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So, what are all the RTTPer fuckers having for lunch?

[Oct 18,2006 12:21pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
I am having a Thanksgiving toasted sub from D'angelo's with gravy with a side order of five Vicodens due to my impending back surgery.
How about all of you?

I will probably puke but it tastes good.
[Oct 18,2006 12:32pm - dreadkill ""]
tarco bell chicken quesadilla
[Oct 18,2006 12:32pm - gerrrroth  ""]
wanna sell any vikes?
[Oct 18,2006 12:36pm - pam ""]
Nothing yet. Mmmm vicoden.
[Oct 18,2006 12:37pm - Yeti ""]
grilled cheese and Cheez-its
[Oct 18,2006 12:38pm - dreadkill ""]
pam is having steak-ums.
[Oct 18,2006 12:39pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
gerrrroth said:wanna sell any vikes?

Ummm, I don't sell drugs, and even if I did I would not deal on a public message board. I need them for my back anyway.
On a side note I just popped in the movie Re-animator to help the afternoon pass by quicker. I dig netflix!
Taco Bell? I might have to due that tomorrow and stock up on the fiery sauce!
[Oct 18,2006 12:40pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
pam said:Nothing yet. Mmmm vicoden.

Yup, I am happy and itchy right now.

(emoticons won't work for me for some reason. Rev?)

[Oct 18,2006 12:40pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
The usual, lobster and prime rib.
[Oct 18,2006 12:40pm - succubus ""]
leftovers from our dinner last night:mashed potatoes, baked stuffed "chicken" (not real meat), cranberry and orange stuffing. then i had a slice of apple pie. all home made by me
[Oct 18,2006 12:41pm - dreadkill ""]
no caviar today, dwyer?
[Oct 18,2006 12:54pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
succubus said:leftovers from our dinner last night:mashed potatoes, baked stuffed "chicken" (not real meat), cranberry and orange stuffing. then i had a slice of apple pie. all home made by me

I want some apple pie! Hook an itchy nigga up!

[Oct 18,2006 12:56pm - the_reverend ""]
I fixed the emoticon thing.
will post the fix later.

I just ate rice and some brocoli. probably get an apple in a few.
[Oct 18,2006 12:57pm - xmikex ""]
peanut butter and raspberry jam
[Oct 18,2006 12:58pm - pam ""]
rice, broccoli, and an apple...I can hardly control my envy.
[Oct 18,2006 12:59pm - BlackoutRick ""]
Kraft mac and cheese. Yyyyyyeeesss!!
[Oct 18,2006 1:00pm - Anthony ""]
Trader Joe's Punjab Eggplant with basmati rice and yogurt. A banana, carrots, raisins.
[Oct 18,2006 1:00pm - the_reverend ""]
just for that, I'm breaking out some peanuts!
[Oct 18,2006 1:00pm - Anthony ""]
succubus said:leftovers from our dinner last night:mashed potatoes, baked stuffed "chicken" (not real meat), cranberry and orange stuffing. then i had a slice of apple pie. all home made by me

dayum, sounds good. what kind of fake'n did you use?
[Oct 18,2006 1:00pm - gerrrroth  ""]
wah, i don't sell drugs. eat a queef sandwich.
[Oct 18,2006 1:05pm - succubus ""]
QUORN naked cutlets! yum
[Oct 18,2006 1:09pm - pam ""]
I'm eating a hot pocket and not enjoying it at all.
[Oct 18,2006 1:12pm - Anthony ""]
succubus said:QUORN naked cutlets! yum

I havent tried those, I'll check them out. They probably have them in Trader Joes ?
[Oct 18,2006 1:13pm - paganmegan ""]
succubus said:QUORN naked cutlets! yum

yum, I love quorn stuff.
[Oct 18,2006 1:13pm - paganmegan ""]
I'm eating infernal salad and hellish soup for lunch
[Oct 18,2006 1:14pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
gerrrroth said:wah, i don't sell drugs. eat a queef sandwich.

Umm, yeah you asked me. How am I whining by saying I don't sell drugs? What a retard. A queef sandwich? Sure, I don't mind a bitch farting out her vag into my mouth. Come up with something witty and a little less moronic. Could this be Vomitthesoul?
[Oct 18,2006 1:18pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Anthony said:Trader Joe's Punjab Eggplant with basmati rice and yogurt. A banana, carrots, raisins.

