gawd.. try to send a newsletter...[views:1554][posts:6]_______________________________________ [Oct 18,2006 12:32am - the_reverend ""] and I bring the server down. damn. |
_______________________________________ [Oct 18,2006 12:34am - the_reverend ""] I also found a rather large bug that I don't have the patients to fix right this minute. |
______________________________________________ [Oct 18,2006 12:34am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""] Yes, I received this DaVinci Code of a newsletter, but Tom Hanks was nowhere to be found. |
_______________________________________ [Oct 18,2006 12:56am - the_reverend ""] there, done... bed now.. |
_______________________________________ [Oct 18,2006 12:59am - the_reverend ""] make that 2 or 3 huge bugs oops.. |
__________________________________ [Oct 18,2006 1:35am - dertoxia ""] [img] BUGS!???!!?! |
_____________________________________ [Oct 18,2006 7:07am - Allah That ""] debug |