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favorite rotting christ album?

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[Oct 21,2006 5:49pm - the real sphincter  ""]
we all appreciate this greek bm band. For me i'd say it's genesis
[Oct 21,2006 6:06pm - Anti-Racism ""]
Thy Mighty Contract - black metal
Passage to Arcturo - death metal

That's all you need. Also, see Varathron... shared personnel (Jim Mutilator)
[Oct 22,2006 5:05am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Thy Mighty Contract
[Oct 22,2006 11:14am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
This is a tough call. They changed styles quite a bit, but I've enjoyed most of their records (I have no objection to some experimentation if the results are good). Also got to see them a few times live and hang out with them once.

My favorites are Thy Mighty Contract, Triarchy of the Lost Lovers, A Dead Poem, Sleep of the Angels, Genesis, and Sanctus Diavolos. I'll pick Dead Poem for my favorite.

[Oct 22,2006 11:54am - pam ""]
Dead Poem is the only one I like.
[Oct 22,2006 12:02pm - Anti-Racism ""]
You sure like candy black metal then!
[Oct 22,2006 12:11pm - pam ""]
[Oct 22,2006 12:12pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Oh no! Wouldn't want to like candy black metal. Maybe I'll go be ironic on the internets instead.
[Oct 22,2006 12:14pm - pam ""]
Scott, you make my days brighter.
[Oct 22,2006 12:14pm - DreamingInExile ""]
I love Triarchy and Dead Poem, but I had to say Triarchy
[Oct 22,2006 12:16pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
pam said:Scott, you make my days brighter.

As a candy metal fanatic, it is my sworn duty to brighten your day.
[Oct 22,2006 12:28pm - Anti-Racism ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:Maybe I'll go be ironic on the internets instead.

Some people are ironic by nature, in that their survival in the natural world would not be happening.

[May 5,2011 11:23am - SLAAAAAG NLI  ""]
Sanctos Diavolos, huevos rancheros!
[May 5,2011 1:08pm - Yeti ""]
Non Serviam and Triarchy take it for me.
[May 5,2011 1:43pm - ark  ""]
TRIARCHY...although THEOGONIA is very high on my list.
[May 5,2011 4:27pm - Headbanging_Man ""]
TMC! Hard to get too stoked on anything post-Triarchy, though none of it's terrible.
[May 5,2011 4:31pm - arktouros ""]
the real question is, what happened to Anti-Racism? and can i get the racism back that they stole from me?
[May 5,2011 4:34pm - pam ""]
I miss Scott.

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