I hate you a thousand times. Your lunch > my lunch: I had a burrito from 7-11 and a banana.
[Oct 18,2006 1:19pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Leftovers -- rigatoni with meat sauce. And an apple.
[Oct 18,2006 1:19pm - Clinically Dead  ""]
Just finished eating steaks tips, rice pilaf, and peanut butter cookies. MMMM MMMM, tastes even better when its free from money-grubbing drug reps. who kiss the living ass out of these doctors.
[Oct 18,2006 1:19pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Turkey melt on toasted bread.
[Oct 18,2006 1:20pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
People are going crazy on the apples.
[Oct 18,2006 1:22pm - mcmahon ""]
water, i had spagetti for brunch.
[Oct 18,2006 1:23pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
[Oct 18,2006 1:24pm - largefreakatzero ""]
CaptainCleanoff said:People are going crazy on the apples.

Macs are in season right now!
[Oct 18,2006 1:24pm - Anthony ""]
DestroyYouAlot said:Anthony said:Trader Joe's Punjab Eggplant with basmati rice and yogurt. A banana, carrots, raisins.

I hate you a thousand times. Your lunch > my lunch: I had a burrito from 7-11 and a banana.

1000x Hate sounds like a hardcore band name
[Oct 18,2006 1:24pm - dreadkill ""]
pam said:I'm eating a hot pocket and not enjoying it at all.

do you have stock in the company? you are always eating hot pockets.
[Oct 18,2006 1:28pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
largefreakatzero said:CaptainCleanoff said:People are going crazy on the apples.

Macs are in season right now!

I know, they rule. I have a bag out in the kitchen.

[Oct 18,2006 1:30pm - Yeti ""]
CaptainCleanoff said:People are going crazy on the apples.

i had an apple last night called a "honey crisp" apple, and i have to say it was the best damn apple i've ever had. i love the Granny Smith ones, and this one wasnt as sour, it was an excellent medium between sour and sweet.
[Oct 18,2006 1:34pm - pam ""]
dreadkill said:pam said:I'm eating a hot pocket and not enjoying it at all.

do you have stock in the company? you are always eating hot pockets.

I NEVER eat hot pockets...like...ever. I think you have me confused with some other unfortunate person.
[Oct 18,2006 1:36pm - niccolai ""]
Nothing, I'm STILL locked in my bedroom and haven't had anything to eat in 19 days.

If anyone can reach a phone.. please call the police.
[Oct 18,2006 1:38pm - SteveOTB ""]
[Oct 18,2006 1:38pm - Ryan_M ""]
I just got back from having Pizza Hut (Meat Lovers) with my girl, now I'm eating Chips Ahoy cookies.
[Oct 18,2006 1:41pm - the_reverend ""]
what most of you want:
[Oct 18,2006 1:43pm - pam ""]
I still giggle at that in the grocery store. Because I'm mature like that.
[Oct 18,2006 1:45pm - Greenburgstein  ""]
Ham sandwich my friend, I love it I tell you
[Oct 18,2006 1:47pm - the_reverend ""]
I can tell you a mature by your interactions with any other females that post here (besides carina, larissa, meg, and rich horror)

[Elaine is talking to Peterman at her office.]

Peterman: Elaine, what did you want to talk me about?

Elaine: This. My office. Sam trashed my office.

Peterman: Well, I see what's going on in here. I am smack dab in the middle of a good old fashioned cat fight.

Elaine: Mr. Petermen, this is not a cat fight. This is violent psychotic behavior directed at me all because are told her to swing her arms.

Peterman: Woof!

Elaine: Do you mean "reer?"

Petermen: Yes, that's the one! Good day Elaine. [Leaves.]

Elaine: Oh, no please Mr. Peterman, she's crazy! [Sam walks by and Elaine starts to sing] Crazy for feelings...

Elaine: Well, I tried, but he thought it was some sort of cat fight.

Kramer: Cat fight?

Elaine: Ok, why? Why do guys do this? What is so appealing to men about a cat fight?

Kramer: Yeye cat fight!

Jerry: Because men think if women are grabbing and clawing at each other there's a chance they might somehow kiss.

Kramer: T-t-t-t...
[Oct 18,2006 1:53pm - pam ""]
the_reverend said:I can tell you a mature by your interactions with any other females that post here (besides carina, larissa, meg, and rich horror)

and Lisa.

So you mean I only get along with the intelligent, cool, witty, beautiful, and laid-back females on RTTP? Boy...what is MY problem?
[Oct 18,2006 1:55pm - pam ""]
You forgot Liz, too. And they don't post anymore but Sarah and Jessica too. I'd say the 3 that I don't get along with are a minority.
[Oct 18,2006 1:56pm - pam ""]
AND KelltheValkyrie. You're fired.
[Oct 18,2006 1:56pm - dreadkill ""]
pam said:dreadkill said:pam said:I'm eating a hot pocket and not enjoying it at all.

do you have stock in the company? you are always eating hot pockets.

