Venom[views:1515][posts:2]_______________________________ [Oct 17,2006 10:40am - Yeti ""] this is on Starz On Demand, i believe it was Starz, and its surprisingly not as bad as i had anticipated. its about some voodoo lady who conjures up these snakes and they bite this guy and he becomes a crazy wraith like character. the acting isnt wholly terrible, there were some really cool deaths, a girl gets her face sandblasted off and another girl is impaled on a fallen tree, but the coolest thing was the wraith guy. he only used a crowbar so the attacks were vicious. if you watch horror objectively, check this out, its nothing spectacular but it wasnt bad. i'll give it a 6. |
___________________________________________ [Oct 17,2006 11:05am - Notorious_D.U.G. ""] I just watched this last night. Above average teeny bopper horror. At least it was rated R. |
_____________________________________ [Oct 17,2006 11:24am - anonymous ""] Good gore and decent slasher film. Similiar to Fth13th.. |