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Hey buddy, RttP is like Live guy, listen in

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[Oct 23,2006 11:12pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 23,2006 11:13pm - mcmahon ""]
guy it up already.
[Oct 23,2006 11:16pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 23,2006 11:20pm - mcmahon ""]
requests? play some skinless for saturday.
[Oct 23,2006 11:32pm - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 23,2006 11:48pm - mcmahon ""]
[Oct 24,2006 12:17am - mcmahon ""]
[Oct 24,2006 12:20am - the_reverend ""]
[Oct 24,2006 12:30am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]

new Goatwhore, some old Zyklon, and some Gorguts. Thank you much, my good sir.
[Oct 24,2006 12:31am - sacreligion ""]
sweet...instant arsis!
[Oct 24,2006 12:32am - mcmahon ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:Requests:

new Goatwhore, some old Zyklon, and some Gorguts. Thank you much, my good sir.

you got your band up and going yet?
[Oct 24,2006 12:38am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
mcmahon said:ConquerTheBaphomet said:Requests:

new Goatwhore, some old Zyklon, and some Gorguts. Thank you much, my good sir.

you got your band up and going yet?

No. I can't afford to play music right now being in school and all. Besides, Matt wanted a new vocalist anyway and we never got our single so I don't know how I sounded. I want to be in a band so bad right now because I think I'm ready to handle vocal duties but I can't find a good metal project around here. I'm very disappointed....You got any ideas?
[Oct 24,2006 12:44am - mcmahon ""]
ConquerTheBaphomet said:You got any ideas?

Affording a band is tricky depending on the level of input from the rest of the members. I dont know of any southern nh locals looking for vocals. Rttp is probably the best start. I think Rev got the search feature up and running for the forums. I'd check that out. I know the buried and still breathing/below the rise/hardcore gang is falling apart. I'm sure their members will be starting other projects soon. You still local to the dover area?
[Oct 24,2006 12:57am - Bethlehem  ""]
crowbar!!!! play it
[Oct 24,2006 1:06am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
No, I'm in school in Quincy, MA right now and I go home frequently on the weekends.
[Oct 24,2006 1:31am - poop for breakfast  ""]
any cirith ungol?
[Oct 24,2006 1:35am - Allah That  ""]
spreek english
[Oct 24,2006 1:45am - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Rev, why Trivium? Don't you know about their utter faggotry?
[Oct 24,2006 1:53am - poop for breakfast  ""]
Storm troopers of doom??
[Oct 24,2006 1:54am - poop for breakfast  ""]
Stormtroopers of doom??
[Oct 24,2006 1:55am - poop for breakfast  ""]
[Oct 24,2006 2:02am - a.h.  ""]
misch mein heil
[Oct 24,2006 2:19am - the_reverend ""]
of death oops. I had a brain freeze
[Oct 24,2006 2:22am - Allah That  ""]
they caught a little flack for that song.
[Oct 24,2006 7:06am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
#30-39 was sheer headbanging delight until Trivium came along and once again destroyed my faith in humanity. 1 million points for playing "Taste the Floor"!
[Oct 24,2006 9:19pm - Anti-Racism ""]
Low-metalcore diet, very much approved. Thank you.
[Oct 24,2006 9:47pm - Bethlehem  ""]
I enjoy the gaza/fleshparade block with gristle in both song titles

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