I NEVER eat hot pockets...like...ever. I think you have me confused with some other unfortunate person.

one of your surveys yesterday or the day before asked what the last thing you ate was and you said hot pocket. you live off them.
[Oct 18,2006 1:57pm - pam ""]
Grannymonster is cool, too.
[Oct 18,2006 2:07pm - the_reverend ""]
pam, you spend too much time watching the female bathroom at o'briens.
[Oct 18,2006 2:09pm - CNV  ""]
Just had Fish Chowdah and clam strips bub
[Oct 18,2006 2:11pm - pam ""]
I have no idea what you're talking about, crazypants.
[Oct 18,2006 2:44pm - dreadkill ""]
he's talking about fish chowdah and clam strips bub.
[Oct 18,2006 3:38pm - RichHorror ""]
I had self-loathing for lunch today.
[Oct 18,2006 3:59pm - pam ""]
Rich, we should get together for a liquid lunch, stat.
[Oct 18,2006 4:04pm - the_reverend ""]
and on that day, both pam AND rich horor turned down a 43nd helping of babybatter.
ah, who am I kidding, rich could never turn ken down.

ps: did you know that rich's last name is goodwin?
[Oct 18,2006 4:05pm - tbone_r ""]
i made a turkey sandwich today (cut my own lettuce, toasted my bread etc...), then end up spilling my pepsi all over it before i can take a bite. i think it's gods way of telling me to stop eating and lose weight.
[Oct 18,2006 4:05pm - pam ""]
Yes I did.
[Oct 18,2006 4:10pm - TurdSandwich  ""]
[Oct 18,2006 4:17pm - BornSoVile ""]
I had a bowl of Clam Chowdah and some rolls with butter.
[Oct 18,2006 4:23pm - Granny_Monster ""]
I usually eat when I get home from work... but I just ate a reese's cup and a chunky bar.
[Oct 18,2006 4:27pm - RichHorror ""]
That is indeed my last name.

Pam, yes. Call me.
[Oct 18,2006 4:36pm - Hoser ""]
I had 2 ham and cheese sandwiches with mayo and pepper. I also has one of those new pepperoni Slim Jims....don't snap into it, they suck. I like regular old Slim Jims wayyyy better.

By the way...Rev and Carina...please never ever use the word "chicken" to describe that mashed soy shit that you eat in place of good old fashioned real chicken. It's unhealthy, and more animals die in the combines that harvest the soy that makes those fake chicken breasts than the animals that are slaughtered for human consumption in this country. All so some dumbass company can overcharge vegetarians so that they can appeal to all types of eaters...it's all about them making money...not because they really give a shit about animals.

Don't be fooled...cook a chicken.

Did I mention that I had not one but TWO (2) Ham sandwiches for lunch...with pepper and mayo???

They were yummy.
[Oct 18,2006 4:52pm - dreadkill ""]
the_reverend said:and on that day, both pam AND rich horor turned down a 43nd helping of babybatter.
ah, who am I kidding, rich could never turn ken down.

ps: did you know that rich's last name is goodwin?

rich was supposed to watch sweaty, bare-chested men beat the shit out of each other with me on saturday, but i think he had some gay plans instead.
[Oct 18,2006 4:56pm - RichHorror ""]
I am wyld homo.
[Oct 18,2006 5:15pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
The tabasco slim jims are the shit!
[Oct 18,2006 5:36pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i had one of those stouffer's paninis that grill in the microwave. amazingly enough, they do grill. i'm somewhat afraid of them actually. it was an italian style chicken panini, followed by a macintosh apple, rice krispie treat and a bottle of water.

i believe tomorrow i will treat myself to a large quizno's blank angus steak and cheese, followed by 2 hours of beating myself up at the gym, haha.
[Oct 18,2006 5:38pm - Lamp ""]
I woke up at 2:30 in the afternoon so I'm just saving my appetite for dinner...
[Oct 18,2006 5:58pm - dwellingsickness ""]
CaptainCleanoff said:

(emoticons won't work for me for some reason. Rev?)

See Rev, And I thought for a minute it was the drugs I was taking, But hey they don't work for someone else
[Oct 18,2006 7:49pm - blue nli  ""]
mmmm.....spicy tofu pad thai was good.

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