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seeking Brian O'B

[Oct 14,2006 9:03pm - SUPERCHRIST  ""]
of December Wolves and Backstabbers Inc.

my email is chrisblackplanet @ yahoo.com

little help?
[Oct 14,2006 9:15pm - SUPERCHRIST  ""]
nevermind, I sent a myspace message. saw the dw site was down and forgot to check myspace.

[Oct 14,2006 9:15pm - the_reverend ""]
I just saw him last night. will forward when I get home (unless scott can).
his myspace is something like brianoblivion
[Oct 15,2006 9:21pm - SUPERCHRIST  ""]
[Oct 15,2006 9:23pm - Kevord ""]
His myspace is http://www.myspace.com/brian_oblivion
[Oct 15,2006 11:05pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Yeah, write him through MySpace, he'll get it.

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