11:43pm - dreadkill ""]
dwellingsickness said:I can't believe you people are picking on RichHorror like this

rich's good looking girlfriend makes him immune to insults such as this.
[Oct 11,2006 4:04am - CNV  ""]
Fat = Failure
[Oct 11,2006 6:18am - Messerschmitt ""]
fat = drunk
[Oct 11,2006 1:13pm - ariavette ""]
i can't believe it has really taken society this long to make that connection

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